
  • 网络market state;Market structure and pricing;Mkt State
  1. 接着,作者通过考察数值变化来分析贴现率、到期日、市场状态以及风险规避程度对最优消费水平的影响及程度大小。

    Then the author numerically analyzes the influence on optimal proportion of consumption by discount rate , time to expiry , market state and the extent of risk aversion .

  2. 农产品营销尚处于初级市场状态,人均广告投入少,这些都影响了农村广告市场的成长。

    Agricultural products marketing is still in a primary market state , and per capita advertisement investment is not enough , these factors have affected the growth of rural area advertisement market .

  3. 霍金路伟律师事务所(HoganLovells)的中国问题专家表示,这表明中国政府对市场状态并不满意。

    China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market .

  4. 没有讨论市场状态对基金投资风格的影响,事实上,不同的市场状态下基金的投资风格会有所不同;

    The market conditions that influenced the fund style were not included .

  5. 股票市场状态的动力学过程分析

    Kinetic Process Analysis of Stock Market Estate

  6. 现实经济生活中的资源配置,无一不是在非完全竞争市场状态中进行的。

    All allocation of resources in the economic world are actually done under imperfect competition .

  7. 也就是说,本文可以用这两个演化状态模型来表征这两种市场状态。

    This means we can use this two models to denote this two kinds of market status .

  8. 根据市场状态和公司规划,设定并努力完成部门销售目标。

    Set up Sales Target according company plan and market condition , and implement to achieve it .

  9. 市场状态分为以市场自组织功能为运行基础的买方市场和以政府直接调控为运行基础的卖方市场两种基本类型。

    There are two basic types of market conditions : buyers'market operating through self-organized functions and sellers'market based upon governments'regulations and controlling .

  10. 而反垄断法所要实现的效率是在维持自由竞争的市场状态下的社会整体效率。

    The efficiency , which the antimonopoly law is to pursue , is the whole social efficiency under the free competitive condition .

  11. 于是,就业市场状态的好坏往往在工资和招聘趋势方面表现得更加清晰。

    Instead , shifts in the health of the job market tend to show up more clearly in wage and recruiting trends .

  12. 文章从海洋旅游资源、海洋旅游产品以及海洋旅游市场状态三方面对我国海洋旅游发展状况进行了总结和回顾。

    The thesis sums up and reviews the present development of Chinese oceanic tourism from the angle of oceanic tourism market as well .

  13. 在不同产品市场状态下,产品的供给曲线与需求曲线弹性决定了政府补贴对象的最终获益程度。

    In different product markets , the elasticity of supply and demand curves determines the ultimately benefiting extent of the object of the government subsidies .

  14. 投资者在判断市场状态时,一般将市场分为三类,上涨市场、下跌市场、振荡市场。

    In the judgement of market situation , investors generally divide the market into three kinds , i.e. , rising market , dropping market and non-trend market .

  15. 本文认为静态机制下的模型,特别是行为金融学模型和动态模型并不是对立的,前者是后者在特定市场状态下的静态描述或称定格分析。

    We also point out that models under the static mechanism especially behavior finance models are not contradictory to , but snapshot-analysis of those under dynamic mechanism .

  16. 房地产市场状态的变化具有明显的周期波动性,其剧烈波动与过冷过热,都会对国民经济带来不利的影响。

    The real estate market is of obvious periodicity , but acute cycle fluctuations , Super-cooling and overheating of real estate market will do harm to our economy .

  17. 全球最大的移动电话设备公司爱立信,昨日提出风险警告:明年市场状态不会有所好转。

    Ericsson , the world 's largest mobile telephone equipment company , warned yesterday of a risk that there would be no improvement in market conditions next year .

  18. 其中,市场状态用一个马尔可夫链来描述,各种状态之间的转换也就由相应的转移矩阵刻画,而且随机回报率的均值和协方差矩阵均处决于市场的状态。

    Among them , a Markov chain is used to describe the state of the market , and the con-version between the various states will be decided by the transfer matrix .

  19. 跨入新世纪,由于中国经济体制变化、市场状态变化以及时代特征变化,在客观上使中国流通产业在整个国民经济中的地位和作用正在稳步提升。

    In the new era , the changes of economic system , market state and the era characteristic in China make the position and the role of circulating industry of China improve steadily .

  20. 建立了离散时间、连续时间与跳跃扩散过程三种市场状态下随机时域的均值-方差模型,定义了相应的有效前沿。

    The random time horizon mean variance models corresponding to three market situations : discrete time , continuous time and jump diffusion process are formulated respectively and the relevant efficient frontier is defined .

  21. 由于金融市场状态能够对不同收入群体规避通货膨胀产生不同的效果,对城乡居民的财富水平、收入水平等具有重要影响作用。

    As the state of financial markets to hedge against inflation for different income groups have different effects on the wealth level of urban and rural residents , income levels have a significant effect .

  22. 针对交易量换手率、特质波动等其他可能影响领先滞后关系的因素,以及在不同的市场状态下这些因素是否保持不变,需要进一步的探究。

    Turnover rate fluctuations momentum and other factors that may affect the lead-lag relationship , it is necessary to make a further investigations to identify whether these factors remain the same under the different market conditions .

  23. 家庭影院自上个世纪末到如今已经经过了20多年的发展,在现在的市场状态下,家庭影院销售的主要瓶颈是消费者对家庭影院的认可度非常低。

    Family cinema since the end of last century until now has over 20 years ' development , in the current market condition , home theater is the main bottleneck sales of consumer home theater course is very low .

  24. 结合应用实例,阐述了建立转移概率矩阵的方法,讨论了如何根据企业集群市场状态,预测其中各企业未来分布趋势、分布状态以及市场占有率的过程。

    Taking an application instance for example , the approach to building Transition Probability Matrix Model is illustrated . Successively , the paper discusses how to forecast future distribution trend , distribution state and market occupancy rate of each enterprise according to market state of enterprise clusters .

  25. 我国金融市场秩序状态评价中的模糊数据方法

    Fuzzy Mathematics Method in Finacial Market Order State Evaluation of China

  26. 由于市场运行状态低迷,风险规避情绪依然强劲。

    Risk aversion remains strong as doom and gloom rules the markets .

  27. 简论中国市场的状态转变

    Brief Comment on the Change of China 's Market Conditions

  28. 实证结果表明,深圳股票市场存在状态持续性和波动性。

    The empirical Evidence indicates that Shenzhen stock market exists state persistence and fluctuation .

  29. 提出了改善我国劳动力市场均衡状态的思路。

    At last the author puts forward some proposals for improving china 's labor market condition .

  30. 市场分割状态下红筹股回归A股的经济影响

    Analysis on Economic Effects of Chinese Concept Stock Returning to A Stock Market under Market Segmentation