
  • 网络Differentiation Competitive;Competitive differentiation;diversified competition
  1. 第一部分,差异化竞争的相关理论。

    The first chapter is diversified competition theory .

  2. 差异化竞争策略作为现代企业的重要竞争手段之一,在一定程度上能够很好地适应目前中国银行业市场的竞争特征。

    One of the most important competition methods for the modern enterprises is diversified competition strategy . In a sense , it fits to the competitive feature of the modern banking market .

  3. 营销战略选择部分则重点指出了ND公司所应采取的扩张型营销战略、差异化竞争战略、建立以价值链为基础的战略合作伙伴关系三个主要方面的战略选择。

    On the basis of such analyses , this thesis clearly points out that the marketing strategy of ND Corporate should include three main aspects .

  4. 其中为了帮助C公司形成差异化竞争战略,运用了价值曲线分析工具,通过对关键因素的分析,重新塑造了其价值曲线,明确了其将来的发展重点。

    In order to help company C form competitive strategy of differentiation , use the value curve analysis tools . And through the analysis of key factors , re-shaping its value curve , a clear focus on its future development .

  5. GHHY公司的竞争战略是差异化竞争战略。

    GHHY Company 's competitive strategy is the DiversifyingCompetitive Strategy .

  6. 过去消费者对载重汽车的NVH特性关注程度不高,但是随着整个行业技术水平的提升,载重汽车的舒适性也逐渐成为市场差异化竞争的一个重要方面。

    Consumer has low degree concerned about NVH performance of truck in the past . With increasing technological , the comfort of truck is becoming a major aspect of difference competition .

  7. 同时,为确保XF房地产公司的差异化竞争战略能够执行到位,建立了战略反馈体系,并对这个体系进行有效的评价与控制,以便及时调整竞争战略和战略目标。

    In addition , to ensure that XF Real Estate Company competition strategy to be executed effectively , feedback should be built . Value and control the system effectively so as to adjust the competitive strategy and strategic objectives timely .

  8. 移动商务环境下服务产品的差异化竞争策略研究

    Study on Competitive Strategies of Service Products Differentiation under Mobile Commerce

  9. 网络产品差异化竞争、市场均衡与价格歧视研究

    Differentiation Competition of Network Goods 、 Market Equilibrium And Price Discrimination

  10. 差异化竞争策略在工程机械产品营销中的应用

    An Application of Differential Competition Tactics to the Construction Machinery Product Marketing

  11. 之后论证了该公司采取差异化竞争战略的原因。

    And then demonstrate the reasons to select differentiation strategy .

  12. 这也是汽车市场成本竞争与差异化竞争的本质体现。

    It reflects the sole competition in its cost and product differentiation .

  13. 关于差异化竞争的两种理论解释及启示

    Two kinds of theories about difference competition and enlightenment

  14. 产品差异化竞争和品牌竞争发展相对缓慢。

    Product difference competition and brand competition grows slowly .

  15. 网络外部性存在下的产品差异化竞争与价格歧视策略

    Network Externalities , Production Differentiation Competition and Price Discrimination

  16. 差异化竞争的基本原理有着广泛的应用价值。

    There is extensive using value in the basic principle of difference competition .

  17. 农产品差异化竞争研究

    A Study on the Agricultural Products Differentiate Competition

  18. 邮政差异化竞争战略研究与探讨

    A Study of Differentiated Competition Strategy of Post

  19. 差异化竞争是服装赢得市场的保证

    Competence from Diversity Guarantees Winning of Fashion Market

  20. 但是差异化竞争优势的获得是个复杂的过程,需要深入的进行探讨。

    But gaining differentiation competitive advantage which is a complicated process needs to be deeply discussed .

  21. 从禽流感险看我国中小保险公司的差异化竞争策略

    From the Bird Flu Insurance Looks at our Insurance Companies ' Differences of the Competitive Strategy

  22. 低成本与差异化竞争优势的融合&二元领导行为的启示与证据

    Amalgamation of Competitive Advantages of Low Cost and Differentiation & Insight and Evidence from Dual Leadership Behavior

  23. 企业的差异化竞争策略

    Differentiation Competitive Strategy for Enterprises

  24. 集中差异化竞争战略实施的要点为创新、客户响应和品质。

    The key factors of focused differentiation strategy into action would be innovation , customer responses and quality .

  25. 结合迈克尔·波特教授的竞争战略理论,适合选择差异化竞争的策略。

    Combined with the strategy theory of Michael Porter , it is better to choose the differentiation strategy .

  26. 网络外部性是网络经济的一个重要特征,也是影响网络产品差异化竞争的重要因素。

    Network externalities are both the essential characteristic of the network economy and the key factors affecting differentiation of network products .

  27. 根据欧尚超市在中国发展的战略目标,结合其优势竞争力,分析得出其上海地区的差异化竞争战略。

    According to the strategic target of Auchan and its competitiveness , we get a conclusion of its differentiation strategy in Shanghai .

  28. 差异化竞争战略要求百货商场避免与其他业态零售企业商品经营结构的趋同,确立自己个性化、品位化的市场定位,以获得不断发展的基础。

    The differentiation strategy calls the company to avoid the similarity of commodity structure with its competitors and establishing a special market position .

  29. 我们应借鉴西方国家发展电信业的成功经验,推进电信行业以技术创新为核心的差异化竞争。

    Using the successful experience of the west countries for reference , we should promote the differentiated competition with the core of technology creation .

  30. 服务外包企业也要从分散经营的同质化低水平竞争转变为规模效应的差异化竞争。

    Service outsourcing enterprises should also change from decentralized management of " homogeneous low level of competition " into scale effect " differentiation competition " .