
  • 网络Engineering Science;Master of Engineering Science
  1. 机械工程师学会,C部分:机械工程科学杂志。

    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Part C : Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science .

  2. 基于分析20世纪后期,世界农业发生的重大变化及由此引起的全球环境恶化等问题,本文着重论述了2l世纪农业及农业工程科学技术发展的趋势与特点。

    In view of the worldwide great development of agriculture and the aggravated environment during the 20th century , the tendency and distinguishing feature of agriculture and agricultural engineering science and technology development of 21st century was emphatically pointed out in this paper .

  3. 人类一学会使用工具,工程科学就开始了。

    The science of engineering began as soon as man learned to use tools .

  4. 第四部分根据甘肃土木工程科学研究院面临的市场需求和竞争现状,对甘肃土木工程科学研究院进行SWOT分析,指出甘肃土木工程科学研究院当前营销工作中存在的问题。

    The fourth part makes the analysis through SWOT based on the market demand and competitive status quo , and points out the problems of the institute .

  5. 针对上述需要,本文结合交通部天津水运工程科学研究院中央公益性基金项目(TKS070204)对高桩码头横梁的可靠性进行分析计算。

    Then , this paper is combining with part study of the projects of the central public fund ( TKS070204 ) which is belongs to Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering .

  6. 火灾安全科学&一个新兴交叉的工程科学领域

    Fire Safety Science & A Promising and Interdisciplinary Engineering Scientific Field

  7. 关于加强医院医学工程科学科建设的思考

    Thought about construction reinforcement of hospital medical engineering section MEDICAL SCIENCE

  8. 机械工程科学前沿和优先领域的初步构想

    Conception of Frontier and Top Priority Fields for Mechanical Engineering & Science

  9. 21世纪农业及农业工程科学技术发展的趋势、特点

    21st Century Tendency and Distinguishing Feature of Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering Development

  10. 近年照明工程科学的若干新进展(一)

    The current progress in illuminating engineering science ( part ⅰ)

  11. 工程科学中有关火箭的设计与操作的分支。

    The branch of engineering science that studies rocket design and operation .

  12. 工程科学、自然科学以及医学学士学位。

    Completed university degree in Engineering Science , Natural Sciences or Medicine .

  13. 中国畜牧工程科学技术的创新与发展

    Innovation and development on animal husbandry engineering technology in China

  14. 20世纪&钢铁冶金从技艺走向工程科学

    The 20th century & ferrous metallurgy advanced towards engineering science from skill

  15. 高功率固体激光装置的发展与工程科学问题

    Status of High-power Solid state Lasers and Engineering Science

  16. 包装工程科学人才供求矛盾剖析

    Analysis on the Contradiction between Supply and Demond of Packaging Engineering Scientific Technicians

  17. 对我国现代工程科学技术发展的思考

    Thoughts on Modern Engineering Science Technology Development in China

  18. 它是到牛津的工程科学院。

    To the engineering science department at oxford .

  19. 介绍了化学工程科学和化学工程本科教学课程体系的发展历程。

    The evolution of chemical engineering science and undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum has been introduced .

  20. 这里的工科指的是与计算机相关工程科学

    Engineering - meaning computer science-related engineering .

  21. 重视工程科学的基础研究&从材料科学的几个实例谈起

    Due emphasis on fundamental research in Engineering Sciences & a few case studies in Materials Sciences

  22. 工程科学与工程哲学

    Engineering Science and Engineering Philosophy

  23. 工程科学通常都不需要精心而准确的计算,在网站运维的领域中也是一样。

    Engineering disciplines have always employed back-of-the-envelope calculations ; the field of web operations is no different .

  24. 论技术科学与工程科学

    On the Applied Sciences and Engineering Sciences Some Technical Challenges in West Line of South-North Water Transfer Project

  25. 最优化理论由于它的灵活性,在许多工程科学问题中都得到了成功的应用。

    Because of its adaptability , multi-objective optimization has been successfully used in many engineering and scientific problems .

  26. 加强地矿勘查工程科学管理及要有长期打算的思想准备。关于勘查工程质量控制的刍议

    Enhance scientific management of geological and mineral prospecting projects . A PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON QUALITY CONTROL OF EXPLORATION ENGINEERING

  27. 流体力学的基础理论于船舶结构和海洋工程科学中发展而出。

    The fundamentals of fluid mechanics are developed in the context of naval architecture and ocean science and engineering .

  28. 以色列的节水高效农业实现现代集约持续农业的工程科学技术

    Engineering Science and Technology for Modern Intensive Sustainable Agriculture An Impression on the Investigation in Israel and the Netherlands

  29. 第五次(1991)国家自然科学奖材料与工程科学部分获奖项目介绍

    Description of some works-in the Materials and Engineering Sciences awarded the Fifth ( 1991 ) National Natural Science Prize

  30. 又因为对于它的研究要涉及到较多的近代数学知识,因而成为工程科学和基础科学共同关心的课题。

    Because it relates to the morden mathematical knowledge , it is concerned by the engineering science and foundation science .