
  • 网络Bliss
  1. 对此我感到十分抱歉,布利斯先生。

    Woman : I 'm very sorry about that , Mr Bliss .

  2. 布利斯先生总是屈服于布利斯太太。

    Mr Bliss always caves in to Mrs Bliss .

  3. 没人可以永远活下去;从天父的灯塔中永恒散播出来的光辉的仁慈&P·P·布利斯。

    No one can live forever ; brightly beams our Father 's mercy from his lighthouse evermore - P.P.Bliss .

  4. 1994年6月,在埃尔帕索的布利斯堡,佩奇因为踢破了一家名为阁楼(Attic)的酒吧的墙壁而被警方逮捕,警方还以刑事破坏的罪名对他提出了指控。

    In June 1994 , while at Fort Bliss in El Paso , police arrested Mr. Page and charged him with criminal mischief for kicking holes in a wall at a bar called the Attic .

  5. 但我们偶尔去东部布利斯。

    But we occasionally get the eastern breezes .

  6. 马丁:布利斯小姐是医生。

    MARTIN : Miss Bliss is a doctor .

  7. 战后组织俄亥俄州共和党力量的主将是雷儿布利斯。

    The chief architect of post war Republican organizational strength into Ohio was Ray C. Bliss .

  8. 如钱布利斯所总结的,游泳运动员们在细小的事情上发现挑战:这周有一个更好的开始,下周完善自己的仰泳技巧,计划着怎样有条不紊地游。

    As Chambliss summarized it , the swimmers found their challenges in small things : working on a better start this week , polishing up their backstroke technique next week , planning how to pace their swim .