
shì chǎng xū qiú
  • market demand;Market Needs;Market Requirement;Marketing Requirements
  1. 并介绍了辅酶Q的应用和市场需求。

    Meanwhile , the applications and market demand on coenzyme Q 10 were introduced .

  2. 介绍了我国SBS产品的市场需求情况和生产技术。

    Describes the market demand of SBS product in our country and its production technology .

  3. 因特网呼叫管理(ICM)是一项获得国际专利的、适合国内市场需求的呼叫等待服务。

    ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market .

  4. 高等教育被迫向市场需求妥协。

    Higher education is being forced to prostitute itself to market forces .

  5. 这些技能符合市场需求,这样就能让这些女人凭借自身能力成为专业治疗师。

    These are marketable skills and will allow these women to be professional therapists in their own right .

  6. 新饲料能使鸡长得更快,以适应市场需求。

    The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market .

  7. 在可口可乐第一季度业绩公布后,该公司股价在早盘交易中上涨不到1%。可口可乐的收益和收入超过了华尔街的预期,该公司表示,3月份的市场需求达到了疫情前的水平。

    Coke shares rose less than 1 % in morning trading after the company reported its first-quarter results .

  8. 应该打破出租车行业垄断,根据市场需求来决定出租车资源配置。

    The monopoly on taxies should be broken up and the numbers of taxies should be determined2 completely by the market .

  9. ATM市场需求及典型产品

    ATM Market Demands and Typical Products

  10. 论文首先通过大量的调研,考察并分析了B市的商业市场需求状况和居民消费水平,进而明确了该项目的定位。

    First , a large amount of data from generous investigation and research are analyzed to indicate the state of commercial market demand and the level of residents consumption in B city .

  11. 同时,还介绍了国内、外机车市场需求和竞争者。运用SWOT分析方法着重分析了ZYJC厂在新产品研发能力方面的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。

    At the same time , it will introduce the market demand and competitors , by SWOT analysis the opportunities , threats , strengths and weaknesses .

  12. 我国杂交玉米种子未来总体需求量将长期低于9亿kg,2004~2006年我国杂交玉米种子市场需求量将在8.27亿kg左右;

    In China , the annual hybrid maize seed-demand will be below 900 000 000 kg in a long time , and the annual demand in 2004-2006 will stay at the level of 827 000 000 kg ;

  13. ERP系统的有效实施可以促进企业管理的现代化、科学化,适应竞争日益激烈的市场需求,为企业带来巨大的经济效益。

    ERP promote the modernization , scientific izations of business administration by the effective implementationses of system , Meet the fierce market demand day by day of competition , bring the enormous economic benefits for the enterprise .

  14. 1,5-萘二异氰酸酯(简称NDI)是合成高性能聚氨酯弹性体的原料,潜在的市场需求量大。

    1,5-Naphthalene diisocyanate ( NDI ) is used as raw material of polyurethane elastomer with high performance .

  15. 研制出性能优越、价格合理、有自主的知识产权、适合市场需求的CCD生物芯片检测仪样机,为形成产业,产生好的社会效益和经济效益奠定基础。

    It is important to develop new CCD biochip detecting systems with good performance , reasonable price , independent intellectual property and potential competitive market so as to lay a industrial foundation with good social and economical benefits .

  16. 其后,KW公司继续坚持技术创新这条主线,迎合市场需求,发现市场需求,并付诸实践去满足这个需求,再找到消费者,卖给消费者。

    After that , KW insists on technological innovations to meet market requirements - find market demand , and satisfy this demand ; and then find consumers , sell to them .

  17. 而基于4C理论的大规模定制营销面对客户日趋多样化、动态性的市场需求显示出了较强的生命力。

    Mass customization marketing , a brand new one , which is based on 4C theory shows stronger vitality facing varied requirements at the dynamic market .

  18. 新型二氧化碳脱除机通过触摸屏实时调整CO2的控制浓度及相应控制参数,使装置具有良好的环境适应性和通用性,满足不同的市场需求。

    Through the touch screen , the control concentration and other controlling parameter of the New Type CO2 Elimination Device can be adjusted freely . This made the device have better environmental adaptation and commonality and can meet different market demands .

  19. 利用这些技术分别以环烷基、中间基原油生产的SBS橡胶填充油的色度、相溶性、黄变性能等指标均达到国外同类产品质量水平,满足了市场需求。

    The chromaticity , miscibility and anti-yellowing of SBS rubber extender oil produced by these technologies , which raw material was naphthenic-base or medium-base crude oil , could reach quality standard of the same overseas product and satisfy domestic market requirement .

  20. 分析了面向客户关系管理的营销管理模式和适应客户化定制的营销BOM多视图间组织映射关系,以及营销BOM作为市场需求信息的载体向企业内部生产制造系统传递的机制。

    The marketing management mode orienting customer relation management , the organizational mapping relations of the sale BOM multi-views , and the mechanism that sale BOM transmits to manufacturing system inside the enterprise as the carriers of market demand information are analyzed .

  21. 在此基础上对信息家电的市场需求趋势进行定性分析,并运用Logit组合市场预测模型进行定量预测;

    Base upon this , to forecast the develop trend on market demand of IA , not only with qualitative way , but also with a quantitative way , namely the Logit Combing Forecast Model on market development trend .

  22. 东莞市电信分公司在对市场需求、经济效益、技术成熟度及网络发展进行分析后,决定有计划按步骤地推广HomePNA业务,并于近期完成了设备选型。

    Dongguan Telecom has decided to deploy the HomePNA service in a planned way and step by step after it made analysis of its market demands , economic benefits , technical maturity and network development conditions . It has completed the system type selection lately .

  23. 供应链运作的驱动力是来自于市场需求的拉动;

    The operation of supply chain is driven by market demands .

  24. 钢铁产业;规模经济;市场需求;资源约束;

    Steel industry ; scale economy ; Market demand ; resource constraints ;

  25. 物流市场需求包括需求数量和需求质量两个方面。

    Logistics market demand includes demand quantity and demand quality .

  26. 营销人员必须了解市场需求和消费者行为。

    Marketing professionals must understand market needs and consumer behavior .

  27. iPhone4降价能在近期刺激市场需求。

    IPhone 4 price cuts could stimulate incremental demand near-term .

  28. 适应市场需求发展第三方物流

    Adapt to the demand of market and develop Third - Party Logistics

  29. 以市场需求为中心树立公交企业市场营销观

    Build up Marketing Conception in Public Transport Industry Based on Market Demands

  30. 我国轻型客车生产、技术概况及市场需求分析

    Technical Situation and Market Needs for Chinese Light-duty Bus Production