
shì chǎnɡ ɡōnɡ nénɡ
  • marketing function
  1. KENWISNEFSKI:“我们很早就意识到,我们不应该只有市场功能,还应该有司法功能。将这两者有效地结合起来才更加有效,才能获得成功。”

    KEN WISNEFSKI : " We realized pretty early on that it wasn 't going to just be a marketing function , that there also needed to be a legal function involved with it . And marrying the two together is what really has impact and makes this successful . "

  2. 最后,文章提出了湖南粮食物流园区的构建方案,主要包括园区的空间布局、市场功能及经营范围以及商业模式分析三个部分。

    Finally , the paper put forward a program of building Hunan grain logistic park , which mainly contained three parts , that is park space layout , marketing function and operation scope and business model analysis .

  3. 利率期货(IRF)是众多金融期货形式中的一种,套期保值是利率期货最基本的市场功能。

    Interest rate futures is one kind of many financial futures forms .

  4. 我国期货市场功能有效性研究

    The Study of the Functional Efficiency of China 's Futures Market

  5. 完善证券市场功能的对策分析

    The Countermeasure Analysis for Improving the Functions of the Security Market

  6. 本章阐述了美国农产品期货市场功能实现情况,通过对比可以看出我国农产品期货市场功能发挥的不足。

    Introduces the characteristic of American agricultural product futures market .

  7. 股指期货的市场功能及其对证券市场的探讨

    The Market Function of the Stock Index Futures and Enlightening to Securities Market

  8. 发挥农产品期货市场功能促进农民增收

    Exerting the Function of the Agricultural Futures Market to Increase Ingatherings of the Peasantry

  9. 农产品批发市场功能设计;

    The function designing of farm wholesale market ;

  10. 对冲基金市场功能研究

    A Study of Market Function of Hedge Fund

  11. 担忧和恐慌令正常的市场功能陷入瘫痪。

    Fear and panic paralysed normal market functions .

  12. 我国是一个农业大国,是世界上最大的小麦生产和消费国,小麦期货是国家发展大宗农产品期货交易,发挥期货市场功能、为国民经济服务的首选品种。

    China is a large agricultural country , is the world 's largest wheat-producing country .

  13. 改革以来我国市场功能与政府功能组合关系的演变&纪念改革20年

    On Evolution of the Combinative Relations between Market and Government Functions in China since the Reform

  14. 完善劳动力市场功能;

    Perfecting labors market function ;

  15. 期转现与中国商品期货市场功能关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Exchange for Physicals and the Function of Chinese Commodity Futures Markets

  16. 但是在内在素质上,即股票市场功能发挥的效率上,我国股票市场还存在许多问题,有很长的路要走。

    But concerning of the efficiency of function of stock market , mis market has so many problems .

  17. 水果批发市场功能不全,分布不合理。

    The function of the fruit wholesales market is not wholesome , and the distribution is also unreasonable .

  18. 进而确定了具有内部资本市场功能的集团企业所应拥有的子公司的最佳数量。

    So we determine the optimal number of the enterprise group which has functions of internal capital markets .

  19. 卖空交易的价格发现和稳定市场功能对于投资策略选择和市场监控都是极为重要的。

    The functions of price discovery and market stabilization are significant for both strategy choosing and market monitoring .

  20. 结果将使市场功能、价格发现机制和资本分配遭到严重扭曲。

    As such , it distorts their functioning , the price discovery process and the allocation of capital .

  21. 等到好不容易推出了退市机制,也由于股票市场功能定位异化而导致退市机制失灵。

    Although the delisting mechanism has been released , the positioning aberrance of the stock market makes the dysfunction .

  22. 市场功能只有在良好的市场秩序中才能充分发挥作用。

    In the essay the author considers that without good market order market function will not play its full role .

  23. 作为政府和市场功能的补充,慈善组织在社会公共服务中应发挥主导性作用。

    As the supplement of the government and the market , charities should play a leading role in social public services .

  24. 作为完善证券市场功能的重要投资工具,权证能降低标的股票波动性的作用在成熟的资本市场已得到普遍认同。

    It is commonly recognized that warrants play an important role in stabilizing the underlying securities in a mature capital market .

  25. 当信贷市场功能失常、私人需求日益缩小、公众信心不足之时,财政政策的突然改变不失为一个很好的选择。

    When credit markets are dysfunctional , private demand is fading and confidence weak , a fiscal jolt is a good option .

  26. 最后,土地市场功能失调,受到了缓慢、指令性的规划机制和投机性囤积的扭曲。

    Lastly , the market in land is dysfunctional , distorted by a slow , prescriptive planning regime and by speculative hoarding .

  27. 资金集中管理可以降低代理成本,发挥内部资本市场功能,发挥内源融资的优势。

    Capital centralized management can lower the agent cost and develop the faction of an internal capital market and take advantage of internal financing .

  28. 第二章从法经济学和商业外观市场功能的角度分析了商业外观的可保护性和保护的必要性。

    Chapter II discusses the possibility and the necessity of trade dress protection from the aspect of the law and economics and marketing function .

  29. 在市场功能多元化的保险市场上,保险中介人为买卖双方提供信息和服务,它在保险资源配置、保障供给、增强经济效益、风险控制等方面作用显著。

    Insurance middleman , an important go-between in the insurance markets , acts as the provider of information and helps to optimize resources distribution .

  30. 最后,文章对我国机构投资者尚未发挥稳定市场功能的原因进行了分析并在此基础上提出了提高我国机构投资者稳定股票市场功能的几点对策。

    Finally , the article analyzes the reasons of institutional investors have not yet played functions on stabilizing market and proposes some improvement countermeasures .