
bā lí
  • Paris
巴黎[bā lí]
  1. 他们周末到巴黎潇洒去了。

    They 've gone swanning off to Paris for the weekend .

  2. 她年轻时生活在巴黎。

    The early part of her life was spent in Paris .

  3. 我们接着去了巴黎,在那里停留了十一天。

    We went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days .

  4. 他一半时间在伦敦的办事处,一半时间在巴黎的办事处。

    His time is split between the London and Paris offices .

  5. 我们到达时有充分的时间接上去巴黎的联运。

    We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris .

  6. 他们邀请我和他们一同去巴黎。

    They have invited me to go to Paris with them .

  7. 她推荐说,巴黎是举行这次会议的理想地点。

    She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference .

  8. 巴黎被围困了四个月后被迫投降。

    Paris was besieged for four months and forced to surrender .

  9. 特等奖是二人巴黎周末游。

    The star prize is a weekend for two in Paris .

  10. 我们在从伦敦到巴黎的飞行途中相遇。

    We met on a flight from London to Paris .

  11. 巴黎附近一带的住房极其昂贵。

    Houses in the neighbourhood of Paris are extremely expensive .

  12. 我从未去过巴黎,这似乎使她大为惊奇。

    She seemed astonished I had never been to Paris .

  13. 飞往巴黎的英航726号班机在16号门登机。

    BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16 .

  14. 杰米匆匆把她带到巴黎去度周末。

    Jamie whisked her off to Paris for the weekend .

  15. 这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。

    The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna .

  16. 他们已选定在巴黎度蜜月。

    They 've fixed on Paris for their honeymoon .

  17. 我告别了我在巴黎结交的所有朋友。

    I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris .

  18. 怀念在巴黎的岁月。

    Cherish the memory of those days in Paris .

  19. 你将在巴黎待多久?

    How long will you be staying in Paris ?

  20. 我们每天有两次航班穿梭于罗马和巴黎之间。

    We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily .

  21. 碰巧的是,他们俩都在巴黎学习过。

    Coincidentally , they had both studied in Paris .

  22. 他一个月去一两次巴黎。

    He visits Paris once or twice a month .

  23. 你来巴黎是公干还是游玩?

    Are you in Paris on business or pleasure ?

  24. 我们冲到巴黎去过了个周末。

    We hopped over to Paris for the weekend .

  25. 你来巴黎公干还是游玩?

    Are you in Paris on business or pleasure ?

  26. 我们随后移居巴黎,在那里住了六年。

    We then moved to Paris , where we lived for six years .

  27. 他在巴黎度过了五年,偶尔去意大利看看。

    He spent five years in Paris , with occasional visits to Italy .

  28. 他们在伦敦和巴黎经营专卖店。

    They operate franchises in London and Paris .

  29. 我们短暂游览了巴黎。

    We paid a fleeting visit to Paris .

  30. 去巴黎旅行将是我练习法语的绝好机会。

    The trip to Paris will be an ideal opportunity to practise my French .