
  • Working Place;Location;Working Location;work
  1. Anny:你为什么选择上海作为你的工作地点?

    Anny : Why do you select Shanghai as your working place ?

  2. 结果:该人群的LSIA平均得分为14.51±3.05,其影响因素主要有心境、健康和经济状况、婚姻、是否独居、工作地点和时间等。

    Results : The mean score of LSIA in this group of aged doctors was 14 . 51 ± 3.05 ; the influential factors of their life satisfaction mainly included mood , health , income , marriage , living alone or not , working place and time .

  3. 他定期开车往返于家和工作地点之间。

    He regularly drove from his home to his place of employment .

  4. 多年以来,她的家离工作地点非常远,不过现在她搬到了城里住。

    After years of living far away from work , she moved into the city .

  5. 一个巨大的开放式办公室是公司的ceo和其他行政人员的工作地点。

    The CEO and his fellow executives work from a large open-plan office .

  6. 唯一的区别是当时的抄写员是拖着桌子(deske,不同于现代英语中的桌子(desk))辗转于不同的工作地点。

    The only difference was that scribes lugged the desk - or deske - around with them from job to job .

  7. 上周,德州仪器(TI)在位于马里兰州日耳曼敦的工厂(我的工作地点)举行了“亲子工作体验”活动。

    Last week , at TI 's Germantown , Maryland facility ( where I work ), we held a " Bring Your Daughters and Sons to Work " day .

  8. 有的毕业生应聘到德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、美林(MerrillLynch)和高盛(GoldmanSachs),工作地点遍布国内外。

    They get jobs at Deutsche Bank ( DB ) , Merrill Lynch , and Goldman Sachs ( GS , Fortune 500 ) here and abroad .

  9. 其中一些属性指向文字值(比如名称),另一些则指向其他对象[比如专用名词(DN)指定的工作地点]。

    Some of these properties point to literal values ( like names ) while others point to other objects [ like work locations specified by distinguished names ( DN ) ] .

  10. 不,我不在创办者RobertRedford的厨房,而是在CNN的一个工作地点,犹他州帕克城的财富山旅馆。

    And no , I 'm not in founder Robert Redford 's kitchen . I 'm actually in one of CNN 's workspaces here at the Treasure Mountain Inn in Park City , Utah .

  11. BBC新闻–研究显示,我们工作地点和生活地方之间日益增长的距离,可导致倦怠,不良睡眠习惯,社交孤立,甚至对自己孩子的情绪问题。

    BBC News - Studies show that the growing distance between where we work and where we live can lead to burnout , poor sleeping habits , social isolation and even emotional problems for our children .

  12. 为的ISAM完整的源代码提供,你必须编译它为了得到一个工作地点。

    The full source code for the ISAM is provided , you will have to compile it in order to get a working site .

  13. 如果你想用Friendster或类似的服务,你必须建立一个个人简介,包括你的真实姓名、工作地点、职业、学校和朋友。

    If you want to use Friendster or similar services , you need to build a profile including your real name , where you work , your job , where you went to school and who your friends are .

  14. 居住在他本人工作地点以外的人。

    A person who lives away from his place of work .

  15. 只要住得离工作地点近,自由支配时间会更多。

    Living closer to work will give me more free time .

  16. 基薪净额加有受扶养人的工作地点差价调整数;

    Net base salary plus post adjustment at the dependent rate ;

  17. 如无特别说明,工作地点均在天津。

    Without specification , all the positions are located in Tianjin .

  18. 还有一个可能的工作地点:你住的公寓的顶层。

    Another potential workspace : the roof of your apartment building .

  19. 我也想自己选择工作地点。

    I would like to be picking my locale right now .

  20. 工作地点为上海或北京或天津。

    Working location will be Shanghai or Beijing or Tianjin .

  21. 三十年来,约翰逊都是晚上9点到达工作地点。

    For thirty years , Johnson had arrived at work at 9A .

  22. 他说他希望他住得更靠近工作地点。

    He said he wished he lived nearer his work .

  23. 表明电讯家庭办公可以让工作地点更加灵活,从而提高办公效率。

    Prove that telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and add to productivity .

  24. 也许那时你随意的风格和衣冠楚楚的工作地点不匹配。

    Maybe your casual style doesn 't fly in your buttoned-down workplace .

  25. 有些工作地点遥远,在另一个省份。

    Some jobs are far away , in another province .

  26. 这是依据谷歌软件“工作地点工具”做出的估计。

    That is the estimate based on Google 's Work Location Tool .

  27. 所有的食物在他们工作地点的自助食堂有提供。

    All foods were readily available in the cafeteria at their workplace .

  28. 但你也许想住得离工作地点近一些。

    But you probably want to live closer to work .

  29. 工作地点为上海或者广州或者大连。

    Working location is Shanghai or Guangzhou or Dalian .

  30. 苏珊:什么?工作地点在哪儿?

    Susan : What ? Where is the job ?