
  • 网络Market Cluster
  1. 义乌市场集群的发展开拓了浙江独具特色的区域经济发展之路。

    Yiwu professional market cluster open up a unique way of regional economic development .

  2. 专业市场集群是经济全球化、全球专业市场竞争的产物。

    The professional market cluster is the product of the economic globalization and global competition in the professional market .

  3. 专业市场集群的发展在引领区域经济发展的过程中有着不可替代的重要作用。

    The development of professional market cluster plays an irreplaceable role in leading the process of regional economic development .

  4. 集群发展战略模式根据集群轴心的不同可以分为卫星工厂模式和市场集群模式。

    Cluster development strategy mode can be divided into satellite factory mode and market cluster mode according to the different cluster axis .

  5. 义乌专业市场集群就是在浙江省专业市场与特色产业集群良性互动的背景下不断发展与壮大。

    The Yiwu professional markets cluster developed in the context of the interaction between the professional markets and he industrial clusters in Zhejiang Province .

  6. 其中,纵向升级是从短距离市场型集群升级为准等级型集群,倚重于纵向集群网络资本的重塑。

    The vertical upgrading is from arm ' s-length market cluster to quasi-hierarchy cluster , constructing vertical cluster network capital .

  7. 得出以下结论:(1)龙头企业存在集群内部市场和集群外部市场。

    The conclusions of this study are : ( 1 ) The leading firms exist in the internal and external of the market of the industrial clusters .

  8. 在开放型产业集群形成过程中,跨国公司将会影响技术型集群的知识辐射、生产型集群的集群结构,并成为市场型集群的枢纽。

    In the formation of opening industry cluster , multinational corporations will produce the following influences : the knowledge radiation of the technical cluster , the cluster structure of production configuration cluster , and the hinge of the market cluster .

  9. 政府、市场与产业集群发展

    The Relation between Government & Market and Industrial Cluster

  10. 专业市场与产业集群发展&对汉正街都市工业区发展的思考

    Speciality Market and the Development of Industrial Cluster

  11. 自生能力:信息产业的市场化、集群化与创新化

    Market , cluster and innovation in information industry

  12. 重庆市专业市场与产业集群互动发展研究

    Research on the Interactive Development of the Professional Market and the Industrial Cluster in Chongqing

  13. 中国纺织服装专业市场与产业集群有密切的关系,常与产业集群相伴而生。

    The Textile and Clothing wholesale markets are close related with the clustering of the industry .

  14. 论专业市场对产业集群的带动和提升&基于浙江省义乌市的调查与分析

    On the Professional Market , Driven by Industrial Cluster and Upgrade & Yiwu City , Zhejiang Province-based Survey and Analysis

  15. 专业市场和产业集群是改革开放以来我国沿海发达地区形成的两大新兴经济现象。

    Specialized market and industrial cluster are two important newly emerging economic phenomena in coastal regions of China since the reform and opening up .

  16. 它包括基于核心企业的产业集群、基于专业市场的产业集群、基于知识共享的产业集群等。

    It indudes the industrial cluster attached to a central enterprise , the industrial cluster attached to specialized markets and the industrial cluster based on share of knowledge .

  17. 在全球化经济趋势的推动下,面对竞争激烈的国际市场,产业集群在提升区域、国家国际竞争力中的作用日益显现。

    Under the economical globalization tendency impetus and facing the competition of intense international market , industrial clusters play important role in improving the competition capacity of region or nation .

  18. 专业市场体系(集群)与为之服务的专业物流企业和物流设施群的相互促进、相得益彰地互动发展,两者在空间布局上的靠拢和集中,便会逐步形成商贸(服务)型物流园区。

    The cluster of specialized market and specialized logistics enterprises and facilities , benefiting from interactive development , concentrating and closing up each other in spacial arrangement , will gradually form Trading Logistics Park .

  19. 基于目前国际分工模式发生了深刻的变化以及制造业投资出现了一些新特征,笔者对垄断竞争市场及产业集群中这些新特征的相关文献进行了介绍与评论。

    The international division pattern has undergone a profound change , so investment in manufacturing now appears some new features . We are talking about these features in monopolistic and competitive markets and the industrial clusters .

  20. 内部动力机制是指企业集群发展的集聚欲望,主要包括:集群组织优势、集群成本优势、外部经济优势、集群市场优势和集群创新优势五个部分;

    The internal power mechanism refers to the gathering desire of the forming and developing of the enterprises clusters , such as clusters organization superiority , clusters cost superiority , clusters external economic superiority , clusters market superiority and clusters innovation superiority .

  21. 首次把产业集群分为草根型产业集群、市场型产业集群、核心企业推动型产业集群、政府主导型产业集群和服务业型产业集群五种类型。

    This part divides industrial cluster into five types : the Grass-roots type industrial cluster , the Market-based type industrial cluster , the core-enterprise push type industrial cluster , the government-leading type industrial cluster and the service type industrial cluster for the first time .

  22. 考虑到技术标准的形成过程对于产业市场整合和集群虚拟化发展的重要作用,本文采用复杂网络上的阈值模型研究了虚拟产业集群技术标准形成和扩散的过程。

    Taking into account the technical standards-making process playing important roles for industry integration and the development of virtual clusters , our paper discussed process of the formation and diffusion of technical standards in virtual industry clusters by the threshold model in complex networks .

  23. 基于市场导向的产业集群知识协同模式研究

    Study on the Industry Cluster Knowledge Coordination Model Based on External Guiding

  24. 市场需求模式下集群供应链的战略合作决策

    Analysis of Cluster Supply Chain Strategic Cooperation Decision Based on Market Demand Model

  25. 提出售电市场中用电集群与分析维度概念。

    The concept of consumer aggregation and power sale market analysis dimensions are proposed .

  26. 市场导向型产业集群模式下的技术扩散与政策选择

    A Study on the Technological Diffusion of market-oriented Industrial Clusters Patterns and the Policy Choice

  27. 首先简要介绍了数字集群移动通信系统,然后从技术和市场角度对数字集群系统的应用前景做了较为深入的分析。

    The paper first briefly introduces digital trunked communication system , and then makes a deep prospect analysis on its technology and application ;

  28. 因此,必须尽快采取应对措施:建立统一大市场、组建产业集群、改进经营谋略、利用信息技术改善市场条件。

    The author advises to set up unified market , build industrial group , improve the management strategy and make full use of the IT to improve the condition of market .

  29. 经过三十多年的发展,深圳珠宝产业集群已经形成规模,连续多年占据国内珠宝首饰加工贸易70%以上的市场份额,但集群也面临着市场定位偏低、知名度不高等一些问题。

    After 30 years of development , Shenzhen jewelry industry cluster has been formed , and occupied the domestic processing trade jewelry for more than 70 % market share for many years .

  30. 专业市场表明某种产业集群的存在,它能够促进相关产业集群的形成与发展,并与已形成的产业集群联动发展。

    Speciality market shows the existence of some kind of industrial cluster , it can accelerate the formation and development of related cluster , and it also can co-develop with the cluster .