
The mechanization of mining and renewal of mining equipment should promote the economic $
With the development of industrial mechanization , automation and the advantages of pneumatic technology , pneumatic manipulator has been widely used in various industries .
A definitive study of the origins of interchangeable manufacturing and mechanization of industry , culminating with the mass production of the Model T Ford .
In lawrence 's opinion , the mechanical civilization is responsible for the unhealthy development of human personalities , the perversion of love and the failure of human fulfillment in marital relationships .
The Scientific Development of Full-mechanization and Full-centralization of Full-mechanized Coal Mining
Research on the Contribution of Mechanization to High Efficient Development in Coal Industry Based on Structure Decomposition
With the popularization of machinery in grain , feed and foodstuffs industries , there have been recorded more and more grain flour dust explosions .
To develop the manufacturing industry , information technology is the main method , through which the traditional industry , would be developed from mechanization into intellectualization and automation .
Farm machinery market is an important factor influencing farm machinery industries and mechanization .
With the advent of the industrial revolution and mechanization production , world economy go ahead in the big strides .
At present , With the development of transportation , heavy chemical industry and mechanization of agriculture as well as with the completion of dynamical revolution , resource structure and chemical material structure has taken great changes . The demand for coal is increasing dramatically .
With the development of the ceramic industry to mechanization and automation , deadliness chink of is become more extrude which include low intensity short life and bad quality . The chief reasons are that unsteadiness quality , more changing reasons of the plaster mould .
The new military revolution taking information technology as the core is causing the deep change of the military field , the essence of this change is the mechanized military shape of the industrial society is transformed into informational military shape of the information society .
The information have different usages in the organization structure , so we can make an evaluation of the new and the old ones , which provides a scientific prove to the advantages of " the Army 's Organization Structure of a New Matrix Model " .
Industry " Feedback " Agriculture : Analysis of Mechanization
Industrial society is based on mechanize and machines that be used widely in manufacture .
Industrial revolution established the mass production method and made design an independent part that detached from the producing process .
The tower crane is a kind of main construction machine in the mechanization and assemblage of modern industry and civil architecture .
Compare the differences in labour productivity and it becomes clear that the handicrafts must develop in the direction of semi-mechanization and mechanization and that labour productivity must be raised .
The industrial revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent change in social and economic organization in Britain in the late18th and early19th centuries .