
ɡōnɡ yè yònɡ dì
  • Industrial land;use of land for industrial purposes
  1. 基于GIS的上海城市中心区工业用地空间解构

    A GIS based Research of Industrial Land Use in Shanghai

  2. 第三类工业用地(M3),对居住和公共设施等环境有严重干扰和污染的工业用地。

    M3 , refers to the industry that has serious interference and pollution to the surrounding and environment .

  3. 采用GIS空间分析技术,对1949~1996年期间上海城市中心区工业用地变化的时空进程进行空间分割和历史形态分析。

    According to the GIS spatial analytical technology , the spatial and temporal process of the central district of Shanghai 's industrial land use change from 1949 to 1996 was analyzed by spatial-comminuting and historical-morphological approaches .

  4. 说明该工业用地土壤确实存在重金属污染,尤其是重金属Cr超标严重,这与该地块长期堆放含铬浸出渣和排放含铬废水有关。

    It shows that this industry plot of soil really exists the heavy metals pollution and the heavy metals Cr particularly supers mark severely , which has something to do with the long-term pilling-up waste residue that contains Cr and letting out wastewater that contains Cr.

  5. 另一方面,工业用地也大大增长。

    On the other hand , industrial land has greatly increased .

  6. 浙江省乡镇工业用地规划建设的若干问题

    Problems in the planning of Township Industrial Park in Zhejiang Province

  7. 上海市工业用地的效率与布局

    The Efficiency & Layout of the Industrial Land Use in Shanghai

  8. 浙江小城镇工业用地形态结构演化研究

    On the Evolution of the Industrial Land Use Pattern in Zhejiang Province

  9. 小城镇工业用地空间扩张的方式与特征

    Patterns and Characteristics of Industrial Land Sprawl in Small Towns

  10. 工业用地指标可以优先保障。

    The land for industry purpose can be guaranteed preferentially .

  11. 广州市工业用地空间分异及其影响因素分析

    Spatial Differentiation and Impact Factors of Industrial Land-use in Guangzhou

  12. 对宁波市工业用地发展的若干思考

    Some Pondering on the Development of Industrial Land in Ningbo

  13. 成都工业用地门槛抬高。

    The threshold of industrial land acquisition in Chengdu has been raised .

  14. 工业用地用水量指标的调研分析

    Investigation and analysis on water demand criteria of industrial land

  15. 工业用地土地使用权估价方法

    Valuation technique of land occupation right of industrial estate

  16. 中小城市工业用地开发控制研究

    Study on Industrial Land Developing Control in Middle-Small Cities

  17. 福建省工业用地效率分析与集约利用评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Industrial Land Efficiency and Intensive Use in Fujian Province

  18. 乡镇工业用地集约利用潜力研究&以江苏省金坛市为例

    Study on Intensive Use Potential of Township Industrial Land

  19. 快速城市化背景下的西安市工业用地时空演变分析

    Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Industrial Land in Xi'an City with Background of Rapid Urbanization

  20. 或特定社会、公益建设条件的工业用地。

    Industrial land conditioned with comprehensive purposes or given social and public utility .

  21. 关于工业用地置换模式探讨&以株洲市石峰区核心区域城市更新规划为例

    A Discussion on the Displacement Patterns of Industrial Land

  22. 城市中心区工业用地形成与调整

    Development and adjustment of downtown 's industrial land use

  23. 关于城镇工业用地基准地价评估的研究&以株洲市为例

    Study on urban industrial standard land price assessment

  24. 工业用地供给政策的改革是我国国土资源管理中的大事,它直接关系到我国工业化进程能否顺利完成。

    The supply policy reform of the industrial land directly affects the state industrialization .

  25. 工业用地价格理论与出让最低价标准研究

    Study on the Price Theory of Industrial Land and the Lowest Granting Price Standard

  26. 工业用地的动态平衡研究

    A Study of Dynamic Equilibrium of Industrial Land

  27. 天津城市工业用地重组中工业遗产保护与更新的思考

    Thinking of the Industrial Heritage Protection and Renewal in Tianjin 's Industrial Land Recombination

  28. 经过整理的工业用地(二)现有工商业的合理调整;

    Formed industrial land ( 2 ) Proper readjustment of existing industry and commerce ;

  29. 城市化进程中工业用地置换的生态环境影响探讨

    Approach on the Eco-environmental Impact on Functional Substitution of Industrial Land in Urbanization Process

  30. 关于我国开发区工业用地实行短租制的探讨

    On Application of Short-term Tenancy System to Industrial Land Use in Chinese Development Zone