
  1. 实验性脑出血中NF-κB的作用机制及巴曲酶保护作用的研究

    The Functionary Mechanism of NF - κ B and the Protective Effect of Batroxobin after Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  2. 巴曲酶对沙土鼠海马CA1区神经元保护作用及其机制的研究

    Study on neuron protection of batroxobin in hippocampal CA_1 territory of gerbils

  3. 巴曲酶组和联合治疗组血纤维蛋白原明显低于ASA组(P〈0.01);

    Batroxobin group and combined group was significantly lower than fibrinogen ASA group ( P0.01 ) .

  4. 结论:巴曲抗栓酶治疗AMI是安全有效的。

    CoNCLUSION : Batroxobin is safe and effective for the treatment of AMI .

  5. 巴曲酶对CAS术后早期炎性反应干预的观察

    Effects of batroxobin on early inflammatory reaction after CAS

  6. 目的研究巴曲酶减轻沙土鼠前脑缺血再灌注损伤的作用及对·OH产生的影响。

    AIM To study the roles of batroxobin in reducing the cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in gerbils and the effects on oxygen radicals production .

  7. 高纤维蛋白原血症患者应用巴曲酶对脑梗死和TIA的预防作用

    Batroxobin Can Prevent Ischemic Stroke and TIA in Patients with Hyperfibrinogenemia

  8. 表明巴曲酶确能迅速控制频发的TIA。

    The results indicate that batroxobin can rapidly stop TIAs .

  9. 方法:经CT诊断的急性脑栓塞病人48例,随机分为巴曲抗栓酶组(治疗组)和右旋糖酐组(对照组)各24例。

    METHODS : Forty-eight patients with acute cerebral embolism , confirmed by CT scan , were randomly divided into treatment group and control group ( each 24 cases ) .

  10. 巴曲酶对急性脑梗死患者血浆vWF的影响

    Effect of Batroxobin on von Willebrand factor in patients with acute cerebral infarction

  11. 前言:目的:研究巴曲酶联合阿斯匹林治疗短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)的有效性和安全性。

    Objective : To study the curative effect and safe of batroxobin injection with aspirin to treat TIA .

  12. 结果:巴曲抗栓酶组显著降低FIB,对PLT、PT、APTT及ACT影响不大。

    Results : In batroxobin treated group FIB was decreased obviously but PLT , PT , APTT and ACT were not affected .

  13. 结果(1)巴曲酶可以显著地缩短梗塞大鼠在Morris迷宫中搜索目标的平均反应时和行程;

    Results ( 1 ) Batroxobin might shorten the mean reaction time and distance of rats with infarction in Morris water maze .

  14. 目的:研究巴曲酶(Bat)对狗心脏缺血/再灌损伤的影响。

    AIM : To study the effect of batroxobin ( Bat ) on dog heart ischemia / reperfusion ( I / R ) injury .

  15. 目的:探讨巴曲酶(batroxobin)可否治疗缺血性脑血管疾病(ICVD)及其安全性。

    AIM : To observe the efficiency and safety of batroxobin in treatment of cerebrovascular ischemic diseases .

  16. 目的探讨巴曲酶对急性脑梗死(ACI)患者血清高敏C反应蛋白(hsCRP)含量变化的影响,了解其减轻炎症的意义。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between batroxobin and serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein ( hsCRP ) in the patients with acute cerebral infarction ( ACI ) .

  17. 目的探讨巴曲酶防治蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)迟发性脑血管痉挛(DCVS)及细胞凋亡的作用。

    Objective To discuss the mechanism of Batroxobin in-theca injection to prevent and cure SAH DCVS and apoptosis .

  18. 巴曲酶(DF-521)对大鼠局灶性脑缺血/再灌注模型CD54表达的影响

    Influence of DF-521 on the Expression of CD54 in Focal Cerebral Ischemia Area in Rat Brain

  19. Df-521巴曲酶对大鼠脑出血后脑水肿形成的影响

    Effects of Df-521 Batroxobin on Brain Edema Induced by Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rat

  20. 常用的溶栓药物有:链激酶、尿激酶(urokinase,UK)、重组组织型纤溶酶原激活物(rt-PA)、蚓激酶、巴曲酶、瑞替普酶等,其中以UK最为常用。

    Commonly used thrombolytic drugs contant Streptokinase , Urokinase ( UK ), Recombinant tissue type plasminogen activator ( rt-PA ), Vermis kinase , Batroxobin , Reteplase etc , UK in especial .

  21. 目的研究巴曲酶对急性脑梗死患者血浆溶血磷脂酸(LPA)水平的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of Batroxobin on plasma level of lysophosphatidic acid ( LPA ) in patients with acute cerebral infarction .

  22. 观察介入性动脉内输注巴曲酶药物对ASO患者血浆纤维蛋白原水平和血管病变局部氧化应激水平的影响。

    To investigate the effects of interventional transfusion of Batroxobin on plasma fibrinogen and the oxidative stress in the localization of atherosclerotic lesions in the ASO patients .

  23. 巴曲酶组及联合治疗组血纤维蛋白原水平、血高切应力均降低(P0.005,P0.01)。

    Plasma fibrinogen levers and high sheer rate decreased significantly in Batroxobin group and ASA combined with Batroxobin group compared with ASA group ( P0.05 , P0.01 ) .

  24. 目的:1.明确巴曲酶有无血小板膜蛋白GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体拮抗作用。

    Objectives : 1 . To make it clear whether there are antagonist effects of Batroxobin on receptor of platelet Glucoprotein ⅱ b / ⅲ a ( GP ⅱ b / ⅲ a ) .

  25. 目的动态监测巴曲酶治疗急性脑梗死患者血浆纤维蛋白原(Fib)水平变化,以探讨降纤治疗的靶水平。

    Objective To explore the dynamical change of fibrinogen levels treated by Batroxobin in patients with acute cerebral infarction in order to approach a target level of defibrinogen therapy .

  26. 目的探讨巴曲酶对短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)患者血浆特异性神经元烯醇化酶(NSE)及内皮素(ET)的影响及意义。

    Objective To investigate the effect and significance of batroxobin on the levels of neuron-specific enolase ( NSE ) and endothelin ( ET ) in plasm of patients with transient ischemic attacks ( TIAs ) .

  27. 结果TUNEL检测发现巴曲酶组在SAH后3d、7d血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞及神经细胞凋亡数均明显低于同期单纯注血组;

    Results The numbers of vessel endothelial , smooth muscular cell and nerve cell apoptosis of Batroxobin in-theca injection group were fewer than the same period pure transfusing group 3d and 7d after SAH by TUNEL ;

  28. 重组巴曲酶(rBAT)止血作用实验观察

    Haemostatic effect of recombinant batroxobin

  29. 目的:研究重组巴曲酶(rBAT)在猕猴体内的药动学。

    Objective : To study the pharmacokinetic profile of recombinant human batroxobin ( rBAT ) in rhesus monkeys .

  30. 巴曲酶对NJS小鼠短暂性脑缺血发作后神经细胞的保护和改善认知功能的作用

    Protection of the neurons and improvement of the cognitive function after transient global forebrain ischemia attack in NJS mice used batroxobin