
gōng shāng jiè
  • Business community;business circles;industrial and commercial circles
工商界[gōng shāng jiè]
  1. 宁波帮是20世纪初上海工商界举足轻重的商人群体。

    The Businessman Group of Ningbo is a prominent businessman community of the industrial and commercial circles of Shanghai in the beginning of 20th century .

  2. 这次会议由联太平洋协会这一国际商人外交组织发起,由太平洋地区各国工商界所派代表参加,对中国商人来说是第一次直接的国际商人外交活动。

    This Conference was organized by Pan-Pacific Union , an international diplomatic organization of merchants , attended by the delegations sent by the industrial and commercial circles of the countries in Pacific area , and the first direct international merchant diplomatic activity of Chinese merchants .

  3. 理事会的多数席位将由工商界代表担任。

    The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives .

  4. 他以能说会道闻名于工商界。

    He earned a reputation in business circles for having a ready and eloquent tongue .

  5. 尽管《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)一篇关于哈佛商学院性别不平等现象的特写报道造成了不那么轻微负面效应,但这所商学院的MBA学位依然是闯荡工商界的硬通货。

    Despite less-than-flattering publicity generated by a New York Times ' feature on gender inequality at Harvard , an MBA from the school remains the quintessential credential in business .

  6. 它是一种工商界居于领先地位的企业之间的伙伴关系,这种关系最早是由IBM、Ariba和Microsoft建立的。

    It is a partnership among industry and business leaders and was founded by IBM , Ariba , and Microsoft .

  7. Web2.0工具正使工商界和个人私生活中的在线协作机会不断增加。

    Web 2.0 tools are increasing the possibilities for online collaboration , both in the business world and in people 's personal lives .

  8. 工商界是经济发展的主力军。

    The business circle is the main force of economic development .

  9. 代表团由教育界和工商界的资深人士组成。

    The delegation consists of senior figures from education and business .

  10. 我们广泛地接触了工商界人士。

    We have met with people from the business community .

  11. 政府应该听取工商界的意见,并对他们的要求作出回应。

    The government should listen to industry and respond to its needs .

  12. 外经贸部副部长安民会见台湾工商界人士

    Vice Minister An Min of MOFTEC Met People from Taiwan 's Business Circle

  13. 他在工商界享有盛誉。

    He is reputaly established in the business world .

  14. 我们会继续推动工商界应用电子商务和资讯科技。

    We will continue to drive e-business and it adoption by business sectors .

  15. 工商界同样存在类似问题。

    Similar oddities exist in the commercial sector .

  16. 特别是工商界的报刊,都从这个观点来研究这个问题。

    The industrial and commercial newspapers dealt with the question chiefly from this viewpoint .

  17. 公务员和工商界人士对奖励计划的反应十分热烈。

    The scheme received enthusiastic responses from both the Civil Service and the business community .

  18. 中国的发展将为世界各国工商界提供巨大的商机。

    China 's development will present huge business opportunities to business communities of other countries .

  19. 培养具有全球化战略眼光和金融财务专长的创新型工商界领袖。

    Training the leaders with innovative and global vision , specialty in finance and accounting .

  20. 将从协议中受益的规模较大的工商界利益相关方,基本上会保持沉默;

    larger business and industry stakeholders that would gain by the deal fall largely silent ;

  21. 香港工商界在改善区域环境担当著重要的角色。

    The Hong Kong business community plays an important role in improving the regional environmental quality .

  22. 我认为工商界还必须争取涵盖水净化纳米技术的全面立法。

    I believe businesses must also push for comprehensive legislation to cover nanotechnology in water purification .

  23. 我们热忱欢迎并诚挚邀请来自新加坡的企业家和工商界人士到来出席本次推介会。

    We would like to extend our warm welcome to all Singapore businesses to attend the seminar .

  24. 工会跟工商界资方交涉时代表着工人们一致的立场。

    The unions presented a united position among workers in discussion with owners of business and factories .

  25. 想象一下今天政府或工商界领导人也对本国民众说出类似的话。

    Imagine leaders today in either government or business going to their people and saying something similar .

  26. 同样的,工商界如果想要保持它们的竞争力,就要不断地为自己设立新任务。

    Equally , businesses and industries should keep setting new tasks in order to preserve their competitiveness .

  27. 政界和工商界人士普遍衣饰讲究,言行举止规矩大方。

    People in political circles and business circles spend much time on clothing , they have good manners .

  28. 公司励精图治,谋求与世界各国工商界朋友共同发展,携手共进。

    We will make great efforts to develop and advance together with our business friends all over the world .

  29. 执行力,一个响遍工商界的名词,正受到越来越多的人们的关注和研究。

    Executive Ability , a popular word in business community , is getting more and more attention and research .

  30. 上海的工商界无论是在上海还是在全国的政治经济生活中,都占有举足轻重的地位。

    The Shanghai business circles played an important role in political and economic life both in Shanghai and China .