
  • 网络market area;Market District
  1. 中国城市与区域经济增长的扩散回流与市场区效应

    Spread-backwash and Market Area Effects of Urban and Regional Growth in China

  2. 当这些工业在市场区建立起来时更多的工人被雇用,因此就增强了本地区的经济。

    When these industries are established in the market area , more workers are employed , thereby adding to its economy .

  3. 笔者认为其市场区隔化的编辑策略是其成功的根本原因。

    It had successed because of editing strategy of market discriminated .

  4. 利益区隔,市场区隔,国际快递业。

    Benefit Segmentation , Market Segmentation , International Express Industry .

  5. 国际市场区设有户外摊位,满满地陈列着具有异国情调的宝贝。

    The International Market place has outdoor stalls full of exotic treasures .

  6. 交易费用和市场区理论下的集团规模扩张研究

    Research on Size Outspread of Group Based on Theory of Transaction Cost District on the Market

  7. 本研究建议可运用市场区隔作为健康促进及卫生教育需求评估的工具。

    This study supports applicability of market segmentation for needs assessment of health promotion and health education .

  8. 我们从资源区、加工区和市场区的角度分析了厂商的区位选择动因,说明了古典区位理论的基本原理以及现代区位理论的研究方法;

    We discuss the location motive from the angle of resource field , processing field and market field .

  9. 本文主要从交易费用理论和市场区理论的角度对企业集团规模扩张问题进行了探讨。

    In this paper , all above are discussed based on theory of transaction cost & district on the market .

  10. 目前,理论界对于奢侈品消费的研究集中在概念、市场区隔、动机和品牌的研究。

    The current studies about luxury consumption focused on conceptual research , market compartment , motivation of consumption and brand marketing .

  11. 周六晚上,巴基斯坦南部城市奎达一市场区遭遇炸弹袭击,造成至少58人死亡,另有176余人受伤。

    At least 58 people were killed and over 176 others injured when a blast hit a market area in Pakistan 's southwest city of Quetta on Saturday evening .

  12. 强调创造及捕捉价值、确认消费者需求以及了解购买流程、形成目标市场区隔、将产品定位以及管理品牌资产。

    Emphasis is placed on creating and capturing value , identifying customer needs and understanding purchasing processes , forming target segments , positioning the product , and managing brand equity .

  13. 根据侦察过菜市场区的放哨人的意见,安灼拉为防备后面受到突击,作出了重要的决定。

    On the advice of the sentinel who had examined the region of the Halles , Enjolras , for fear of a surprise in the rear , came to a serious decision .

  14. 议会预计在二月份初收到卡尔顿这块地皮的规划申请,与选出来的投标人协商开发市场区到时也将敲定。

    The council expects to receive planning applications for the Carlton site by early February , while negotiations with the preferred bidder to develop the markets district are also due to be finalised .

  15. 因此应根据区域旅游形象设计的技术程序,对辽宁旅游形象进行基于不同市场区的设计,希望对辽宁旅游业的发展有所裨益。

    This article according to the technical procedure of regional tourism image design , has designed Liaoning tourism images based on the different market area , hoping which has a benefit to the Liaoning tourism development .

  16. 传统区位理论认为,国家边界降低了边境地区中心地的中心性,分割了中心地市场区,使边界两侧的经济活动交往的空间和时间距离加大。

    In traditional location theories , national frontiers artificially cut up spatially complementary regions of central places and determinate the central places , thus , increase the spatial and time distance of the economic interaction on bilateral frontiers .

  17. 汇丰(HSBC)权益资本市场亚太区联席主管亚历克西斯亚当奇克(AlexisAdamczyk)表示:还有一些发行人在等待赴港上市。未来两个月将是关键。

    There are a number of issuers in the wings waiting to come to Hong Kong , says Alexis Adamczyk , co-head of equity capital markets for Asia Pacific at HSBC . The next two months are going to be important .

  18. 河南农村集贸市场类型区划分

    The Division of Henan Rural Fairs into Types

  19. 长春汽车后市场服务区城市设计思考

    On Urban Design of Changchun after-market service area

  20. 东南非共同市场贸易区,是一个具有投资和贸易发展潜力的大市场。

    The trading Area of Common Market is a very potential big market for investment and trading development .

  21. 英镑大幅贬值之际,正值英国主要出口市场欧元区进入了漫长的衰退期。

    Britain saw sterling plunge just as the eurozone , its main export market , entered a long recession .

  22. 筑地鱼市场游客区熏鼻的酒味说明,许多游客将这两种体验结合在一起,在这里通宵狂欢。

    The stink of alcohol in the tourist pens of Tsukiji suggests that many visitors have combined both experiences to make a night of it .

  23. 建设内容包括:农产品展示区、农产品交易区、农产品信息中心、市场管理区、住宿区、停车场等。

    The construction contents include the exhibition area , trade area and information center of agricultural products , market management area , living area , and parking area , etc.

  24. 在这一时期里,西欧正在经历从封建社会开始向资本主义社会过渡,到了1500年左右西欧形成了大西洋沿岸商品市场中心区,从此打开了西欧迈进近代社会的大门。

    During this period , there was the transition from feudal society to capitalist society in Western Europe . The commodity market center along the Atlantic coast had been formed in 1500 , after which Western Europe opened the door into the modern society .

  25. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)有关各国央行储备资产构成的数据显示,在2012年第二季度市场对欧元区经济重拾信心时,储备主管们就在提高欧元的持有量。

    International Monetary Fund data on the composition of central bank reserves show reserve managers were increasing their holdings of euros as confidence returned in the second quarter of 2012 .

  26. 由于市场担忧欧元区和美国经济放缓,道琼斯-瑞银工业金属指数指数(DowJones-UBSindustrialmetalsindex)目前处在12个月以来的低位,铜价也处在10个月以来的低位。

    The Dow Jones-UBS industrial metals index is at a 12-month low , and copper is at its lowest in 10 months on fears of a eurozone and US slowdown .

  27. 瑞银资本市场部亚洲区主管包世勋(stevenbarg)表示,市场将恢复稳定。

    Steven barg , head of global capital markets in Asia for UBS , said stable markets would return .

  28. 丰业资本(scotiacapital)的外汇策略师卡米拉萨顿(camillasutton)表示,imf可能加入对欧元区国家的纾困,这削弱了市场对欧元区其它国家支持某个成员国意愿的信心。

    Camilla Sutton , currency strategist at Scotia capital , said the potential involvement of the IMF in a bail-out of a eurozone country had weakened market confidence in the willingness of eurozone members to stand behind a member nation .

  29. 欧洲央行(ECB)昨天的紧急行动,以及周末达成的1100亿欧元(合1450亿美元)国际救援计划,都未能平息投资者对欧元区未来的担心。市场对欧元区其它成员国稳定性的担忧加剧。

    Emergency moves by the European Central Bank yesterday and the € 110bn ( $ 145bn ) international rescue package agreed over the weekend have failed to quell investor fears about the future of the eurozone as concerns have risen about other member countries ' stability .

  30. 义乌国际商贸市场第二区的一条陈列圣诞商品的过道

    A Christmas corridor in District Two of Yiwu International Trade Market .