
  • 网络market assets;market-based assets
  1. 随着qe2产生的廉价美元大举注入新兴市场资产,投资者担心这些经济体可能会出现过热。

    This is mostly because the cheap dollars created by QE2 have poured into emerging market assets , stoking concerns about potential overheating .

  2. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)分析师写道,本周早些时候,新兴市场资产的反应较为克制,但那反映出一个事实:它们已然经历了幅度不小的下跌,所以头寸调整可以说不那么剧烈了。

    Earlier in the week emerging market assets had reacted in a more contained way , but that reflected the fact that they had already weakened meaningfully , so positioning was arguably lighter , wrote analysts at Goldman Sachs .

  3. 进一步,构造极值VaR与ES风险测度,对中国市场资产收益率跳跃性尾部风险特征进行研究。

    Furthermore , establishes measures of extreme value VaR and ES , and portrays risk characteristics of return jump tail in China Stock Market .

  4. “新兴市场资产的估值还没有便宜到投资者可以无视(08年)那场危机的地步,”汇丰(HSBC)策略师帕布罗•哥德伯格在最近发布的一份报告中表示。

    " Valuations of emerging markets assets are not cheap enough to suggest that investors should look through the crisis ," HSBC strategist Pablo Goldberg writes in a recent report .

  5. “虽然2012年开局大好,但新兴市场资产这波反弹的力度、强度和广度引发了以下问题:市场是否反弹得过高、过快?”巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)分析师在一篇研究报告中指出。

    " While we entered into 2012 with a constructive tone , the magnitude , intensity and the breadth of the EM asset rally naturally raises the question whether the market has rallied too far , too fast , " Barclays Capital analysts said in a research note .

  6. 随着所谓的金砖四国(bric)纷纷利用投资者对新兴市场资产兴趣增强的机会,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国今年以来的股票发行量已达创纪录水平。

    Brazil , Russia , India and China have issued a record amount of equity since the start of the year , as the so-called BRIC countries have rushed to take advantage of increased appetite for emerging market assets .

  7. 纽约梅隆银行(bnymellon)货币策略主管西蒙德里克(simonderrick)表示,二次定量宽松释放出了巨大的力量,加上欧元区疲软,未来数周,这些因素将继续推高新兴市场资产。

    Simon derrick , head of currency strategy at Bank of New York Mellon , says powerful forces have been unleashed by QE2 and the weakness of the eurozone and that these will continue to drive emerging market assets in the weeks ahead .

  8. 我国证券市场资产定价模型的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Asset Pricing Model in Chinese Securities Market

  9. A股市场资产重组的产业分析

    Study on Industry of Rearrangement the Asset of Stock a Market

  10. 市场资产是企业取得卓越绩效的战略性资产。

    Market-based assets are strategic assets for obtaining super performance .

  11. 我仍对新兴市场资产类别感到担心。

    I am still concerned about emerging market asset classes .

  12. 仓促的贱卖资产,特别是新兴市场资产。

    Too many others chose expedient fire sales , especially of emerging-market assets .

  13. 市场资产的构成、概念与顾客价值创造的效应

    The Composition and Concepts of Market Assets & Their Effects on Customer Value Creation

  14. 今年5月份和6月份,投资者多少有些不加选择地抛售新兴市场资产。

    Investors dumped emerging market assets more or less indiscriminately in May and June .

  15. 不过,新兴市场资产不久后进一步贬值的风险依然很高。

    But the risks remain high that emerging markets assets will soon be cheaper still .

  16. 基于非对称信息结构的证券市场资产价格发现实证研究

    Empirical Study of Asset Price Discovery in China Securities Markets Based on Asymmetrical Information Structure

  17. 本文认为,市场资产由市场关系资产和市场智力资产构成。

    The author points out that market relation assets and market intellectual assets compose market assets .

  18. 基本面更好,技术面更强,新兴市场资产在2013年遭大举技术性抛售之后,估值更具吸引力,这一切都吸引投资者进入。

    Better fundamentals , stronger technicals and attractive valuations after a sharp technical sell-off in 2013 will lure investors .

  19. 市场资产由两种类型构成,一种是市场关系资产,一种是市场智力资产。5.营销资源通过层级递进机制实现向企业绩效的转化。

    Market-based assets include two types , one is market-based relational assets , another is market-based intellectual assets . 5 .

  20. 然而,正如普拉萨德所指出的那样,新兴市场资产负债表的风险已转向资产方面。

    Yet as Mr Prasad points out , the risk in emerging market balance sheets has shifted to the asset side .

  21. 但本周席卷新兴市场资产的风暴却来是欧美正在燃烧的危机。

    But the firestorms that swept emerging market assets this week leapt across from the crises burning in Europe and the US .

  22. 然而,新兴市场资产价格下跌,却掩盖了这样的事实:新兴市场的财政和经济基本面依然强劲。

    However , the decline of emerging market asset prices masks the continued strong underlying financial and economic performance of emerging markets .

  23. 不可避免的结果是对收益率的追求:投资者已转向新兴市场资产所承诺的更高回报率。

    The inevitable outcome has been a search for yield : investors have turned to the higher returns promised by assets in emerging markets .

  24. 但无论关于股价水平作何论断,有意在某个时刻购买新兴市场资产的投资者类型正在不断增加。

    But whatever the arguments about price levels , the range of investors interested in buying emerging market assets at some point continues to grow .

  25. 基础营销资源是指企业拥有或能够取得的、作为营销活动输入而不包含营销活动产出(如市场资产)的经营要素。

    Basic marketing resources are defined as the operation factors working as marketing input not as marketing output , owned or obtainable by the firm .

  26. 目前是买入新兴市场资产的时机,这既可防范美元走软的尾部风险,又可获取超常价值。

    It is a buying opportunity for emerging markets assets both as insurance against the tail risk of dollar weakness , and for extraordinary value .

  27. 另外,本章在对资本市场资产分类的基础上,探讨了开放式基金流动性风险管理的资产出清策略。

    Furthermore , Based on the classification of open-end fund assets in our country , the part discusses assets clear-out strategy of open-end fund liquidity risk management .

  28. 汇丰称,鉴于目前配置在新兴市场资产中的资金仅占全球的9.5%,大规模的投资调整可能蓄势待发。

    With only 9.5 per cent of global funds in emerging market assets , according to HSBC , a massive realignment of investible cash may be in store .

  29. 换言之,一次金融冲击或一批糟糕的数据,就可能使新兴市场资产跌得比发达市场股票更深、更快。

    In other words , a financial shock or a clutch of poor data could send emerging market assets plunging much lower and much faster than developed world stocks .

  30. 昨日从中国传出的令人不安的消息,为避险情绪的大幅上升营造了氛围,新兴市场资产和大宗商品首当其冲遭到抛售。

    Unsettling news from China set the scene for a sharp rise in risk aversion yesterday , with emerging market assets and commodities bearing the brunt of the selling .