
  • 网络barker;Buckle;bakel
  1. 内德.巴克尔为您报道美联社一分钟新闻。

    Ned Barker , the Associated Press , with AP News Minute .

  2. 巴克尔没有大便。

    Barker didn 't have to poop .

  3. 仅仅几个月前,住在土耳其东南部迪亚尔巴克尔市的Askin表示,如果她家真的如其所愿把她留在家里不让她上学的话,她就自杀。

    Just a few months ago , Askin threatened to kill herself if her family carried out their wish to keep her home from school in the city of Diyarbakir , in the south east of Turkey .

  4. 你能保证绝对安全吗,巴克尔下士?

    Have you been cleared for security , petty officer buckley ?

  5. 新来的下士,巴克尔,对你出言不逊。

    One of the new petty officers , buckley , was talking smack about you .

  6. 巴克尔还称,除了皮肤割伤和擦伤以及轻微的胸部伤之外,波特并无大碍。

    Potter appeared unscathed aside from some superficial cuts and bruises and a minor chest injury , according to Barker .

  7. 新西兰无名勇士墓位于惠灵顿的巴克尔大街的国家战争纪念馆。

    The New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior is at the National War Memorial in Buckle Street , Wellington .

  8. 10天前,巴克尔接受了警方质询,后被无罪释放。他否认自己存在任何不当行为。

    Mr Bakir , who denies any wrongdoing , was questioned by police 10 days ago and released without charge .

  9. 这位高管对巴克尔为科维尔执行的至少4宗现金股票交易所获佣金提出了质疑。

    The executive raised questions over commissions paid to Mr Bakir on at least four cash equities trades for Mr Kerviel .

  10. 巴克尔称,该报告最大的贡献之一是它试图明确对气候融资进行衡量和定义的方式。

    Mr Buckle said one of the report 's biggest contributions was its attempt to clarify how climate financing can be measured and defined .

  11. 一个叫巴克尔的西方人认为,气候、食物、土壤、地形,是决定著人类的生活和文化传承的四个主要的自然因素。

    A westerner called Barker held that climate , food , soil , landform are the four main natural elements that influence human life and cultural tradition .

  12. 英国史家巴克尔及其《英国文明史》在中国的传播和影响,与中国近现代史学的科学化追求有相当关系。

    The spreading and influence of English historian Buckle 's History of Civilization in England in China was mainly related with the pursuit of scientification in Chinese modern historiography .

  13. 巴克尔引用了《耶利米书》中的一段作为证据:因为坚持为“天后”进行燔祭,供奉无酵饼和酒,埃及的流亡犹太人受到了指责。

    As evidence , she cites a passage in the book of Jeremiah where Jewish exiles in Egypt are scolded for continuing to offer cakes , libations and incense to the " Queen of heaven " .