
  • 网络Worker's Compensation;workers compensation;WorkCover
  1. 你拿到工伤赔偿了吗?

    Are you getting worker 's compensation ?

  2. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾情况以及残疾是否会影响其工作能力。

    The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working .

  3. 两年过去了,不屈不饶的张治儒现在成了深圳市春风劳动争议服务部(chunfenglabourdisputesservicecentre)的主任,该机构为工人免费提供关于其合法权益的课程,帮助他们追讨工伤赔偿。

    Two years on , the indefatigable Mr Zhang is director of the Shenzhen Chunfeng labour disputes service centre , which offers workers free courses on their legal rights and helps them pursue industrial injury claims .

  4. 目前应从实践中和立法上对我国工伤赔偿制度加以完善。

    So this system should be perfected in practice and legislation .

  5. 工伤赔偿法律制度关系到社会的稳定与经济的发展。

    Industrial injury compensation system has important meaning to social stabilization and economic development .

  6. 雇工人身损害赔偿:游走于民事赔偿和工伤赔偿之间

    Hired laborer 's Personal Damage Compensation : Swinging between Compensation for Industrial Injury and Compensation for Tort

  7. 承包商与“雇主”在开工前投劳工投保工伤赔偿保险。

    The contractor is to lodge the workmen compensation policy with " the employer " before commencement of work .

  8. 以人为本视角下的工伤赔偿&谈工伤保险赔偿与普通人身损害赔偿的关系

    Work Injury Compensation in The View of People-oriented & The Relationship Between Work Injury Insurance Compensation and General Personal Injury Damages

  9. 第二小部分是讲司法实践对工伤赔偿与侵权赔偿处理的不统一。

    And the second part about our judicial practice on the handling of workers ' compensation and tort compensation relationship is not uniform .

  10. 第四章以工伤赔偿的范围为主题,论述工伤职工应获得的工伤赔偿待遇及其合理性;

    Chapter 4 taking the scope of the industrial injury indemnification as the topic argues the rationalities that the officers and workers should acquire .

  11. 工伤赔偿是劳动法和社会保障法中最具实践性的问题之一。

    Compensation for work-related injury is one of the most pragmatic issues in accordance with the Law of Labor and the Law of Social Security .

  12. 笔者在罗列出学界对该问题的多种分歧意见后,进而探讨了工伤赔偿与侵权责任的关系及各国的处理模式。

    The disagreements of academic are listed for the further discussion of the relationship between the injury compensation and tort liability and the national processing patterns .

  13. 指出竞合问题一直以来是困扰世界各国处理工伤赔偿的首要问题。

    I pointed out that the overlap problem is the main problem which is troubling all countries in the world while dealing with industrial injury compensation .

  14. 主要列举了一些使用率较高的法律以及几个具有代表性的地方性法规规章,对工伤赔偿与侵权赔偿关系的适用规定。

    And mainly cited applicable provisions of workers ' compensation and tort compensation relationship in some of the legal usage is high , and several representative local laws and regulations .

  15. 工伤赔偿与民事赔偿的竞合问题,是民事审判实践中遇到的疑难问题之一,也是理论争议较多的问题。

    Concurrence between the industrial injury indemnification and civil compensation , is one of the difficult problems in Civil Trial Practice and also the problem which has many argument on theory .

  16. 第三章立基于无过错责任原则之特性,分析工伤赔偿采用无过错责任的理由和历史必然性;

    Chapter 3 , on the basis of characteristics of non-fault responsibility principle , analyzes the reasons and historical inevitability of adoption of non-fault responsibility principle for the industrial injury indemnification .

  17. 这个小部分通过一个表格和对案例的简要分析,使读者可以清晰地看出工伤赔偿同案不同判的状况。

    This small part of a table and a brief analysis of the case , so that readers can clearly see the status of the workers ' compensation " Co-different sentence " .

  18. 但现行工伤赔偿诉讼中的工伤行政认定程序在实践中存在很多弊端,给劳动者维权造成诸多障碍。

    However there are many drawbacks in practice that exist the litigation in administrative process of compensation for industrial injury , and this procedure create a lot of barriers to workers rights protection .

  19. 基于职业足球运动员劳动权益保护的特殊需求,劳动法在实体法上应当对职业足球运动员的就业自由权、工资收入、工伤赔偿、工会组织等问题作出特别规定;

    Based on special requirements for the protection of labor rights of football players , labor law should have specific substantive provisions for freedom of employment , income , remedies for injury and labor union ;

  20. 工伤赔偿与侵权赔偿是工伤事故最重要的两种救济方式,但是如何处理两者间的关系,一直都为各国法学理论界和实务界所重视。

    Workers ' compensation and tort compensation is the most important of the two remedies in the work-related injuries , but how to deal with the relationship between the two has been important for the national legal theory and practice .

  21. 现行法律却对工伤赔偿法律适用问题没有作出明确的规定,司法实践适用不一,严重影响了法律的统一性。

    However , the actual law does not distinctly regulate the applicability of the compensation law for industrial injury , and the applicability of the judicial practice does not coordinate , so the unity of laws has been affected seriously .

  22. 所以,不论是发达国家还是发展中国家,不管其政治、经济和社会背景有什么不同,大都在不同程度上实行了工伤赔偿制度,以适应社会和人们的需求。

    So , either developed countries or developing countries , no matter how different the political 、 economic and social background of countries are , mostly practice the industrial injury indemnification system at degree to adapt the need of the society and people .

  23. 论文分析了工伤赔偿责任竞合的内涵,认定了工伤保险补偿与民事侵权损害赔偿的竞合属于不同法域中的广义竞合。

    Through analyzing the connotation of industrial injury liability concurrence , it is known that the concurrence belonging to different scopes of law in broad sense , which is suitable to this condition between the industrial injury insurance compensation and civil tort injury compensation .

  24. 出于不同的利益需求,进步主义改革者、企业雇主、工人、保险公司及政府在20世纪初结成联盟,共同推动工伤赔偿法在美国迅速被采纳,并且各方从中也获得不同收益。

    The workmen 's compensation legislations were adopted rapidly in the United States at the beginning of the 20 century by the coalition of the progressive social reformers , employers , employees , insurers and the government that had different demands and gained different profits .

  25. 本部分从我国现行工伤赔偿案件中适用工伤认定程序存在的缺陷、问题产生的原因、解决问题的方法及可行性、司法实践中的探索等几个方面对该问题予以阐述,并得出结论。

    This section from several aspects of the work injury compensative cases to explore , such as , lacking determinative procedure of work-related injuries , the causes of problem , problem solving methods and feasibility , judicial practice and so on , and draw a conclusion .

  26. 全文分为五章:第一章通过对工伤赔偿之涵义、工伤赔偿制度之历史演变及其功能等的阐述和分析,着力论证建立工伤赔偿制度的必要性;

    The text is divided into five chapters : Chapter 1 , through the explanation and analysis of the meaning of industrial injury indemnification , the history of the system and its function etc , puts forth effort to argue the necessity to build up the industrial injury indemnification .

  27. 工伤损害赔偿与补偿的法律适用分析

    Analysis on the Legal Applicability of Industrial Injury Indemnity

  28. 其次,分析了劳动法调整下的工伤保险赔偿制度。

    Secondly , to analyze the industrial insurance compensation system under labor laws .

  29. 对我国工伤事故赔偿的研究

    Study on Compensation System of Occupational Injury in China

  30. 由于现行工伤保险赔偿中对工伤人员的康复没有完整的体系。

    There is no integral system in current employment injury insurance about compensating injury personnel .