
  1. 煤炭工业机械化和设备更新要从我国的实际情况出发,要讲求经济效果。

    The mechanization of mining and renewal of mining equipment should promote the economic $

  2. 随着工业机械化和自动化的发展以及气动技术本身的优点,气动机械手已经广泛应用于生产自动化的各个行业。

    With the development of industrial mechanization , automation and the advantages of pneumatic technology , pneumatic manipulator has been widely used in various industries .

  3. 一部权威性著作,介绍了可交换加工制造与工业机械化的起源,直到福特T型车的大批量生产。

    A definitive study of the origins of interchangeable manufacturing and mechanization of industry , culminating with the mass production of the Model T Ford .

  4. 劳伦斯认为工业机械化的文明是人类个性病态发展,爱情扭曲,婚姻不幸的罪魁祸首。

    In lawrence 's opinion , the mechanical civilization is responsible for the unhealthy development of human personalities , the perversion of love and the failure of human fulfillment in marital relationships .

  5. 论煤炭工业综合机械化和综采高度集中化的科学发展

    The Scientific Development of Full-mechanization and Full-centralization of Full-mechanized Coal Mining

  6. 基于结构分解方法的采煤机械化对煤炭高效开发的贡献研究论煤炭工业综合机械化和综采高度集中化的科学发展

    Research on the Contribution of Mechanization to High Efficient Development in Coal Industry Based on Structure Decomposition

  7. 随着粮食、饲料、谷物食品工业的机械化程度的提高,谷物粉尘爆炸事故越来越多。

    With the popularization of machinery in grain , feed and foodstuffs industries , there have been recorded more and more grain flour dust explosions .

  8. 指出,制造业的发展要走信息化的道路,用信息技术把传统的工业从机械化提升到自动化、智能化。

    To develop the manufacturing industry , information technology is the main method , through which the traditional industry , would be developed from mechanization into intellectualization and automation .

  9. 农机市场是农机工业和农业机械化发展的重要影响因素。

    Farm machinery market is an important factor influencing farm machinery industries and mechanization .

  10. 随着工业革命与机械化大生产的到来,世界经济前所未有地得到了大踏步的前进。

    With the advent of the industrial revolution and mechanization production , world economy go ahead in the big strides .

  11. 而且,目前随着交通运输、重化工业、农业机械化的迅速发展和动力革命的完成,能源结构和化工原料结构的重大变化,世界对煤炭的需求在急剧增长。

    At present , With the development of transportation , heavy chemical industry and mechanization of agriculture as well as with the completion of dynamical revolution , resource structure and chemical material structure has taken great changes . The demand for coal is increasing dramatically .

  12. 随着陶瓷工业逐步向机械化与自动化生产方向的发展,石膏模具强度低、使用寿命短、质量差的致命弱点越来越突出。

    With the development of the ceramic industry to mechanization and automation , deadliness chink of is become more extrude which include low intensity short life and bad quality . The chief reasons are that unsteadiness quality , more changing reasons of the plaster mould .

  13. 以信息技术为核心的新军事革命正在引起军事领域的深刻变革,这场变革的实质是工业社会的机械化军事形态向信息社会的信息化军事形态转变。

    The new military revolution taking information technology as the core is causing the deep change of the military field , the essence of this change is the mechanized military shape of the industrial society is transformed into informational military shape of the information society .

  14. 按照信息在组织结构中的流向不同,对新旧军队组织结构的战斗力进行比较计算,为新型矩阵制军队组织结构优于工业时代的机械化军队组织结构提供科学依据。

    The information have different usages in the organization structure , so we can make an evaluation of the new and the old ones , which provides a scientific prove to the advantages of " the Army 's Organization Structure of a New Matrix Model " .

  15. 工业反哺农业:机械化现状分析

    Industry " Feedback " Agriculture : Analysis of Mechanization

  16. 工业社会是以机械化的商品大生产作为标志性特征的,机器决定了工业社会在生产中所必需使用的知识和技能。

    Industrial society is based on mechanize and machines that be used widely in manufacture .

  17. 工业革命确立了机械化大批量的生产方式,使产品设计脱离了产品制造的过程而成为了一个独立的部分。

    Industrial revolution established the mass production method and made design an independent part that detached from the producing process .

  18. 塔式起重机是现代工业与民用建筑机械化、装配化中不可缺少的主要施工机械。

    The tower crane is a kind of main construction machine in the mechanization and assemblage of modern industry and civil architecture .

  19. 把劳动生产率作一个比较,就清楚了:手工业要向半机械化、机械化方向发展,劳动生产率必须提高。

    Compare the differences in labour productivity and it becomes clear that the handicrafts must develop in the direction of semi-mechanization and mechanization and that labour productivity must be raised .

  20. 工业革命指17世纪末,18世纪初英国工业的机械化,以及因此而导致的社会结构和经济结构的变化。

    The industrial revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent change in social and economic organization in Britain in the late18th and early19th centuries .