
chuān cài
  • Sichuan Cuisine;Sichuan dishes
川菜 [chuān cài]
  • [Sichuan flavor] 以麻辣为主的四川特色菜肴,为中国名菜派之一

  • 川菜名厨

  1. 我建议你们尝尝川菜。

    I would suggest you try some Sichuan dishes .

  2. 你能不能推荐一些地道的川菜。

    Would you please recommend some typical Sichuan dishes ?

  3. 调查结果显示,大部分中国航天员喜欢吃辣味川菜,酸甜酱和辣酱中,辣酱通常是最先吃完的。

    According to the survey , most Chinese astronauts have a preference for Sichuan-style spicy food . In addition , compared with sweet-and-sour sauces , spicy sauces are always the first to be used up , the sources said .

  4. 我认识的一个川菜爱好者说,麻辣的感觉就像“舌尖上的高潮”,能让你脉搏加快,瞳孔扩大,往往还会让你流鼻涕,让你的大脑在一个充满幸福的空间里飘荡。

    One Sichuan devotee I know describes the ma la sensation as a “ tonguegasm . ” The pulse increases and the pupils dilate2 , often accompanied by a postnasal drip . The brain floats in a euphoric ether .

  5. 十多年前,小辣椒川菜馆(LittlePepper)诞生在皇后区法拉盛闹市区竞争激烈的华裔聚居地。

    Little Pepper began life a dozen years ago in the competitive Chinese nucleus of downtown Flushing , Queens .

  6. 小辣椒川菜馆的大厨们做菜可能格外精准,可能是因为CollegePoint的地价比法拉盛低,餐厅老板们能在后堂配置宽敞整齐的厨房。

    It 's possible that the chefs at Little Pepper cook with extra precision because real estate is cheaper in College Point than in Flushing , allowing the owners to spring for the roomy , shipshape kitchen in the back .

  7. 我开车去CollegePoint大道(到目前为止,去小辣椒川菜馆走这条路最方便,它离最近的地铁站要坐大概20分钟公交车)是为了吃上正宗川菜,比如柔滑的葱烧豆腐。

    The reason to drive to College Point Boulevard ( by far the easiest way to get to Little Pepper , about a 20-minute bus ride from the nearest subway stop ) is to eat undiluted Sichuan cooking , like silken tofu with scallions .

  8. 记住怎样用prefer/这个词,例如:IpreferSichuanfoodtoothercuisines/跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜:IpreferBeijingtoShanghai/跟上海比起来,我更喜欢北京。

    Remember how to use prefer / prefer , e.g. : I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines / I prefer Sichuan food to other cuisines : I prefer Beijing to Shanghai / I prefer Beijing to Shanghai .

  9. 在牛津,『我的四川(MySichuan)』已经接管了【格洛斯特格林(GloucesterGreen)】的旧校舍,来自成都的大厨周军(音译)主持着一间提供全套传统川菜的厨房。

    And in Oxford , My Sichuan has taken over the old school house at Gloucester Green , where chef Zhou Jun from Chengdu presides over a kitchen offering all the classic Sichuanese specialities .

  10. 许多人都相信,商学研究生教育并不只是适合投资银行家。张同贵(TonyZhang)就是这些人中的一员。在中欧国际工商学院攻读EMBA时,张同贵已然是一位成功的企业家,他经营的连锁餐厅“多利川菜馆”人气颇旺。

    Tony Zhang is one of those who is convinced that graduate business education is not just for investment bankers : he studied for an EMBA at Ceibs when he was already a successful entrepreneur with his popular Tony 's Restaurant chain .

  11. 川菜跟北京菜和广东菜非常不同。

    It 's so different from Beijing cuisine and Cantonese cuisine .

  12. 听好了,它们是川菜、粤菜、鲁菜。

    Listen up , they are Sichuan , Guangdong , Shandong .

  13. 精致的川菜馆,带您品味独特的巴蜀风味!

    Exquisite Sichuan Museum , with your taste Bashu unique flavor !

  14. 我们想吃最好的川菜。

    We 'd like to eat the best Sichuan dishes .

  15. 这是什么?这是川菜的特点。

    What is this ? This is a Sichuanese characteristics .

  16. 当然了。我喜欢吃辣椒和川菜。

    Of course . I like chilies and Sichuan food .

  17. 我也是。我们去川菜馆吧。

    So do I.Let 's go to a Sichuan restaurant .

  18. 我不习惯吃川菜。

    The Sichuan style food doesn 't agree with me .

  19. A我想跟其他菜比起来我更喜欢川菜。

    A I think I prefer it to other cuisines .

  20. 我很喜欢川菜,尤其是火锅。

    I enjoy Sichuan food very much , especially the hot pot .

  21. 有些纽约人按辣度评判川菜。

    Some New Yorkers grade Sichuan food by its firepower .

  22. 还有食物也不同!我听说川菜很辣。

    And the food ! I hear the cuisine is quite hot .

  23. 一般说来,我家更喜欢川菜而不是粤菜。

    Generally speaking , my family prefer Sichuan food to Cantonese food .

  24. 川菜包括成都和重庆的菜肴。

    Sichuan Cuisine This combinesthe cuisines from Chengdu and Chongqing .

  25. 我会推荐麻婆豆腐,这是著名的川菜。

    I would recommend Mapo Beancurd . It 's a famous Sichuan food .

  26. 净化烹饪油污微生物菌种的选育川菜烹饪复合调味料的研制

    Development of the cooking compound condiment for Sichuan cuisine

  27. 豆腐菜在川菜中占有一个重要和特殊的地位。

    Bean curd dishes occupy an important and special status in Sichuan cuisine .

  28. 我受够了点心,我想要一些真正的川菜。

    Enough with the dim sum , I want some REAL Sichuan foods .

  29. 让我们去川菜馆大吃一顿吧。

    Let 's go to a Sichuan Restaurant to hxdye a big meal .

  30. 我喜欢吃辣味的食物,尤其是川菜。

    I like hot food , especially Sichuan cuisine .