
jù lún
  • large ship;a large wheel
巨轮 [jù lún]
  • (1) [large wheel]∶大的车轮

  • (2) [large ship]∶大的轮船

  • 远洋巨轮

巨轮[jù lún]
  1. 英特布鲁:巨轮从温州出发

    Interbrew : a large wheel starting from Wenzhou

  2. 举目当世,大众媒介业已成为社会长河中的一艘艘巨轮,在科技动力的推动下,承载着政治、经济、文化向前发展。

    The mass media has become a large wheel in the social stage , with the power of science and technology , which pushes the political , economic and cultural development forward .

  3. 水在巨轮下面剧烈翻滚。

    The water churned beneath the huge ship .

  4. 那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。

    The huge boat cleaved the darkness .

  5. 那艘巨轮活像一幢浮动的大楼。

    The great ship was like a floating building .

  6. 港内停泊着一艘远洋巨轮。

    An oceangoing ship is lying at anchor in the harbour .

  7. 巨轮在滚滚浪涛中沉没了。

    The great ship sank below the waves .

  8. 巨轮在大洋中破浪前进。

    The great ship ploughed across the ocean .

  9. 当新造的万吨巨轮驶近时,岸上的人们挥臂欢迎。

    People on shore greeted the new10,000 liner by waving their arms as it was getting up .

  10. 不用说,很多人都见过拖船拖拉巨轮的情景。

    Most of you no doubt have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners .

  11. 那艘巨轮乘风破浪驶向海港,高塔般矗立在我所在的矮墩拖船前。

    She came riding up the harbor on a flood tide and towered high over the stout10 little tug that carried me .

  12. 后来,在引领了几艘同样的巨轮入港后,我明白自己不过是一个传达信号的人而已,没有什么了不起的。

    After I had docked several of the large liners , I realized I was not important , but simply the quarterback who called the signals .

  13. 加入立体效果后,巨轮显得更加奢华,杰克将打算跳海逃生的露丝救上船的场景在3D效果下看来更加惊险,让人有身临其境之感。

    The ship looks all the more sumptuous with the added dimension . The scene where Jack rescues Rose from jumping overboard comes off as more dangerous and intimately revealing in 3-D.

  14. 麦琪一定很喜欢开这辆巨轮卡车。

    Oh , Maggie would love driving in this monster truck .

  15. 那艘巨轮缓慢而平稳地下水了。

    Slowly but surely the great ship glide into the water .

  16. 牛顿是航行在生命之海的巨轮。

    Newton was the ship in the great ocean of life .

  17. 这艘巨轮的沉没悲剧将被人们永远记在心里。

    The tragic sinking of the great liner will always be remembered .

  18. 富裕乘着一艘巨轮从爱身旁经过,

    Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat .

  19. 这艘巨轮着上新漆显得很雄伟。

    The great ship looked majestic in her new colours .

  20. 看到这艘巨轮长眠海底。

    To see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting here .

  21. 利用海外资本市场打造中远巨轮

    Using overseas capital market to build a stronger COSCO

  22. 尤其是一些跨海湾大桥,要面临万吨级巨轮的撞击。

    Especially some cross Bay Bridge , to face the 10000-ton ship collision .

  23. 尽管如此,现金流巨轮继续转动。

    And still , the cash juggernaut rolls on .

  24. 就算是用现代的标准来衡量,46000吨的泰坦尼克号也算得上是一艘巨轮了。

    Even by modern standards , the46000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship .

  25. 未来一艘艘巨轮将从这里驶向世界。

    Huge ships will sail to the world from here in the future .

  26. 即使用现代标准,46000吨的泰坦尼克号也算得上一艘巨轮。

    Even by modern standards , the 46,000-ton Titanic was a colossal ship .

  27. 于是他又设计了一只名副其实的巨轮&大东方号。

    So he designed a real monster-the Great Eastern .

  28. 它是一辆巨轮卡车,跟我一起说,来吧。

    It 's a monster truck , say it with me come on .

  29. 小开支也要留意,由于一处漏水可能惹起巨轮漂浮(千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。)

    Beware of little expenses . A small leak will sink a great ship .

  30. 第一次将巨轮引航入港时,我感觉自己相当了不起。

    I felt very important the first time I ever docked a big liner .