
shì jiè
  • city boundary
  1. 北京市新生界三维地质结构模型构建

    Constructing Three-Dimensional Geological Structure Model of Cenozoic Erathem in Beijing

  2. 成为了本市法律界很热门的一个话题。

    Are becoming , uh , quite the talk of the town in legal circles .

  3. 上海市华界中小学学校卫生研究(1929-1937)

    The School Health Study of Primary and Secondary Schools in Chinese Sections of Shanghai ( 1929-1937 );

  4. 教育观念的更新、教学方法的改进、教材的课程体系改革等一系列问题一直成为德州市教育界人士所关注的热门话题。

    To update the concept of education , improvement of teaching methods , teaching curriculum system reform and a series of problems have become Dezhou educational circles attention hot topic .

  5. 一到午饭时间,奥斯汀市的县界烧烤点总是格外热闹&远在半英里外就能闻到烤肉的香味。

    The county line barbecue joint in Austin is buzzing at lunchtime & you can smell the charred red meat half a mile away .

  6. 曾任上海市文学艺术界联合会研究室主任,《电视、电影、文学》杂社主编,编审。

    He was director of Shanghai Literature and Art League and chief editor , compiler of magazine office named Video , Movie , Literature .

  7. 对上海市语文教学界的名师、教授、专家的多种形式的访谈,使得调查研究具有一定的视野的广度、见解的高度和理解的深度。

    Secondly , deep interviews of Chinese subject teachers , professors and specialists guarantee the breadth of scope , the height of view and the depth of comprehension .

  8. 他具有精深超前的生物学教育理念、厚实宽泛的教学理论功底、鲜活丰富的教学经验和精湛独到的教育艺术,被誉为上海市生物教学界的一面旗帜。

    Because he has deeply extractive preexistent biology educational idea , generous extensive theory efficacy , and vivid affluent teaching experience and extract original educational art , he is called A banner of biology teaching in Shanghai .

  9. 本市有名的音乐界人士都到了。

    All celebrated local musicians were present .

  10. 这里很多城市都有名胜古迹,本市有名的音乐界人士都到了。

    There 're lots of cities with many places of great interest in China , All celebrated local musicians were present .

  11. 改革开放时代呼唤精品力作文化立市大业需要优秀的文学艺术家&在深圳市文学艺术界联合会第五次代表大会上的讲话

    Keynote Speech at the Third Congress of Shenzhen Literary and Art Association