- 网络Paris Fashion;Paris Vogue;VOGUE PARIS

A designer can 't survive without participating in Paris Fashion Week , she says , adding , " Our argument is that the same would be true of New York Fashion Week . "
Open from 11am to 10.30pm and with surprisingly reasonable prices , Caf é Trama has become one of the best places to linger in this chic neighbourhood .
As she prepared recently to travel to Paris for Fashion Week with her son , the new mother said she was packing those sneakers , but that the Olympia Le Tan clutches were staying at home . '
Snug but aesthetically fun , the bath had robes from the trendy Parisian fashion label Maison Margiela white tiled walls , black-and-white checked floors and a white marble sink with brass fixtures and a large brass mirror .
The Kessles perfume which has been passed the technique from the perfume city of the world , Grasse and inosculates the elements of fashion of Paris , France spreads love to every corner of the world .
Implicitly or explicitly , American fashion addressed a democracy , whereas traditional Paris-based fashion was prescriptive and imposed on women , willing or not .
By age 15 , he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly , a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris 's most fashionable neighborhoods .
Its previous creative director , Alessandro Sartori , had cultivated an air of appropriateness at this storied Parisian shoemaker-turned-clothier .
She 's an established name in Paris'fashion circle .
Paris is the capital of fashion .
This selection from men 's fashion week in Paris takes men 's fashion to a whole new level .
Paris , the haven of fashion , culture and entertainment , is the most visited city in the world .
If France approves the legislation , it would almost certainly raise the debate to a new level , especially in Paris , the spiritual capital of the fashion world .
We all know Paris is about fashion and design , but located just a couple hours away by car , another charming town is making its mark on the industry . There 's a modern art museum and the city " supports emerging fashion designers by providing them with retail space and business mentorship . "
Parishas a strong attraction for those girls who love fashion .
Paris is on the cutting edge of fashions .
Young worshipers of Paris and of fashion magazines are in for an education .
Paris has long been known for stylish people , delicious cuisine and universal health care .
They are like fashion chameleons dressing like frogs , bunnies , Victorian school marms and Parisian ladies-you name it .
In the midst of France 's fight over banning the burkini , the bikini is celebrating its 70th anniversary , and photographs chronicling its debut and early history in the 1940s , ' 50s and ' 60s are on display in one of Paris " chic galleries , prompting parallels to the uproar over the burkini today .
While the Right Bank of Paris has seen internationalism and the irrepressible rise of " bobos " ( the Parisian form of hipsters ) change its landscape in recent years , the Left Bank has been able to preserve the soul of the French capital .