
  • 网络work specialization;Job Specialization;Task Specialization
  1. 虽然工作专业化并没有创造环境,但是是能够接受变革的。

    Although job specialization does not create an environment that is capable of accepting change .

  2. 搞好社会工作专业化建设的基本策略

    The Basic strategies for Realizing Social Work Specialization in China

  3. 老年人社区服务需求与社区工作专业化

    Demands of Community Services for the Elderly and Specialization of Community Work

  4. 刑侦工作专业化思考

    Thinking on the Specialization of the Criminal Investigation Work

  5. 关于中国社会工作专业化与产业化的思考

    Thought on Specialization and Industrialization of China Social Work

  6. 反思中国社会工作专业化面临的主要困境

    Reflecting the Present Key Predicament about Chinese Social Work

  7. 教师工作专业化:理念与行动

    Teaching as a profession : idea and action

  8. 我国社会工作专业化、职业化功能及其实现途径

    The Specialized , Professional Functions of Social Work and Ways to Achieve in Our Country

  9. 青少年社会工作专业化与职业化初探

    Specialization & Professionalization of Juvenile Social Work

  10. 工作专业化是必要的,因为工作变得更加复杂,而且还提高了效率。

    Work specialization is necessary as jobs become more complex and it also increases efficiency .

  11. 提高科技宣传工作专业化水平的途径分析&以太原市科技宣传工作为例

    Analysis on Raising Professional Level of Science and Technology Publicity Work Taking Taiyuan as an Example

  12. 和谐社会建设中社会工作专业化、职业化的功能分析

    Functional Analysis of the Specialization and Professionalization of Social Work in the Construction of Harmonious Society

  13. 教师工作专业化是当前世界师范教育改革和发展中所面临的核心问题。

    To teach as a profession is the core issue in the contemporary innovation and development of teacher education worldwide .

  14. 对社区服务人员进行社会工作专业化培训。

    Comprehensively exploit and utilize the resources of the community service and train the community service workers for social work professionalization .

  15. 刑侦工作专业化的价值目标是追求侦查效益的最大化,前提是严格执法,保障执法质量。

    The specialized value goal of it is pursuing the maxim benefit , the prerequisite is to enforce the law strictly , ensure the quality .

  16. 在社会工作专业化发展的进程中,长期存在着理论研究相对滞后的倾向。

    During the process of the development of professional social work , there has comparatively been a tendency to lag behind in the theoretical study .

  17. 应强化社区建设和社区康复基础工作专业化、保障的专门化、工作措施和流程的规范化、运行的有序化建设。

    It is time to strengthen community construction and professional community-based rehabilitation , as well as specialized security , working measures , standardized processes , and orderly operation .

  18. 可以通过实行资格认证制度、科学划分职级序列、实施培训进修机制和健全考核晋升体系来建立和完善学生工作专业化。

    Related measures for the purpose of establishing and bettering student work in universities includes qualification authentification , professional ranking , vocational training and perfection of assessment system .

  19. 随着社会工作专业化及职业化进程的稳步推进,社会工作者在残疾人服务领域中提供大量专业性服务工作,在一定程度上对帮助残疾人恢复自信、回归社会起到了关键性的作用。

    With the steady progress of social work , social workers provide lots of professional services in the field of serving the disabled . They help those people rebuild self-confidence and go back to the society .

  20. 刑侦工作专业化集中体现为刑侦部门应具有极强的发现、控制、揭露、证实刑事犯罪的专门能力,它包括工作规范和队伍专业化两方面内容。

    The working specialization of the criminal investigation shows the investigation department has the special and strong ability of discovering , controlling , revealing , verifying the crime , it includes two respects , such as the norm working and specialization team .

  21. 人才队伍建设是社会工作专业化、职业化乃至本土化的重要方面,只有加强社会工作人才队伍建设,社会工作的发展才会有可靠稳定的传输载体和后备力量。

    The talented person troop construction is an important aspect of social work specialization , professionalization and localization , as long as reinforcing social work talents troop construction , the social work development will have reliable and stable carrier and reserve force .

  22. 这就要求,我们一方面需要探求境外社会工作者伦理守则在中国的可行性,另一方面,还要根据自己的情况尽快制订出符合民族文化和社会发展的社会工作专业化的伦理守则。

    So on the one hand we need to explore the feasibility of overseas social work ethics in China , the other hand we should formulate a professional social work ethics in line with the national culture and social development as soon as possible .

  23. 加强学生事务管理工作的专业化水平;

    To strengthen professional level of student affairs administration ;

  24. 实际工作逐渐专业化、规范化。

    Specialization , standardization gradually of real work .

  25. 从专业社会学角度评估我国社会工作的专业化

    To Measure the Professional Level of Social Work : From the View of Sociology of the Profession

  26. 该研究对于完善我国高校学生管理理论及促进学生工作队伍专业化建设的实践具有重要意义。

    The study has great significance for the improvement of university student management theory and the construction of university student professional work .

  27. 高中班主任工作的专业化也已经成为很多教育学者和专家的共识。

    Specialized high school head teacher education has become much the consensus of scholars and experts . Then , where is the way out ?

  28. 第一部分是绪论章,主要对高校学生工作队伍专业化的研究背景、研究现状、相关概念和理论基础进行阐述。

    The first part is an introduction chapter , mainly discussed the work force of college students and professional background , status , relevant concepts and theory .

  29. 作者预测:在今后一段时间内,在铸件产量、管理工作、专业化生产、虚拟化生产、环境保护和劳动保护以及重点铸造技术方面,会有较快较大的进步与发展。

    The author forecasts that in the foreseeable future , there will be greater progress and development in the fields of casting quality , management , specialization , virtual production , environment control and foundry technologies .

  30. 在大众化教育背景下高校推行专职政治辅导员机制能够进一步使高校思想政治教育工作向专业化、职业化方向发展,对于切实提高大学生思想政治教育的针对性、实效性具有十分重要的意义。

    University pursue full-time political counsellor mechanism can make university 's ideology and politics educational work develop towards specialization , professional direction further under mass education background , which have very important meanings in improving pertinence of university student 's ideological and political education , substantial results conscientiously .