
  • 网络working philosophy
  1. 饭店新新人类之工作哲学

    Working Philosophy of New Hotel Human Beings

  2. 这种艰苦卓绝的认真态度和极端的热忱,已成为李的工作哲学的一个组成部分。

    This kind of painstaking care and zeal has become part of Li 's working philosophy .

  3. 我们的工作哲学把手段当成了目的,不是本末倒置又是什么?

    Our work philosophy as a means to not have the order reversed , what is it ?

  4. 这是希腊这个古老民族用它的社会习俗和生存哲学向我们的工作哲学提出的一个问题。

    It is the ancient Greek nation with its social customs and existential philosophy to our work philosophy presents a problem .

  5. 虽然希腊陷入债务危机,懒散的生活方式也许难辞其咎,但是他们的生活节奏和生活方式对我们的工作哲学不能说不是一种挑战。

    Although the Greek debt crisis , lazy lifestyle may be to blame , but their rhythm of life and the way of life on our work philosophy can not be said is not a challenge .

  6. 因而它可以作为林业工作者的工作哲学,并从而对林业范式从传统的经济利用到多价值森林管理的新范式转变提供有价值的思想。

    Therefore , ecoethics can be used as a working philosophy for forest researchers , and hence it provides valuable ideas for the transition of patterns in forestry from the traditional one of economic utilization to a new multivalue forest management .

  7. 在教师发展学校的建设中要重视教育自身的生命和生活,重视教师发展学校建设之共有属性的探索,重视教师发展学校的工作哲学。

    The author thinks that the life of education itself , the research on the common attributes of building teacher development schools ( TDS ), and the running philosophy of the TDS should be pay much more attention in constructing the TDS .

  8. 用科学发展观统领环保工作的哲学思考

    Philosophic Consideration of the View of Science and Development on Environmental Protection

  9. 内蒙古西部地区环境保护工作的哲学反思

    Philosophical Reflection About the Environmental Protection of Western Area In Inner Mongolia

  10. 素质开发是扶贫开发的关键&关于驻村扶贫工作的哲学思考

    Quality Training Is the Key to Rural Development

  11. 高校教材选用工作的哲学视域探究

    Probe into Philosophical Vision of Adopting in Universities Teaching Materials What 's Philosophy For

  12. 本文讨论了数学关于运动与静止方面所做的工作及哲学意义。

    This article discusses what mathematics has done as to motion , motionlessness and its philosophy meaning as well .

  13. 本文简要分析了斯宾诺莎的唯物论的唯理论和真理论及其对爱因斯坦的研究工作、哲学思想的影响。

    This article expounds briefly Spinoza 's materialistic rationalism and theory of truth and their influence on Einstein 's scientific research and philosophic thought .

  14. 对思想政治工作作用的哲学反思

    The Philosophical Rethinking about Function of Ideological Political Work

  15. 医学影像诊断工作中的哲学思维与人文思考

    The Philosophic and Humanistic Thinking in Medical Image Diagnosis

  16. 今年适合在一个更高教育的领域工作,比如哲学等。

    Working in a higher educational field perhaps teaching philosophy or metaphysics would be very good for you .

  17. 本文试图从管理理论研究的具体方法、工作假设和哲学信念基础出发,采用历史分析、个案分析和实证分析方法,表明逻辑实证主义的基本观点深刻影响了管理学思想的发展。

    Through reviewing the history of management and philosophy of science , this article try to argue that the scientific methods which are used in management research have completely been influenced by the Positivist in 20 century .

  18. 入世后高校党的工作的几点哲学思考

    Philosophical thoughts on collegiate Party work after China 's entering WTO

  19. 马克思主义与时俱进的哲学思考入世后高校党的工作的几点哲学思考

    Philosophical Consideration about Proceeding with the Time of Marxism Philosophical thoughts on collegiate Party work after China 's entering WTO

  20. 我觉得,白天工作,晚上讨论哲学、文学和生活,那实在太美妙了。

    I thought it was so wonderful to work in the day and discuss philosophy , literature and life at night .

  21. 他长期从事于法律、道德和政治哲学的教学与研究工作,在法哲学、政治哲学、道德与实践理性领域颇有建树,是当代法律、道德与政治哲学领域最杰出的学者之一。

    He has been dedicated to teaching and studying law , morality , and political philosophy . He made great achievements in legal philosophy , political philosophy , moral and practical reasoning .

  22. 无论你是因为故事阅读这本书,还是获取商业建议,或者是关于工作或生活的哲学问题,这本丑小鸭在行动会被每位读者所喜爱。

    Whether you read this book for the fairy tales , the business advice , or the philosophical questions about work and life , The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work has something for every reader to enjoy .

  23. 完善思想政治工作的内容,必须重构人生哲学体系,实现思想政治工作与人生哲学修养的有机结合。

    In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment .