
ɡōnɡ yè zhì chénɡ pǐn
  • manufactured goods
  1. 再运用ADF检验、协整分析、误差修正、格兰杰因果等统计分析方法,进一步分析进口商品结构中初级产品进口和工业制成品进口分别对经济增长的长期和短期影响。

    After that , this paper use statistical analysis tools such as ADF test , cointegration , error correction and Granger causality to further analysis the long-term and short-term effects causing by structure of imports of primary products and manufactured goods which promoting economic growth .

  2. 中国工业制成品出口市场结构对出口不稳定性的影响研究

    The Study on the Impact of Manufactured Goods ' Export Market Structure on Its Export Instability in China

  3. 另一方面,FDI与中国工业制成品进出口,以及初级产品进口之间均有着长期的稳定的关系,但与中国的初级产品出口之间不存在长期稳定的关系。

    There is a long-term stable relationship between FDI and the import and export of manufactured goods , also the imports of primary products , but not the export of primary products .

  4. 在分析上述指数基础上,对工业制成品内部的RCA指数进行了分析,旨在观察云南省对GMS地区工业制成品内部出口情况进行分析。

    Based on the analysis of these indicates , RCA indices within industrial products were analyzed to observe the exports inside the manufactured products .

  5. 国际贸易技术溢出对我国的影响&基于工业制成品部门的GTAP模型分析

    The Influence of International Trade Technology Spillovers to China : an GTAP Analysis on the Industrial Finished Products Sector

  6. 中国工业制成品显性比较优势计算和分析

    Quantitative analysis on the revealed comparative advantage of Chinese manufacturing

  7. 中日之间以工业制成品贸易为主,近年来中日工业制成品产业内贸易水平也在逐步增强。

    In recent years , Sino-Japanese manufactured intra-industry trade also gradually increases .

  8. 我国工业制成品出口优势实证分析

    Analysis of Demonstration to Export Competitiveness of China 's Industrial Finished Products

  9. 美工业制成品则构成菲进口商品的主体。

    Meanwhile , Philippine import goods were mainly composed of US industrial products .

  10. 而工业制成品和初级产品的影响均不显著。

    While the influence of manufactured products and primary products are not significant .

  11. 1997-2002年高技术产品出口占工业制成品出口的比重

    Share of Hi-Tech Export to Manufacturing Export in 1997-2002

  12. 我国初级产品与工业制成品贸易模式转变的时点判断及原因分析

    Causal Analysis on Transformation of Trade Pattern of China 's Primary and Manufactured Products

  13. 过剩经济与我国工业制成品出口产业结构动态优化

    Excess Economy and Dynamic Optimization of Export Industry Structure of China Industry Manufactured Products

  14. 我国工业制成品出口行业综合评价指标体系构建

    Creation of the comprehensive index system for evaluation the industries of Chinese production trade

  15. 广东工业制成品贸易结构成长分析

    An Analysis on the Growth of Trade Structure of Guangdong 's Industrial Finished Goods

  16. 具体表现为初级产品竞争力有所下降,工业制成品竞争力逐渐上升。

    Competitiveness in primary products decreases slightly , while competitiveness in manufactured products are increasing .

  17. 出口商品结构优化与经济增长相互作用的实证研究&基于我国初级产品与工业制成品出口的协整分析

    Empirical Study on the Mutual Effect of Structure Optimizing of Export Goods and Economic Growth

  18. 本文对我国工业制成品贸易结构变动的就业效应进行了系统的研究。

    This paper studies the effect of trade structure change of industrial manufactures on employment .

  19. 出口商品中,初级产品比重逐渐缩小,工业制成品比重逐渐扩大。

    Among export commodities , the proportion of primary commodity reduces and manufactured products rises .

  20. 结果发现,工业制成品的总体产业内贸易指数多数年份都处于上升趋势。

    And it reveals that the intra-industry trade index is on the rise inmost years .

  21. 日本工业制成品进口增加及我扩大对日本出口问题

    Japan s imports of manufactured goods

  22. 工业制成品的进口对经济增长的促进作用要大于初级产品;

    Regional import on economic growth ;

  23. 我国出口商品结构存在的问题较多。工业制成品中劳动和资本密集型产品比重较大而知识和技术密集型产品比重较小。

    There are far mare labor-intensive and capital-intensive products than knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products among manufactured goods .

  24. 国际原油价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究

    A Survey on Interrelationship between Fluctuation of Global Crude Oil Price and Export of China Industrial Products

  25. 人民币升值对我国工业制成品出口结构的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Influence of RMB Appreciation on Export Structure of China 's Industrial Manufactured Goods

  26. 但是,工业制成品在出口贸易结构方面仍存在一定的问题。

    But there are still some problems in the trade texture of the export of China 's industrial manufactured goods .

  27. 泰国向中国出口的主要商品是:初级产品占29%,工业制成品占71%。

    The most important exported from Thailand to China was 29 % of primary products and 71 % of industries-manufactured articles .

  28. 三是在提高传统工业制成品的技术含量的同时,大力开发高新技术产品,培育新兴产业。

    And third , developing high-tech products and nurturing new industries while increasing the technical level of traditional industrial manufactured goods .

  29. 存在人民币实际汇率变动到工业制成品出口贸易的双向格兰杰因果关系,即人民币实际汇率变动是工业制成品出口贸易变动的格兰杰原因,同时,工业制成品出口贸易变动也是人民币实际汇率变动的格兰杰原因。

    At the same time , the reason of granger manufactured goods export trade is RMB exchange rate changes actual granger reasons .

  30. 第三,中国对非洲基础设施的改善、成套设备和优惠贷款等的提供,加快了非洲工业化进程,促进了非洲工业制成品对华的出口。

    Thirdly , the improvement of infrastructures accelerates the industrial process in Africa ; enhance the exports of manufactured goods to China .