
  • 网络industrial users
  1. 以广东一LNG气化站主要设备规模及选型为例,介绍了以工业用户为主的城市LNG气化站建设的特点和影响因素、规模的确定、几种储气形式及气化方式的比选等。

    Taking the case of one LNG gasification station s in Guangdong province , the author introduces mainly on features , factors and scales for industrial users in building urban LNG gasification station , and sets forth several forms of gas storage and gasification modes .

  2. 抓住重点工业用户,力求共同发展;

    To seize on the key industrial users to do our best to develop commonly ;

  3. 去年年初对10KV电网主要工业用户的用电负荷性质进行了调查。

    At the beginning of last year , the property of electrical loads of the main industrial consumer in JiangBei area was investigated .

  4. 这些改变影响到所有煤气用户,包括工业用户在内。

    These changes affect all gas consumers , including industry .

  5. 壳牌为工业用户生产和提供石化原材料和聚烯烃类产品。

    Shell manufactures and delivers petrochemical building blocks and polyolefins to industrial customers .

  6. 批发商指的是将商品基本销售给其他销售商或工业用户的个人或组织。

    Wholesales are individuals and organisations that sell primarily to other sellers or industrials users .

  7. 低压非大工业用户电能表与电价制改革初探

    Reform Discussion on Electrical Energy Meter and Tariff System for Low Voltage and Un-large Industrial User

  8. 最后给出一大工业用户数据验证了文中方法的有效性。

    Finally , data from some large industrial consumer have proven the effectiveness of the method proposed .

  9. 经除硫化氢处理的煤气用泵经管道输送、出售给工业用户。

    The desulphurised gas is then pumped off site via a pipeline for sale to industrial users .

  10. 现有几百种成熟的电源模块产品方案库,可供军工用户和工业用户选用。

    Hundreds of existing power module products , programs mature library users and industrial users for military use .

  11. 燃气工业用户远程抄表,查看煤气使用状况及历史抄表数据。

    Gas for industrial users , remote meter reading , view the history of gas usage and meter reading data .

  12. 按照惯例,考虑了三种用户类型:居民用户、商业用户以及工业用户。

    Traditionally , three customer types are discussed , each with its own domain : residential , commercial , and industrial .

  13. 北京方面在鼓励提高能效和禁止向工业用户提供电费补贴方面取得的成就非常有限。

    Beijing has had limited success in encouraging energy efficiency and in its efforts to ban electricity subsidies for industrial users .

  14. 本文针对工业用户中普遍存在的谐波污染问题,对三相并联型电力有源滤波器进行了重点研究。

    Considering the reality of harmonics pollution which widely exists among industrial users , three-phase shunt APF is studied in the paper .

  15. 鉴于盛夏用电量势必猛增,中国已下令削减对一些工业用户的供电。

    With electricity consumption set to spike in the sweltering summer months , China had already ordered supply cuts to some industrial users .

  16. 其用户包括了城市燃气用户、工业用户、电厂用户和区域管网公司等类型的用户。

    The consumers included fuel gas user in town , industrial user , electrical power user and pipeline network company in some areas etc.

  17. 电能表是最常见的电能计量器之一,从大工业用户到一般家庭使用的电能计算都离不开电能表。

    Electricity meter is one of the most common electric energy measuring devices , commonly used from large industrial customers to every household .

  18. 两部制电价实施后,某些大工业用户采取非法手段隐瞒变压器的容量,以达到少交容量电费的目的。

    Many industry users illegally hide the capacity of transformer after implementation of two-part electricity price in order to pay less capacity tariff .

  19. 买家不管是珠宝制造商、工业用户,心存恐惧的个人,还是投机者必须不断地消化增加的供应,才能让金价继续在当前水平保持均衡。

    Buyers whether jewelry and industrial users , frightened individuals , or speculators must continually absorb this additional supply to merely maintain an equilibrium at present prices .

  20. 在后续操作、装配、产品以及给工业用户发货部件方面,是否考虑到了对用户的影响?

    Do the effects consider the customer in terms of the subsequent operation , assembly , and product , including delivery of the part to customer plant ?

  21. 摘要存自由竞争的电力市场中,应用鲁宾斯坦博弈模型,分析了电价制订方与大工业用户通过轮流出价谈到来确定峰谷分时电价的过程。

    The process to determine the TOU price drawn by price makers and large industry customers in turn is analyzed with the Rubinstein model in free competitive market .

  22. 中国最主要的电力经销商国家电网说夏季短缺扩大的话将会减少更多工业用户的电力供应。

    The State Grid of China , the country 's dominant power distributor , said it would cut supplies to more industrial users in summer to shortfalls expand .

  23. 这样延迟将威胁严重害处给工业用户并且造成他们恐慌和买银的了不起的数量建立存货防止受到未来延迟。

    Such delays would threaten grave harm to industrial users and cause them to panic and buy great quantities of silver to build inventories to protect against future delays .

  24. 人们指责投机者与投资者推高了大宗商品价格,但最新研究显示,刺激一系列金属价格飙升的原因,是来自工业用户的需求。

    As speculators and investors attract blame for driving up commodity costs , new research shows demand from industrial users has spurred a price boom in a range of metals .

  25. 针对民用供气设备向大型工业用户供气中存在的问题,提出了安全供气、合理计量的方法和途径。

    This paper puts forward methods of safe gas feed and logical measure based on the problems exist in the process that gas installation supplying gas to the large-scale and industrial consumer .

  26. 湖南省占中国的锌和铅冶炼产能的大约五分之一。该省电力正优先供应居民家庭,对工业用户则实行限制。

    In Hunan province , which accounts for about a fifth of China 's capacity for zinc and for lead smelting , electricity supplies are being diverted from industrial to domestic consumers .

  27. 针对天然气市场在以气代油和热电冷三联供方面的分析,指出天然气工业用户市场有很大的发展潜力。

    According to the analysis of substituting oil with gas and the joint cold , heat and power supply , it is pointed out the industrial gas-using market has great developing potential .

  28. 某市工业用户燃气具改造的环保意义此外,若将废油中的水份及固体除去,可再循环作为工业用燃油。

    Environmental Protection Significance of Improving Industrial Fuel Gas Utensil in a Certain City Besides , waste oil can be reused as industrial fuel by removing the water content and solids in wastes .

  29. 当前我国低压非大工业用户计费电能表及其电价制存在的问题已经制约了电力市场的正常发展和电力需求侧管理的开展。

    The existent problems in electrical energy meter and tariff system for low voltage and un-large industrial user in China have restricted the normal development of power market and the power demand side management .

  30. 选取洛阳供电公司10家工业用户进行实证分析,验证了该指标体系,可以作为电力公司筛选客户压限负荷的依据。

    Empirical analysis is carried out to 10 industrial users in Luoyang , and the index system is verified . On the basis of the index system and the model , Power company can be better to choose users to limit the load .