
  1. N设计院是一家具有甲级设计资质的国有勘察设计单位,主要承担大中型水利、水电工程、中型工业与民用建筑、交通、市政工程的勘测设计和工程项目设计工作。

    N Designing Institute is a first rate state-owned perambulation designing institute , which undertakes the designing and perambulation works for water conservancy projects , water and electronic engineering projects , industrial and civil construction and transportation projects .

  2. 本文从风载荷的基本原理出发,对美国API规范和我国工业与民用建筑荷载规范对石油井架的风载荷处理进行了对比研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    And by the Load Spec , of Industrial and Civil Buildings ( P. R. C. ) is accomplished , starting with the basic principles of wind load . Some corresponding suggestions are made .

  3. CFG桩(水泥粉煤灰碎石桩)是近十几年来发展起来的一种软弱地基处理方法,由于它施工成本低,处理的地基承载力高,在工业与民用建筑地基处理方面应用广泛。

    The CFG pile ( concrete , fly ash and macadam pile ) is a new dealing soft ground method which develops in recent ten years , which is an effective methed because of the low cost of construction and the high bearing capacity .

  4. 介绍了《工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范》(TJ11-78)修订本(送审稿)(文中简称《规范》)中场地选择和场地类别划分的有关问题。

    Some problems on site choice and site clarification in the revised edition of 《 Aseismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings 》 ( TJ11-78 ) are alsa dealt with .

  5. 工业与民用建筑中混凝土结构的应用现状和发展预测

    Application and development of concrete structure in civil and industrial construction

  6. 工业与民用建筑(工民建)高校后勤基建工程项目质量管理研究

    Research on Quality Management of Rear Service Construction Project in Colleges

  7. 注浆技术是一项实用性很强的工程技术,广泛应用于工业与民用建筑的软土地基处理中,但在道路工程中的应用实例较少。

    Grouting technology is a practical and wide application engineering technology .

  8. 焊接工字梁是工业与民用建筑中常用的梁截面形式。

    Welded I-beams are widely used in the industrial and civil construction .

  9. 在工业与民用建筑中,经常遇到房屋渗漏水问题。

    In civil engineering the leakage problems are often meted .

  10. 毛石在工业与民用建筑基础施工中被广泛使用。

    Stone has been widely used in building foundation .

  11. 工业与民用建筑灌注桩基础设计与施工规程

    Specification for design and construction of poured-pile foundations of industrial and civil buildings

  12. 在工业与民用建筑房屋中,楼地面通常采用水泥砂浆面层。

    The flooring surface often uses cement and sand in industry and civil building .

  13. 工业与民用建筑中存在几个问题的探讨

    Several problems in the industrial and civil buildings

  14. 工业与民用建筑结构设计和业务咨询。

    Civil engineering structure design and technical consultation .

  15. 工业与民用建筑中的混凝土施工

    Constructing Concrete in Industrial and Civil Architecture

  16. 塔式起重机是工业与民用建筑的主要施工机械之一。

    Tower crane is one of the major construction machinery in industrial and civil engineering .

  17. 工业与民用建筑设计的追求

    Aim of industrial and civil construction

  18. 建筑给水排水工程是工业与民用建筑建设的重要组成部分。

    Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering is an important component of industrial and civil architecture .

  19. 灌注桩基础是工业与民用建筑常用的一种深基础。

    Cast - in - place pile is a deep pile in industrial and civil construction industry .

  20. 工程监理咨询事务所工业与民用建筑工程结构设计咨询、地基与基础工程设计咨询。

    Structural design consultation on industrial & civil building project , design consultation on groundwork and foundation project .

  21. 工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范中关于土与结构相互作用的条文建议及说明

    Suggested Item and Its Explanation About Soil-structure Interaction in a Seismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings

  22. 我院建筑专业,主要从事、工业与民用建筑设计。

    The department of Architectural Project Designing mainly deals with the construction designing for industrial and civil use .

  23. 提出了淡化工业与民用建筑的界线以满足人们对空间需求的观点;

    Author proposed that reducing the borderline between industrial and civil architecture could meet the space need of people .

  24. 根据一般工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范50年超越10%概率的要求。

    According to the antiseismic standard for general industrial and resident constructions , under giving period of 50 years .

  25. 分析了现行《工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范》在体现这一原则中的具体含义;

    The implication of this principle in the current aseismic design code for industrial and civil buildings has been investigated .

  26. 从事工业与民用建筑的结构设计、木工程的监理及建构筑物的裂缝处理。

    Structural design for industrial and civil architecture , supervision of civil engineering and treatment for cracks in architectural structures .

  27. 用矸石回填煤矿塌陷区,采用干振挤密碎石桩加固地基,可以作为工业与民用建筑用地,既节约土地,又减少环境污染。

    The gangues are used to refill foe depressions of the mining area and reinforced by the dry-vibration-extruded crushed stone piles .

  28. 塔式起重机是现代工业与民用建筑机械化、装配化中不可缺少的主要施工机械。

    The tower crane is a kind of main construction machine in the mechanization and assemblage of modern industry and civil architecture .

  29. 人工挖孔桩是广泛的应用与工业与民用建筑中的一种地基处理方法。

    The man-power digs Kong Zhuang is in the widespread application and the industry and the civil construction one ground processing method .

  30. 我国现行的《建筑结构荷载规范》主要用在工业与民用建筑上,没有针对温室工程的荷载规范。

    Chinese architectural structure load standards is mainly used in industry and civil architecture , there is no load code of greenhouse engineering .