
  • 网络differential signal;differential signaling;BLVDS
  1. 相机接口方面,Cameralink相机接口采用多对差分信号并行传输,具有极好的抗干扰能力和传输带宽。

    In terms of Camera interface , with excellent anti-interference ability and the transmission bandwidth , Camera Link camera interface using multiple pairs of differential signal transmitted in parallel .

  2. LVDS是一种小振幅差分信号技术,使用这种技术传输速率可以达到数百兆,甚至更高;

    LVDS is a small amplitude differential signal technology , the rate can reach several hundred Mbps or even higher ;

  3. 采用GPS技术进行船舶导航定位通常都基于位于沿海的信标台差分信号。

    Ship navigation and positioning usually base on the differential signals from beacon stations .

  4. 低压差分信号传输技术(简称LVDS:LowVoltageDifferentialSignaling)便是这样的一种新技术。

    Low Voltage Differential Signaling ( LVDS ) is a new technology developed to meet this demand .

  5. 设计了一种对高速差分信号进行FIR滤波的滤波器结构。

    This paper designs a digital FIR filter architecture , which can be used to filter high-speed differential signals .

  6. 低压差分信号传输(LVDS)是一种重要的信号传输技术。

    LVDS is an important technology in signal transmission .

  7. 低压差分信号(LVDS)技术在解决超便携移动设备电磁干扰问题中的应用

    LVDS Solves EMI Problems in Ultra-Portable Applications

  8. 为了解决大幅度差分信号的驱动问题,使用了一种rail-to-rail双端全差分buffer(注:双端全差分buffer结构非作者提出)。

    Simulation proves that this analysis result is right . Also , a rail-to-rail fully differential buffer is used to drive large differential signals in tuning circuit .

  9. DVI接口的TMDS差分信号研究

    A Study of TMDS Difference Signals in DVI Interface

  10. 介绍了几种新型的视频转换芯片在机载计算机系统上的应用,主要包括PAL制视频和低电压差分信号(LVDS)视频总线设计。

    This paper lays particular stress on new video chips for airborne application , mainly on PAL video and LVDS bus design .

  11. 低电压差分信号(LVDS)高速I/O接口单元当前CMOS电路设计中的重要研究课题。

    Low Voltage Differential Signaling ( LVDS ), a high speed I / O interface , is one important research problem of recent CMOS circuit design .

  12. USB协议较为复杂,总线数据采用NRZI编码及位填充,以CRC方式进行校验,并以差分信号的形式在总线上传输。

    The data , using NRZI coding and bit stuffed as well as CRC checksum , takes the form of differential signal to transmit on the bus .

  13. LVDS正是一种采用差分信号串行传输的接口电路,其具有低电压、小摆幅的优点,被广泛应用于许多数据传输电路中。

    LVDS is the serial high-speed interface based on low-voltage and low-swing differential transmission technique . It is widely used in many data transmission circuits .

  14. 该传感器有32个10位数字低电压差分信号传输(LVDS)输出,使超过1在低功耗和低噪音标准工业协议的图像数据传输。

    The sensor has3210-bit digital Low Voltage Differential Signaling ( LVDS ) outputs that enable transfer of image data over a standard industry protocol at low power and low noise .

  15. 主要介绍了低压差分信号(LVDS)的工作原理和特点,主要叙述了LVDS的布线技巧,如何在PCB上实现阻抗控制、延时要求等。

    This paper introduces the working principle and characteristic of Low Voltage Differential Signals , it mainly describes the skill of LVDS PCB design , how to control the impedance and the delay time on PCB .

  16. 提出了一种基于FPGA和USB的高速数据传输、记录及显示系统的设计方案,并对其中的低电压差分信号(LVDS)传输方式、FPGA功能模块以及USB传输模块等进行了介绍。

    This paper introduces a design of the high speed data transferring , recording and displaying system based on FPGA and USB . The transferring method of low voltage differential signal ( LVDS ), the FPGA func-tion module and the USB transferring module are presented .

  17. 为了满足数据传输的高速度,低功耗的要求,开发出来了利用低电压差分信号传输技术(简称LVDS)设计混合信号系统,可以确保铜导线能够满足高速数据传输。

    With the help of Low Voltage Differential Signaling ( LVDS ), mix signal systems could be designed . High rate analog circuit was used to make Cu lead support thousands of megabit transmit rate .

  18. 根据RSDS接口规范,围绕接口接收器最小建立保持时间的性能,重点研究低摆幅差分信号放大器的设计。

    According to RSDS specification and focusing on performance of the minimum setup and hold time , the design of differential signal amplifier for RSDS receiver is analyzed in detail .

  19. 视频介绍上的并行LVCMOS总线串行数据序列化为一个高速差分信号。

    The video data presented to the serializer on the parallel LVCMOS bus is serialized into a high-speed differential signal .

  20. 低电压差分信号LVDS是一个用于高速信号传输的国际通用接口标准,具有高速度、低噪声、低功耗和低成本的突出优点。

    LVDS ( Low Voltage Differential Signal ) is an international common interface standard that is applied to high speed signal transmitter . It has the strong point in high speed , low noise , low waste and low cost .

  21. DPCM与自适应Huffman结合的压缩算法在接收方,接收器把LVDS差分信号合成后再还原成原来的视频数据信号、同步信号以及状态指示信号等。

    Compression Algorithm for Radar Original Video Signal Based on DPCM and Adaptive Huffman In receiver department , the receiver combined LVDS difference signals and then restored to original video data signal , synchronization signal , state indication signal and so on .

  22. 协议芯片HS-3282完成数据发送、缓存和转换,驱动芯片HS-3182完成系统内部逻辑与差分信号转换及传输速率调节。

    Chip HS-3182 performs data sending , delay saving and conversion . Chip HS-3182 performs conversion between internal logic of system and differential signal , and regulates transmission rate .

  23. 详细介绍和分析了作为接口核心内容的TMDS最小化差分信号的逻辑架构、通信协议的编码算法、解码算法。

    The logical architecture , protocol , the encoder algorithm , the decoder algorithm and the electronics Specification of the TMDS which is the core of the DVI and means Transition minimized differential signal are described in particular in this paper .

  24. 电场差分信号的采集特点及数据采集系统

    Data acquisition characteristics and data acquisition system of differentially normalized method

  25. DC/AC差分信号源变换电路的设计与应用

    Design and Application of DC / AC Differential Signal Source Converter

  26. 也会损坏输入差分信号的平衡。

    It will spoil the balance of the input differential pair .

  27. 单端输入和差分信号输出的方式,为实际应用提供了便利。

    The single-ended inputs and differential outputs benefit many applications .

  28. 介绍了平衡发送驱动器和差分信号接收器的设计技术。

    The design of balance transmission driver and differential receiver were introduced .

  29. 该标签发射机采用差分信号操作,包括偏置电路、振荡器和新型功率放大器。

    The differential transmitter includes bias generator , oscillator and power amplifier .

  30. 一种差分信号转换器的设计

    The design of a kind of difference signal convertor