
  • 网络Work group;Working group;workgroup
  1. 构建一种灵活、互补、高效率的工作群体即团队,是高新技术企业科技创新的有效组织形式。

    The technology innovation valid organization form of High-tech enterprise is to build a flexible , mutual complement and efficient work groups namely team .

  2. 该调查显示,若是工作群体消极情绪比例很高,往往会导致工作效率偏低,缺勤率偏高,质量缺陷较多。

    The research shows that work groups with a high rate of negativity tend to have lower productivity and higher rates of absenteeism and quality defects .

  3. 女性工作群体急剧扩张,使得她们在行业中扮演着惊人重要的角色。

    The female task force has expanded dramatically , and thus has its frightening importance in the professional world .

  4. 尤其在刑事诉讼中,辩护律师作为为弱势一方提供保护的工作群体,对于平衡权力与权利之间的关系,促进刑事诉讼活动的实体与程序公正有着构建性意义。

    Especially , in the criminal proceeding , defense lawyer as a party to provide protection for vulnerable working groups , is a construction of meaning to balance the relationship of power and right .

  5. 其主要症结在于体育基础设施相对落后,地域文化的影响,学校体育工作群体素质不高,以及教育发展的偏差。

    The major reason lies in the underdeveloped basic equipment of sports work , the influence of regional cultures , the low quality of sports workers in schools and the differences among educational development .

  6. 新课程理念下教师不再是相对孤立的工作群体,而是面临与专家、其他教师、学生与家长、管理者、社会的全方位合作关系。

    A teacher is no longer a relatively isolated working colony under the new course theory , but faces the overall cooperation with experts , other teachers , students and parents , administrators and society .

  7. 当他们听到来自工作班组群体的抱怨时,他们感到机会来临,就投入了进去。

    When they heard the complaints from the workgroup community , they sensed an opportunity and jumped in .

  8. 一般来说,那些已经很久出于失业状态的人最有可能退出找工作的群体。

    Typically , those who have been unemployed the longest are the most likely to drop out of the job hunt .

  9. 高校人才管理工作的群体效应是整个人才管理工作的组成部分,既有人才管理的普遍性,又有高校本身的特殊性。

    Group effect of talents management is a constituent part of talents management in colleges and universities , with both its universality and its own specific characteristics .

  10. 所谓的知识型员工是指具有创造性精神,依靠智力投入工作的群体。知识型员工工作积极性的发挥对于企业提高创新能力,赢得市场竞争优势具有重要的意义。

    The knowledge workers is a group which have the creative spirit and rely on intelligence to work . , their initiative is so important for enterprises to improve their innovation capability , competitive advantage to win the market is significant .

  11. 浅谈现代图书馆工作人员非正式群体及其管理

    A tentative opinion on the management of irregular groups in modern libraries

  12. 论高校人才管理工作中的群体效应

    On Group Effect of Talents Management in Colleges and Universities

  13. 论社会工作与弱势群体关怀

    On Social Work and Solicitude for the Weak Group

  14. 卫生与社会工作及其他群体

    Health & Social Work and Other Cluster

  15. 反对低工资或不好的工作环境的群体抵抗。

    A group 's refusal to work in protest against low pay or bad work conditions .

  16. 当前,消防安全服务工作的职业群体已经成为我国消防安全工作社会化的一支重要力量。

    Currently , fire safety services occupational groups of fire safety has become an important force in socialization .

  17. 政工干部是高校专门从事学生思想政治工作的特殊群体。

    The person of Ideological and Political Work is a special colony specially engaged in student 's ideological and political work of the university .

  18. 博士发现的现象或许不被大家认同,他发现学生或者高校毕业生比那些工作卑微的群体有更多的体毛。

    Perhaps contrary to popular belief , he found that men who were students or graduates had more body hair than those who work menial jobs .

  19. 高校青年干部是当前高校管理工作的主要群体,他们的工作态度端正与否,直接关系到高校的改革与发展。

    The college youth cadres are the main group of the present college management . Their attitude towards work will affect the reform and development of college directly .

  20. 分析了任务型群体的主要特点,以知识群体的工作过程和群体所处的环境因素为重点,按照单元分解的方法构建了一个任务型知识群体工作过程模型。

    The characteristics of task-oriented-group are analyzed . Then a work process model for task-oriented-group is designed according to the method of cell decomposition . In this model , the work process of group and environment of group are taken as key points .

  21. CSCW的出现表明计算机系统从支持个体工作朝着支持群体工作、方便人与人交互的方向发展,为此,需要研究支持协同工作的界面,即人与人交互界面。

    The emergence of Computer Supported Cooperative Work ( CSCW ) has introduced the development of systems which actively support cooperative work and human-human interactions .

  22. 这篇文章发表后,美国参议院很快投票通过了《反就业歧视法》(EmploymentNon-DiscriminationAct)。这样,在工作中歧视LGBT群体也有可能成为违法行为。

    Shortly after Cook 's op-ed , the Senate voted to approve the Employment Non-Discrimination Act , which would make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT employees in the workplace .

  23. 论现代文献情报工作中的人才群体结构

    Talent group structure in modern literature information work

  24. 此外,孩子们能够看到他们的家庭工作作为一个群体在一起。

    Also , children are able to see their family working together as a group .

  25. 信息化社会中人们工作的特点是群体性、交互性、分布性和协作性。

    The activities in the information society are of group , interactivity , distribution and collaboration .

  26. 可能是和你的私人伙伴,或工作关系上的群体或个人。

    These could be with your personal partner or an individual or group that you do business with .

  27. 最后一章分析学校个案工作救助大学生弱势群体的优势与不足。

    The final chapter analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of school casework aid for the disadvantaged college groups .

  28. 为了使计算机能更有效地支持群体工作,特别是群体协同工作,工作流技术的利用无疑是一种值得推广的解决方案。

    In order to support group work through computers , especially to support group cooperative work , the utilization of workflow technology is a recommendable disposal method .

  29. 社区照顾往往是由政府主导并提供主要的资金支持,聘请专业化、职业化的工作人员为老年群体提供服务,保证了服务的质量。

    Community care is often led and provided major funding support by the government . The government hire professional occupation to provide services for older age groups .

  30. 进城务工人员是在我国城市化进程中,从土地中脱离出来进入城市,从事第二第三产业工作的一个群体。

    Migrant workers are a group like this : they get rid of the land to enter cities in the progress of urbanization , and work in the second industry or the third industry .