
shì jǐng
  • marketplace;street;town;businessman
市井 [shì jǐng]
  • (1) [marketplace]∶买卖商品的场所

  • 处商必就市井。--《管子.小匡》

  • 你若买酒吃时,只出草料场投东大路去,三二里便有市井。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [street]∶街市

  • 市井无赖

  • 臣乃市井鼓刀屠者。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • (3) [businessman]∶指商贾

  • 然市井之子孙,亦不得仕官为吏。--《史记.平准书》

市井[shì jǐng]
  1. 北京市井文化和风俗民情引人关注;

    Beijing 's marketplace culture and folk customs are fascinating .

  2. 妓女是市井文化的产物。

    The prostitute is the product of marketplace culture .

  3. 苏青的市民生活和市井文学

    Su Qing 's Urban Life and Her Literature of Common Citizens

  4. 20世纪中国社会的市井叙事&现代市民小说的叙述特征及文化意识

    Narrative Characteristics and Cultural Consciousness of Modern Novels on Urban Residents

  5. 郓哥也是个典型的市井小生意人。

    The hay brother is a typical town little businessman too .

  6. 宋代市井音乐文化的形成与形态

    The Forming and Formations of Town Music Culture in Song Dynasty

  7. 岭南古典园林建筑布局和装饰的市井化取向

    Architectural Layout and Philistine Orientation in Decoration of Lingnan 's Classical Garden

  8. 池莉小说的市井特色和民间精神

    The Civilian Features and National Spirit in the Novels of Chi Li

  9. 长沙市现存市井建筑研究

    The Research on the Extant Civil Mundane Building in Changsha

  10. 让你的音乐如一柄利刃,直刺入市井喧扰的心中吧。

    Let_your music , like a sword , pierce thenoiseof_the marketto-its heart .

  11. 《清明上河图》与宋代市井家具。

    Qing Ming Shang He Tu and market furniture in Son Dynasty .

  12. 现代中国市民小说的市井意识

    The Bottom Layer Resident Consciousness of the City In Modern Chinese Civil Novels

  13. 市井新闻让大众的想法更容易出现在我们的生活当中。

    Citizen journalism allows the public opinion to easily appear in our life .

  14. 试论古代市井题材小说的疾病观

    The Viewpoints on Diseases in Chinese Ancient Town Novel

  15. 关于她的诸多误解中,婚姻悲剧迷雾重重。她的丈夫不是市井小民,而是无才无德之官吏。

    Among the misunderstandings about her , her marriage tragedy was often criticized .

  16. 它与乡土小说和市井小说既有联系,又有区别。

    It is linked to as well as distinct from rural and urban novels .

  17. 明清市井题材小说中诗词占有大量的篇幅。

    Verses took up considerable space in marketplace novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  18. 张竹坡之市井小说论

    Zhang Zhu-po 's Theory on the Civic Novels

  19. 包公形象,在宋代市井文艺家那里,包公只是一个判官形象。

    The Bao Gong image in the Song folk literature is simply a judge .

  20. 犹如长久禁锢于躁动的市井之人,

    As one who long in populous city pent

  21. 日常生活的审美化大体上有三个向度:精英化、大众化、市井化。

    Aesthetics of daily has three dimensionalities generally : superior , popular and civic .

  22. 朱小林的“游戏人生”描绘着市井生活里的无聊感。

    Zhu Xiaolin 's Life of Games depicts a feeling of senselessness in life .

  23. 定向对接井的应用与发展趋势自贡市井矿盐工业装备现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of Facilities for Well and Rock Salt Industry in Zigong

  24. 他们在生活上追求“精致”,这就呈现出与农民、“市井”阶层不一样的格调。

    They pursue delicate taste in life , which is different from farmers and philistines .

  25. 因此在她的作品中,常常表现出精英文化与市井文化间的矛盾冲突。

    Therefore , her works often show the conflicts between elite culture and urban cultures .

  26. 明代晚期市井文化与书籍装帧艺术风格的发展

    The Street Culture of Late Ming Dynasty and the Development of Art Style in Book Design

  27. 在他邂逅灰姑娘之后,他就得在被战争摧毁的市井巷陌中寻找灰姑娘的身影。

    After he meets Cinderella , he must search for her in the war-torn city streets .

  28. 带有浓厚市井意识的市民小说创作,在我国源远流长。

    Has the thick marketplace consciousness the residential novel creation , is well-established in our country .

  29. 远离奢侈浮华的店铺,贫穷的市井小民在廉价的街边小摊上吃着,在昏暗的街角。

    Away from the flashy stores are poorly-lit streets where locals eat in plain shopfront restaurants .

  30. 山野与水域:士林小说与市井小说构建的不同空间

    Hill moor and water area : the different space between the literary stories and the citizen stories