
jù xiè
  • Cancer;kingcrab
巨蟹[jù xiè]
  1. 那时之前,癌(Cancer)是十二宫中的巨蟹座,是我朋友的星座,“期”(stage)是我表演的舞台,“恶性程度”(grade)是我在学校得到的成绩。

    Until then , Cancer was the zodiac sign of my friend , stage was what I performed on , and grades were what I got in school .

  2. 我们可以把AP看作是与白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座,有重要关系的点。

    Think of the AP as a0 degree cardinal cross involving Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  3. Weight:145�原名:张学友原名:张学友英文名字:Jacky花名:七仔出生日期:1961-7-10星座:巨蟹座生肖:牛身高:1.76m体重:145磅学历:预科婚姻状况:已婚家庭成员:爸妈、一哥、一妹、

    Name : Cheung Hok Yau English Name : Jacky D.O.B. : 1961-7-10 Horoscope : Cancer Height : 1.76m Education Level : F.7 Marriage : Married Family Member : Dad , Mum , 1 Brother , 1 sister , Wife ,

  4. 巨蟹座的人自我保护能力很强,县具有传统及情绪化的特征。

    Sometimes Cancers can be aggressive in getting what they want .

  5. 巨蟹座的人非常钟爱饼干、糖果和冰淇淋。

    This sign loves s , candy , and ice cream .

  6. 对于巨蟹座的人来说,善于持家是很重要的。

    For Cancer , keeping a good home is very important .

  7. 我是忍者老师,巨蟹座女生。

    My name is Teacher Ninja and my star sign is Cancer .

  8. 巨蟹座的人被认为是浪漫而热爱家庭的人。

    Cancerians are supposed to be romantic and home-loving people .

  9. 本周巨蟹要克制自己不去收买某人的心。

    Refrain from trying to buy your way into someone 's heart .

  10. 巨蟹座的人不喜欢被人批评或是侮辱。

    Cancers do not like to be criticized or insulted .

  11. 巨蟹座会为邻居织毛衣或者自制巧克力。

    Cancer knits sweaters and makes fudge for the neighborhood .

  12. 巨蟹座、金牛座和狮子座是注重安全感、家庭观念重的星座。

    Cancer , Taurus and Leo are the security-conscious and home-focused signs .

  13. 传说二巨蟹座最早脱胎于巴比伦的传说。

    Cancer first appeared in legend of Babylonian culture .

  14. 巨蟹是十二宫里的第四个星座。

    Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac .

  15. (记住,月球是你的守护星,这时因为月球掌控巨蟹座)。

    Remember , the Moon is your ruler because the Moon rules Cancer .

  16. 巨蟹座:你会热情,妒忌,有爆发力。

    You will be passionate , jealous and explosive .

  17. 巨蟹:你的世界观(对周围事物的看法)正在改变!

    CANCER : Your view of the world around you has been changing .

  18. 巨蟹座:消化道、肋骨、胸骨、子宫、消化器官

    Cancer : alimentary canal , ribs , sternum , womb , digestive organs

  19. 此时满月发生在巨蟹的中天,另一半出现。

    The Full Moon occurs right at your midheaven .

  20. 本周巨蟹会喋喋不休的唠叨。

    You will be a real chatterbox this week .

  21. 巨蟹:你对于别人的遭遇富有同情心和理解。

    CANCER : You are sympathetic and understanding to other people 's problems .

  22. 白羊也难以接受巨蟹的唠叨和消极。

    You will have difficulty listening to the Crab 's nagging and negativity .

  23. 本周巨蟹的家庭事务会有些困难。

    Things at home may be somewhat rocky .

  24. 对于巨蟹,托管土星在第4宫可以是非常痛苦的。

    For Cancer , hosting Saturn in the fourth house can be very painful .

  25. 白羊座,巨蟹座,天秤座,摩羯座。

    Aries , Cancer , Libra and Capricorn .

  26. 巨蟹:存钱能给注重安全感的蟹子带来巨大的乐趣。

    Ever security conscious , you take great pleasure in saving money , Cancer .

  27. 其中,巨蟹座55是研究最充分、具有最多发现的恒星系统。

    One of the most well populated and well studied exo-planetary systems is55 Cancri .

  28. 在成熟灵阶段,巨蟹一般只讲他们的爱延伸到家人。

    During the Mature cycle , Cancers extend their care mostly to family members .

  29. 每日星座运势——7.10巨蟹座:

    Your Daily Horoscope - July 10 Cancer :

  30. 由于金星位于巨蟹座,本周你会很有魅力。

    You 're very charming this week because fair Venus is in your sign .