
  • 网络industrial social work
  1. 摘要西方工业社会工作经历了一个产生、发展和繁荣的历程,如今正呈现出战略化、国际化、制度化、多元化和创新化的发展趋势。

    The western industrial social work has experienced a process of emerging , developing and flourishing , and now it takes on the new trends of strategizing , institutionalizing , pluralizing and innovating .

  2. 在发达工业社会中,工作形式正在发生快速的变更。

    Work in advanced industrial society is changing rapidly .

  3. 随着西方社会从工业社会向后工业社会转变,为工作而生活的传统价值观将被为生活而工作的新型价值观所取代,一个新的休闲时代来临。

    With the society transforms from industrial to post-industrial , the traditional value of " working to live " will be replaced by the new value of " working for life ", and a new " leisure time " is coming .

  4. 20世纪中叶以后,随着第三次科技革命的到来,人类逐步由工业社会进入信息社会,工业社会的重复性工作转变为信息社会的创新性工作。

    After the middle of the 20th century , with the arrival of the third technological revolution , the human gradually realize the shift from industrial society into the information society , and the shift from repetitive tasks in industrial society into innovative tasks in information society .

  5. 第二部分A工业园企业社工发展综述及危机个案介入,主要介绍了A工业园企业社会工作发展状况以及企业社会工作危机介入的个案分析。

    The second part is A industrial park enterprise social work development review and crisis intervention in the case , mainly introduced A industrial park enterprise social work development status and social work crisis intervention enterprise case analysis .