
  1. 西部地区境外客源市场开拓策略分析

    The Tactics of Opening up Inbound Tourism Market in Western Areas

  2. 猴王茶业公司海外市场开拓策略

    The Overseas Market Development Strategy of Monkey King Company

  3. 制定商标海外市场开拓策略。

    Develop the trademark overseas market development strategy .

  4. 通过对三种方案的经济分析结果,以此为相关企业的投资决策提供了实用的市场开拓策略,为相关企业的长远发展和经济效益达到平衡提供一个最佳船舶投资方案。

    Through the results of economic analysis for three schemes , that can provide practicably and optimal strategy to the relevant company in the investment development .

  5. 旅游市场开拓策略有:做好客源市场分析、运用好促销策略、参与区域合作等。

    There are market development tactics of the travel : analyze the source market , make use of promotion strategies , and participate in the regional cooperation .

  6. 然后,对国际合作高等教育的市场开拓及其策略进行论述,同时对供给与需求市场做了理论分析;

    Second , through theoretical analysis on the supply and demand in educational market , the thesis discusses the market exploration and its strategies ;

  7. 伊朗城市轨道交通工程市场分析和开拓策略

    Market Analysis and Exploitation Strategies for Urban Rail Transit Engineering in Iran

  8. 农村市场的现状及其开拓策略

    An Analysis of Chinese rural Market and Corresponding Development Strategies

  9. 日本物资市场的特点及其开拓策略

    The Characteristics of Japanese Goods Material Market and the Market Cultivating Tactics

  10. 第二阶段,中端产品市场开拓,可选择策略在两个:一是与国际烟草商合作,引进国际知名卷烟品牌;

    In the second stage , in order to develop central product market , there are also two tactics in choice : one is introducing international well-known cigarette brand ;

  11. 通过对云南野生食用菌资源和市场价值进行分析为之后的国际市场开拓策略做铺垫。

    Secondly , the wild edible fungus resources and the market value are analyzed as a good groundwork for the development of international market strategies .

  12. 本论文以中小IT服务企业为研究对象,首先从市场开拓的环境分析、市场开拓的问题分析、市场开拓的策略分析三个方面,总结现有的市场开拓理论,为后续的研究提供理论依据。

    The paper summarizes the existing marketing theory at the base of the analysis of the environment , the problems and the strategy of the market development . The study provides a theoretical basis for the follow-up .

  13. 本文运用位置消费理论阐述中高级轿车市场的消费特点,并提出运用位置消费理论指导我国中高级轿车市场开拓的策略。

    Through theory of positional consumption , the consumption feature of luxury level car market is described . The strategies to explore luxury level car market guided by positional consumption theory is also presented .

  14. 通过对伊朗城市轨道交通工程市场的分析和评估,结合中伊两国经贸合作发展和我国企业的优势,提出对伊朗城市轨道交通工程的市场开拓策略。

    This paper analyzes and evaluates the market of urban rail transit engineering in Iran in accordance with the economy and trade development between China and Iran and the superiorities of Chinese enterprises , and puts forward corresponding exploitation strategies for the market of urban rail transit engineering in Iran .

  15. 分析了传统市场开拓方式,并从研究市场需求、产业及产品定位、目标市场、产品决策和市场开拓战略等方面入手,论述了需求引导型市场开拓模式,提出实现需求引导型市场开拓的策略。

    This article analyzes the traditional mode of market development , discourses upon the demand-guiding model of market development beginning with the study of market demand , product decision , objective market and market-developing strategy . It puts forward tactics of realizing the new market-developing model .