
  • 网络Engineering Station;engineer station;EWS
  1. 上位机采用两台适合工业现场应用的PC,分别为工程师站和操作站。

    The host computers are two special PC suiting industrial application which are engineer station and operator station separately .

  2. 一种基于ModBus协议的工程师站通讯系统的建立

    The Establishment of Communication System in Engineer Station Based on the ModBus Protocol

  3. DCS工程师站组态软件的设计与实现是一个庞大而复杂的工程。

    The design of configuration software for Distributed Control System is a huge and complex engineer .

  4. 通讯模块是指控制器与工程师站、DP主站之间的通讯。

    Communication module is refers to communication among the controller , engineer station and DP master .

  5. 在Delphi开发环境下,利用组态技术设计了基于集散控制系统的工程师站软件。

    Under Delphi development environment , engineer station software based on DCS is designed by the use of configuration technology .

  6. 整个系统的硬件由PLC控制站、PLC分布式I/O站、工控操作站/工程师站、冗余网络总线组成。

    The hardware of whole system consists of PLC control station , distributed I / O station , operation station / engineer station , and redundant network bus .

  7. 该通讯软件主要利用工程师站上的CHIP软件包提供的接口采集生产现场数据,并使用Socket机制将数据由工程师站送入数据采集机。

    The software uses the interfaces provided by CHIP which is a software installed in the engineer station to collect data and transmits data with socket .

  8. 当剧团把宏达首席执行官周永明(peterchou)引上台时,他看上去略显尴尬一名工程师站在一群舞蹈演员中间。

    When the troupe led chief executive Peter Chou on to the stage , he looked slightly awkward an engineer among dancers .

  9. 系统包括两个控制站(CS),一个工程师站(ES)和两个操作员站(OS),它们之间通过基于TCP/IP协议的以太网相连。

    The system includes two control stations , one engineer station and two operate stations , which are joined via Ethernet based on TCP / IP protocol .

  10. DCS系统的组态软件是运行在工程师站和操作员站、用于过程监视与控制的应用软件,是DCS系统集中操作和管理的体现。

    The Configuration Software of the DCS is a kind of application software that runs on the engineers station and operators station , and is used for process monitoring and control .

  11. 本工作主要完成了工程师站(上位机)的控制算法组态模块和现场控制站(下位机)应用程序的开发,开发工具分别为Visualc++6.0和eMbeddedVisualC++4.0。

    The main task of the software in the project is the configuration module of control algorithm in PC ( engineer station ) and the applications in field control stations , respectively compiled in Visual C + + 6.0 and Embedded Visual C + + 4.0 environment .

  12. 结合系统的软件体系,重点分析了MMI总控软件在操作员站、工程师站中的主要功能和作用以及DPU组态软件;

    Incorporation with system software , the paper analyzes main functions and effects of MMI general control software in operator station and engineer station and DPU group state software .

  13. 锅炉燃烧管理系统ECS-1200工程师站、操作员站的硬件升级改造

    Hardware upgrading of engineer and operator stations for boiler combustion management system ECS-1200

  14. 介绍了XDPS-400系统的网络结构,分布式处理单元(DPU)的组成特点、标准算法模块,人机接口站(MMI)、工程师站(ENG)的主要功能;

    This paper introduces the net configuration of XDPS-400 system , the structural characteristics of distributed processing unit ( DPU ), standard algorithm modular , man machine interface ( MMI ), and main functions of engineer station ( ENG ) .

  15. 中小型集散控制系统工程师站组态软件设计

    The Design of Configuration Software for Engineer Station Based on Mini-median DCS

  16. 电厂分散控制系统工程师站人机界面的设计与实现

    Design and development of man machine interface for engineer station of distributed power plant control system

  17. 顶层为工程师站、操作员站;基于变压器顶层油温的动态建模

    On the top is the station for engineers and operation personnel . Dynamic Modeling Based on Transformer Top Oil Temperature

  18. 实时数据库结构在工程师站中建立、重组或重构的结果要传输到工作站。

    Real time database structure is created in engineer work station . The results of re-organization or re-construction will be transmited to the work station .

  19. 该系统采用上、下位微机协调监控的控制方案,由系统工程师站和现场控制站组成,对全厂39个发酵罐实行全自动控制。

    The sys-tem , based on harmonious monitor principle of computers at different places , is composed of system engineer station and field control station .

  20. 研究范围主要集中在现场控制站构成,工程师站和操作员站的软件问题。

    The research focus is placed on the configuration of the Field Control Station and the soft problem about the Engineer Station and the Operation Station .

  21. 远程故障诊断系统由故障特征参数、工程师站、数据查询、故障查询、趋势分析和故障诊断方法等组成。

    The remote fault diagnosis system is composed of statistics trend analysis , fault characteristic parameters , engineering site , data query , fault query and fault diagnosis ways .

  22. 中央控制室除安装有操作员站外,还设有过程控制系统工程师站、安全仪表系统工程师站、设备管理站。

    In addition to operator station , in the central control room is also installed the process control system engineer station , safety instrumentation system engineer station and facility management station .

  23. 通过TCP/IP组播及对分散控制系统操作员站、工程师站数据格式的研究,可进一步将虚拟分散处理单元与控制系统的其他部件连接,实现完整的控制系统仿真。

    Through the study on TCP / IP configuration and the data formats of operator station , engineer station of DCS , the virtual DPU and the other components of control system can be further connected , with the whole simulation of control system realized .