
  • 网络re-engineering;reengineering
  1. 结论采用牙髓干细胞为种子细胞、HA-TCP为支架材料可成功构建牙本质-牙髓复合体样结构,为进一步进行牙齿组织工程再造奠定基础。

    Conclusions Tissue-engineered rat dentin-pulp complex was reconstructed by seeding HA-TCP scaffold with rat dental pulp stem cells .

  2. 结论通过生物材料与人工可降解材料有机结合,PGA/胶原物理性能互补,是组织工程再造血管较理想的基质材料之一。

    It is an ideal scaffold for tissue engineered vessel reconstruction for it integrating both advantages of biomaterials and degradable materials .

  3. 生态重建的实质为林业复垦基础工程的再造与植被重建工程的实施;

    The implication ecological rehabilitation was determined to be re-construction base engineering of forestry reclamation , and re-vegetation engineering .

  4. 工程技术再造在自然界和工程技术的各个部门中,同步现象与同步问题随处可见。

    Rebuild the Service Industry of China 's petroleum engineering and technology The synchronous phenomena and problems can be easily found in nature and technological departments .

  5. 本文综述了目前为止实验及临床上采用的多种方法及各自的优缺点,包括自体动静脉移植、异体静脉移植、多种高分子材料的应用以及采用组织工程方法再造血管等。

    Many ways have been discussed in this article , including autogenous artery or vein , allogenous vein , some biomaterials and tissue engineer blood vessel .

  6. 有线电视工程建设流程再造设计

    The Design of CATV Projects Development Process Reengineering

  7. 用户电建工程的流程再造西北电建四公司企业文化建设与实践

    Business Process Reengineering of Electricity Utility Project for Customer The Theory and Practice of Constructing Corporate Culture in the Northwest Fourth Electric Power Construct Corporation

  8. 矿山工程扰动土人工再造的理论、方法与实证研究

    Theory , Methodology and Case Study of Artificial Rebuilding of Mining Engineering Disturbed Soil

  9. 结合实际情况,提出了废弃采石场生态与景观恢复的具体方案,包括开发性治理、工程整治、景观再造、绿化与生态恢复。

    In light of this results of the assessment , a preliminary plan for ecosystem and landscape restoration of the abandoned quarries is put forward .

  10. 畜牧业清洁生产工程技术体系工程技术再造

    Engineering and Technological System for Cleaner Production in Stockbreeding Rebuild the Service Industry of China 's petroleum engineering and technology

  11. 随着外部环境的变化和新需求的涌现,上个世纪八十年代以来,发达国家的工程教育正在经历着又一次范式转换,许多学者称其为工程教育再造。

    With the external environment changes and the emergence of new demands , engineering education in developed country is undergoing a paradigm shift since the 1980s . Many scholars called it Re-engineering of Engineering Education .