
Suggestions of Searching Primary Diamond Deposit with Industrial Value along Yuanjiang River
Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems .
The mineralization of the first and second period hot brine often superimposed to form industrial deposits .
The characteristics of uranium ore formation indicate that the economic uranium ore deposits are formed at the diwa stage .
The minimum mining thickness and the rock eliminating thickness of ore is important industrial indices that calculating industrial ore base reserve .
This paper about the formulation of calculating thickness and the internal factor introduce some different industrial ore base of mining method and way .
There are superimposed and enriched mineralizations in many kind of ore-forming way included the volcanic and nonvolcanic in many stages after volcanism , especially the industrial ore deposits .
The application of Indium has already gone deep into each realm of national economy , but it does not exist in independent industrial deposits which could be used for exploitation , most associated in Zinc Concentrate , extracted from the byproducts of Zinc Smelting Process .
The phosphorites and genesis of industrial P deposits in East Yunnan
The carbonate-siliceous-politic rock type uranium deposit is one of the important economic types of uranium deposits in China .
Up till now several grains of diamond have been found in the Sinian , Triassic and Cretaceous clastic rocks , but in the lower reach the river there existed Quaternary industrial diamond placer deposit .
On Industrial Ecotype Mining Model of Metalliferous Deposit Industry
Over the last several decades , there has been great of changes and achieved great successes in uranium mining and metallurgy industry in China .
The commercial factors are basis for exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits , and are basic factors for economic evaluation of mineral deposits , adjustment of mining production and obtaining best economic benefit .
Now in situ uranium mining is being widely used in the world because it makes uneconomical uranium deposits which can not be mined with conventional method profitable and contribute less to population of environment .
It has been found that there are 10 ore deposits and 20 localites with economical values .
Prospecting also involves locating mineral deposits that may be commercially valuable . STABLE ISOTOPIC PROVINCES IN THE DEVONIAN STRATA - BOUND ORE DEPOSITS IN NANLING REGION
Sandstone-type uranium deposit is one type of uranium deposits with important industrial significance , and is the main target exploration type of China nuclear geology .
The Hongtoushan Cu-Zn deposit , located in the Hongtoushan rock formation of Archean greenstone in North Liaoning Province , is a large-scale ore deposit with great industrial significance .
All of the deposits which are related genetically to formation of weathering lateritic crust with a certain industrial value should fall to a category of " a lateritic deposit " .
Orientated Prospecting Prognosis of the Concealed Ores of the Xiaohe ~ Shimenkan Copper Deposits in the Dayao Copper Deposits Area ; Prospecting also involves locating mineral deposits that may be commercially valuable .
It is recommended that minimum industrial grade and average grade of ore deposit in commercial factors can be canceled in order to suit for these two new standards .