
  • 网络chocolate candy;chocolate confectionery
  1. 巧克力糖果的市场需求通常对经济状况的变化有一定韧性,每年增长2-3%。

    Chocolate confectionery demand is usually resilient to economic conditions , advancing at 2-3 per cent a year .

  2. 我非常喜欢巧克力糖果。

    I like chocolate candy very much .

  3. Mars依赖咖啡豆来制作M&Ms和其他品牌的巧克力糖果。

    Mars depends on those beans for its M & Ms and other chocolate candies .

  4. 鲍伯:你最喜欢什么样儿的巧克力糖果?

    Bob : What is your favorite kind of candy bar ?

  5. 鲍伯:巧克力糖果确实是不错的零食。

    Bob : candy bars make great snacks .

  6. 米尔顿好时公司的业务重点是大量生产价格低廉的巧克力糖果。

    Milton Hershey 's business emphasis was to mass-produce chocolate candies at an affordable cost .

  7. 到了1868年,一家名为“吉百利”的小公司开始在英国出售盒装巧克力糖果。

    By1868 , a little company called Cadbury was marketing boxes of chocolate candies in England .

  8. 报道说,目前出事地点已经得到了清理,巧克力糖果的制作工作已被挪到另外一处工作区域。

    Arakaki said the factory was sanitized and production resumed in a different area of the factory .

  9. 从来没有胡萝卜或桃子,都是一些垃圾,像巧克力糖果,所以很不健康。

    It 's never a carrot or a peach . It 's always some garbage , like chocolate-covered sweets . So unhealthy .

  10. 主要产品有玩具糖果、压片糖、巧克力糖果,硬糖,果冻,等等。

    The main products are toys , candy , pressed candy , chocolate candy , hard candy , jellies , and so on .

  11. 世界上有许多各种各样的美食值得我们去品尝,如滑滑的巧克力糖果棒,酸酸的柠檬,酸溜溜的桔子还有甜甜的爆米花。

    There are many different kinds of things to taste , like smooth chocolate candy bars , sour lemons , tangy oranges , and salty popcorn .

  12. 研究人员让超过230人看食物照片并进行评价。一半的人会观看60张像蛋糕和巧克力糖果等甜食的照片。

    Researchers had more than 230 people look at and rate photos of food . Half of the group viewed and rated 60 pics of sweets like cake and chocolates .

  13. 看到这,你会相信杜丝巧克力糖果公司是一个财政记录在案的2013年收入是5亿4千万美元的上市公司吗?

    Would you believe that Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. , the maker of Tootsie Rolls , is a publicly traded company which booked about US $ 540 million in revenue in 2013 ?

  14. 那些注射了kisspeptin的男子对自己看到的夫妇色情图片和非色情图片的反应是不同的。Kisspeptin于20世纪90年代中期在宾夕法尼亚州的好时镇被发现,并以该市出产的好时之吻巧克力糖果的名字命名。

    Those injected with kisspeptin , discovered in the mid-1990s in Hershey , Pennsylvania , and named after sweets from the city called Hershey 's Chocolate Kisses , reacted differently to sexual and non-sexual romantic pictures of couples .

  15. 情绪低落的时候,她们就疯狂地猛吃巧克力和糖果。

    When depressed , they dramatically overindulge in chocolate and sweets .

  16. 我们吃很多特制的万圣节巧克力和糖果。

    We eat a lot of special Halloween chocolates and candies .

  17. 该店卖巧克力、糖果之类。

    The store sells chocolates , candies and the like .

  18. 巧克力和糖果,你更喜欢吃哪个?

    Which would you prefer , chocolate or candies ?

  19. 饼干、巧克力、糖果模具。

    Biscuits , chocolate , candy molds .

  20. 愿你的家人、朋友和恋人被许多巧克力、糖果和爱的盛宴狂轰乱炸。

    May chocolates , candies and lovely treats bombard your family members , friends and dear ones .

  21. 与其储备很多巧克力和糖果,为什么不置办一些水果呢?

    Instead of stocking up on chocolate and sweets , why not stock up on fruit instead ?

  22. 五颜六色的苹果和桔子、一盘盘的黄油、炖好的鸡、一盒盒的巧克力和糖果。

    colourful apples and oranges , plates of yellow butter , cooked chickens , boxes of chocolates and sugared sweets .

  23. 你能想象詹姆斯·邦德点一杯巧克力奶油糖果马提尼,或一杯苹果马提尼、柠檬马提尼、又或者是仙人掌果马提尼的情景吗?

    Asking for a chocolate butterscotch martini , or an apple martini , lemon drop martini or prickly pear martini ?

  24. 非常适合颗粒花生酱、饼干、糕点、夹心巧克力、糖果、冰淇淋制造业对花生仁、杏仁碎粒和薄片原料的要求。

    Kernel and slice is use in processing of peanut paste biscuit , chocolate , cake , sweets , and ice cream .

  25. 如果你饿了,坚持小包装的,含糖的零食,像巧克力,糖果,薯片,喝含糖量高的冷饮。

    If you are hungry , stick to light , sugary snacks like chocolate , sweets and crisps . Stick to cold drinks things that are high in sugar .

  26. 新西兰卫生部发布了一份讨论文件(但愿这是场简短的讨论),内容是将酒精饮料与香烟的最小年龄限制扩展到汉堡、巧克力和糖果等食品上。

    New Zealand 's Ministry of Health has issued a discussion paper ( and let 's pray it is a short discussion ) that the minimum age restrictions on alcohol and tobacco be extended to foods such as hamburgers , chocolate and sweets .

  27. 别把牛奶巧克力放进糖果袋子,改放那些富含抗氧化物质的黑巧克力吧。

    Skip the milk chocolate and sneak antioxidant-rich dark chocolate into trick-or-treat bags .

  28. 进口:芝麻籽,鸡蛋粉,豆奶(豆浆)粉,有机产品,巧克力派,糖果。

    HyongBongKoh Im : Sesame Seed , Egg Powder , Soymilk Powder , Organic Products , Choco Pie , Confectioneries .

  29. 别为自己喝了佳酿,吃了点心、巧克力或是糖果而感到内疚,只要注意食量就可以。

    Don 't feel guilty about treating yourself to a nice drink , dessert , chocolate or sweets , but watch your portions .

  30. 冷却后,用浸渍叉小心移动松露巧克力,放入糖果盒内并码放整齐。

    Once cooled , carefully remove each truffle from the plate , using the dipping fork . Set in a confectionery case and arrange in a box .