
  • 网络Engineering ships;engineering vessel;working ship
  1. 选用的工程船舶必须满足施工要求,并经过项目经理部同意。

    Engineering vessel selected shall meet construction requirements and shall be approved by project manager Dept.

  2. 建立工程船舶折旧制度的建议

    Suggestions for Establishing Depreciation System of Working Ship

  3. 利用GPS卫星定位技术对疏浚工程船舶进行施工定位

    Construction Positioning for Dredging Vessels by GPS Satellite Positioning Technique

  4. 基于GPS定位技术的工程船舶监控系统的研究与应用

    The Design and Application of Monitoring System for Project Ships Based on GPS Technology

  5. 基于VB的工程船舶动态导航系统的开发

    VB-based Project Ship Dynamic Navigation System

  6. 提出了一种基于GPS定位技术和可视化程序开发工具的工程船舶动态导航系统。

    This paper proposes a dynamic navigation system for project ships on the basis of GPS 's positioning technology and developing instruments of visual procedure .

  7. 以一工程船舶实时监控系统设计为例,详细介绍了利用VB开发OPC数据接口的步骤和关键技术。

    Taking a real-time monitoring system for the project ship as an example , the step and the essential technology of developing the OPC interface by Visual Basic are explained in detail .

  8. 为适应杭州湾大桥水上施工的需要,中港一航局从日本购买一艘700t全旋转式多功能天威号工程船舶,该船配备有荷兰制造IHC型号系列液压打桩锤。

    To meet the demands of over-water construction of Hangzhou Bay Bridge , CHEC-Tianjin Port Construction Company purchased a 700t totally rotary multi-functional engineering ship named " Tian Wei Hao " from Japan which was equipped with liquid driving hammer of IHC series manufactured by the Netherlands .

  9. 非自航工程船舶智能定位系统的开发研究

    Application Study of the Intelligent Position System for Non-self-propelled Project Ship

  10. 建立科学规范的工程船舶防台风机制

    Establishing Scientific and Standardized for Engineering Ship against Typhoon Mechanism

  11. 神经网络在疏浚工程船舶上的应用研究

    Research on the Application of ANN in the Dredge Ship

  12. 工程船舶机务管理体系及其信息系统研究

    Research on the Technical Management System and Information System of Working Ship

  13. 工程船舶横摇角计算方法研究

    Researches on Rolling Angle Calculation Method for Engineering Ships

  14. 工程船舶液位测量计算机监控技术的应用

    Application of Liquid Level Measurement Computer Monitor and Control Technology in Engineering Vessels

  15. 工程船舶远程维修决策支持系统开发研究

    Development of Engineering Ship Remote Maintenance Decision Support System

  16. 作为重要的海洋工程船舶,起重船有了广阔的用武之地。

    As an important offshore vessel , floating cranes are widely used today .

  17. 烟大铁路轮渡工程船舶系泊的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Ship Mooring to Wharf of YanDa Railroad Ferry Project

  18. 自修大型工程船舶项目研究

    PROJECT The Study of Repairing Large-scale Engineering Ships Independently

  19. 金属抗磨自修复剂在工程船舶柴油机上的应用研究

    Application of Metal Self-repairing Additives on Marine Diesel Engine

  20. 工程船舶作业力矩作用下的横摇运动

    Rolling Motion of Engineering Ships under the Operating Moment

  21. 工程船舶在防洪抗洪中的功能及其发展前景

    The Function and Prospects of the Working Ships in Preventing and Fighting a Flood

  22. 铺管船主要是从事海洋管道铺设的工程船舶。

    The pipeline layer engaged in laying pipeline in ocean is the contribution of vessels .

  23. 基于无线传输技术的疏浚工程船舶远程施工管理及设备故障诊断

    Remote Working Management and Devices Fault Diagnosis of Dredging Engineering Ship Based on Wireless Transmission Technology

  24. 因此,液压驱动方式广泛地被国内外的工程船舶所采用。

    So , the hydraulic driving have been widely used in the engineering ship all the world .

  25. 海上定位作业是工程船舶所面临的最为重要的一类工况。

    Positioning operations at sea is one of the most important kinds of conditions faced by engineering ship .

  26. 东北海岸轮机工程师和造船师学会建立科学规范的工程船舶防台风机制

    Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders of the North-East Coast Establishing Scientific and Standardized for Engineering Ship against Typhoon Mechanism

  27. 作为工程船舶,其船体结构形式与其它常规船型有着明显的不同。

    As a kind of engineering ships , its hull structure is markedly different with other normal types of ships .

  28. 耙吸式挖泥船一种是具有自航能力并在航行过程中进行疏浚作业的大型工程船舶。

    Trailing suction dredger which has ability of self-navigation and dredging during the navigation is one of large-scale project vessel .

  29. 因此,建立科学合理的工程船舶管理体系,开发高效的机务管理信息系统,是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to build a reasonable management system and develop technical management information system for working ship .

  30. 为了保证工程船舶的运行过程中的安全,必须建立船舶设备的维修决策支持系统。

    Engineering ship maintenance decision support system is needed in order to secure the safety in the process of engineering ship operation .