
  1. 新时期工业题材小说主题论

    An Analysis of the Theme of Industry-subjected in the New Age

  2. 《北与南》是盖斯凯尔夫人仅有的两部工业题材小说之一,另一部是《玛丽·巴顿》。

    North and South is one of Mrs.

  3. 工业题材的油画作品可以如实的反映出我国经济建设在各个时期的表面状况,同样也可以直观的体现出新中国建国以来油画艺术发展的轨迹。

    Industry theme oil painting works may reflect truthfully condition of economic development in our country .

  4. 草明是中国当代文学写工业题材的开拓者和最重要的作家之一。

    Caoming is a pioneer and one of the most important indudustry-themed novel writers in Chinese contemporary literature .

  5. 人道主义文学主题在工业题材创作中的表现,经历了从现代文坛到当代文坛的多重变化。

    The expression of humanitarianism subject of industrial literature has experienced multiple varieties in the period from modern literature to contemporary literature .

  6. 第二部分,主要论述了《沸腾的群山》与十七年工业题材小说在写作经验上的承继关系。

    The second part , mainly discusses the " boiling point " and " seventeenyears " industrial novels experienced in writing the inheritance relationship .

  7. 本文通过类比分析我国不同时期工业题材油画作品所具有的风格特征,阐述社会发展与艺术创作之间的必然联系,分析社会发展对于艺术创作的影响力。

    Through analysis the industry theme oil painting works in the different time of our country , elaborates the relation between the social development and the artistic creation .

  8. 在中国当代文学史上,相对于其他题材,工业文学处于相对薄弱的地位,工业题材小说也是如此。

    Comparing with other themes , the industry literature has a relative weak position in the history of Chinese contemporary literature . So do the industry novels .