
  • 网络BARR;Bar;Baal;bahr;Baar
  1. 我是又大又坏的巴尔的死敌。

    I 'm the sworn enemy of Big Bad Baal .

  2. 现在只有你,人类,拥有打败巴尔的力量。

    Only you , mortal , have the power to defeat Baal now .

  3. 修理工作将交给巴尔哈姆的克莱格父子建筑公司完成。

    The repairs were to be done by Messrs Clegg & Sons of Balham .

  4. 本次旅行的最精彩部分是在巴尔格里芬看了一天赛马。

    The high point of this trip was a day at the races in Balgriffin .

  5. 巴尔比厄开博时并没抱多大的期望;他只是希望和一些人聊聊天。

    When Barbieux started his blog , his aspirations were small ; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people .

  6. 巴尔博亚是一位以勇猛和喜欢争吵闻名的年轻人。

    Balboa had a reputation as a fierce and quarrelsome young man .

  7. 鼻咽癌患者血浆游离爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒DNA定量测定的临床应用价值

    The clinical value of quantitative analysis of plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  8. 艾伦·H·巴尔译

    Translated by Allan H. Barr

  9. IFA诊断巴尔通体感染

    Diagnosing Bartonella Infection by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay

  10. 就在由他的朋友争取从这个神秘的政权释放他的Facebook页面开始奇怪的是对于肯尼斯·巴尔很少有信息。

    There 's curiously little information about Kenneth Bae on line , just this Facebook page started by his friends campaigning for his release from the secretive regime .

  11. 一些乘客穿上了当时的服装,有些女乘客戴上了皮毛帽子,有些男乘客身穿西装,头戴圆顶礼帽,在英国南部海岸的南安普敦登上了这艘MS巴尔莫勒尔号游轮。

    Some donned period costume , including furs and feathered hats for women and suits and bowler hats for men , to board the MS Balmoral at Southampton on the southern English coast .

  12. 达洛伊西奥(NickD’Aloisio)意气风发地走进伦敦巴尔?布鲁(BarBoulud)餐厅,与人坚定地握着手,描绘他未来事业蓝图的时候,你应该会惊讶得合不拢嘴了吧。

    Thus it 's rather a shock when you first encounter Nick D'Aloisio striding into London 's Bar Boulud restaurant , firmly shaking hands and proceeding to outline his entrepreneurial vision .

  13. 目的:探讨神经衰弱发病与患者个性、生活事件及血清埃伯斯坦-巴尔(EB)病毒阳性率的相关性。

    OBJECTIVE : To probe the correlation of neurasthenia with personality , life events and the positive rate of serum Epstein-Barr ( EB ) virus .

  14. 让我们顺道去圣克里斯托巴尔(SanCristóbal)一游,这处住宅区内拥有自己的地标酒吧——创建年代可以一直追溯到1915年的BardeCao。

    Make the journey to San Crist ó bal , a residential neighborhood with its own landmark bar that dates back to 1915 , Bar de Cao .

  15. 再近一些,在20世纪60年末的年度巴尔莫勒尔(Balmoral)“GhilliesBall”舞会上,女王穿着配有肩带的带有牡蛎图案的连衣裙。

    closer to home , at the annual Balmoral Ghillies Ball in the late 1960s , the Queen wore an oyster ball dress with tartan sash .

  16. MetroBurgerBar餐厅位于A厅安检之后的区域,它的汉堡用的是PatLaFrieda的牛肉。SixBlocksBakery面包房在B厅的登机口附近供应曼哈顿巴尔萨泽面包店(BalthazarBakery)的点心。

    Post-security in the A gates , Metro Burger Bar uses Pat LaFrieda beef , and near the B gates , Six Blocks Bakery serves pastries from Balthazar Bakery in Manhattan .

  17. 来自巴尔的摩约翰·霍普金斯医学院(JohnsHopkinsSchoolofMedicine)的神经专家BarryGordon说,虽然人们只使用大脑10%的潜能的提法非常诱人,但是这个“10%谜”非常错,简直就是可笑。

    Though an alluring idea , the " 10 percent myth " is so wrong it is almost laughable , says neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore .

  18. 在过去三年里,在两家欧洲风险投资公司巴尔德顿资本(BaldertonCapital)和指数创投(IndexVentures)的支持下,斯托龙斯基的公司获得了约6000万英镑的融资,去年的估值达到3亿英镑。

    Over the past three years , and with the backing of Balderton Capital and Index Ventures , two European venture capital firms , Mr Storonsky 's company has raised about £ 60m and had a valuation of £ 300m last year .

  19. 目的:了解涎腺恶性淋巴上皮病变的临床病理特征及其与埃泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(Epstein-barrvirus,EBV)的关系。

    Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the clinical pathological characteristics of malignant lymphoepithelial lesion ( MLEL ) of salivary glands and the relationship with EBV ( Epstein-Barr Virus ) .

  20. 包括慕克吉(SabyasachiMukherjee)与罗希特??巴尔(RohitBal)在内的其他印度设计师也在婚装生意中挣了个盆满钵满。

    Other Indian designers , such as Sabyasachi Mukherjee and Rohit Bal , also do big business in bridal wear .

  21. 测试结果有助于为欧洲的银行体系,以及信贷市场带来稳定,2009年美国首次开展测试时,在美国财政部担任助理部长的迈克尔·S·巴尔(MICHAELS.Barr)说。

    They can be helpful in bringing stability to the European system and also therefore to lending , said Michael S. Barr , who was an assistant secretary at the United States Treasury Department during the first American tests in 2009 .

  22. 目的:探讨爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒(BV)鼻咽癌发生、展的关系及其临床病理学意义。

    Objective : To study the relationship between Epstein Bar virus ( EBV ) and the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) as well as the clinicopathological significance of EBV expression .

  23. 第四,根据作者的经验和战略管理原理,利用SWOT分析法,制定了切合中国PVD涂层市场特点和巴尔查斯公司自身情况的企业发展总体战略,以及实现该总体战略所需要采取的措施。

    Then according to the experience of the author and the strategic management principle , using SWOT tool , the future general development strategy which marches the China PVD coating marketing and Balzers company situation is formulated .

  24. 来自意大利都灵大学的阿尔贝托.巴尔代利(AlbertoBardelli)教授是大肠癌方面的权威,他从进化理论中得到灵感,寻找应对癌细胞耐药性的办法。

    Colorectal cancer researcher Alberto Bardelli of the University of Turin in Italy , has also been using evolutionary theory as inspiration for a potential solution to overcoming drug resistance .

  25. 纽约阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的老年医学家尼尔巴尔齐莱(nirbarzilai)说,他研究的百岁老人使他相信,基因比饮食和生活方式更重要。

    NIR Barzilai , a gerontologistat Albert Einstein College of medicine in New York , says that the centenarianshe studies have led him to believe that genetics is more important than dietand lifestyle .

  26. Sharfstein在巴尔提麽健康机构中的掌权让他进入到食品领域,关闭高档餐馆和速食店。

    Sharfstein 's reign as Baltimore health czar has taken him into the food arena , shutting down tony restaurants and fast food joints .

  27. 杰卡尔走在前面,苏迪尔和巴尔跟在他后面。

    Jaykar walked in front and Sudhir and BAL behind him .

  28. 用分子生物学技术诊断巴尔通体感染

    Study on Bartonella infection using molecular biological diagnostic techniques from China

  29. 巴尔勋爵本人在战斗中给杀死了。

    The Lord Bar himself had been killed in the battle .

  30. 她十分看重巴尔和他的想法。

    She put all the stress on BAL and his ideas .