
  • 网络Embedded operating system;embedded system;linux;RTOS;eos
  1. 嵌入式操作系统的新动向

    New Trends of RTOS

  2. 在后继的工作中,我们还要在实时嵌入式操作系统的基础上完成对操作系统的扩展以及对各个模块的驱动。

    In the future , we will expand the operation system based on RTOS , and derivations of each module .

  3. 以嵌入式操作系统和DSP相结合的开发平台可以满足现代实验室电池测控系统的需求。

    This platform can meet the need of modern lab battery testing .

  4. 基于ARM的嵌入式操作系统的移植

    The Transplant of Embedded Operating System Based on ARM

  5. 这个终端基于可扩展的Linux嵌入式操作系统。

    It is based on an extensible Linux system on an embedded platform .

  6. 机顶盒采用Linux嵌入式操作系统。

    Set-top box is based on Linux operation-system .

  7. 网关通过linux嵌入式操作系统协调各硬件模块并作为应用软件的开发平台。

    The gateway system employs embedded Linux operating system as its application software development platform .

  8. 和欣嵌入式操作系统所开发的CAR构件技术在吸收面向对象编程和面向构件编程技术经验的基础上,更好的支持面向以WEBService为代表的下一代网络应用软件的开发。

    CAR component technology which is developed by Elastos OS supports the next generation Internet software development in the lead of the Web service .

  9. 所以利用Linux作为底层操作系统成为现在日益流行的嵌入式操作系统的解决方案。

    Therefore using linux as basic operating system has become a popular solution in Embedded Operating System .

  10. 利用Linux搭建嵌入式操作系统是近年来出现最令人振奋的方案之一。

    Running Linux embedded operation system seems to be the one of the most promising emerging projects .

  11. 采用自下向上的设计流程,在没有嵌入式操作系统支持的条件下,自主设计和实现了嵌入式USBHost功能。

    The functions of embedded USB Host was designed and implemented by using bottom-up without supporting of embedded OS .

  12. 具体介绍了IPTV机顶盒关键技术以及Linux嵌入式操作系统。

    The paper introduces the key technologies of IPTV set-top boxes and embedded LINUX operating system .

  13. 本文提出了在uClinux嵌入式操作系统中应用MCU实现对FPGA的一种配置方案。

    The paper proposes a FPGA dynamic configuration scheme with the manage ment of uClinux .

  14. HDTV机顶盒中嵌入式操作系统STLite/OS20应用

    The Application of Embeded OS STLite / OS 20 on HDTV - STB

  15. 本文介绍了WINDOWSCE嵌入式操作系统的特点,并给出了WINDOWSCE应用于便携式售票机的具体实例。

    This paper introduces the features of Windows CE embedded system . A portable ticket printer system of Windows CE is presented in details .

  16. 本文描述了嵌入式操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ的调度机制,通过任务级调度和中断级调度不同的比较,看出该系统的抢占式调度策略的高效性。

    This paper describes scheduling mechanism in embedded μ C / OS - ⅱ and gives difference between scheduler in task and scheduler in interrupt . So efficiency of preemptive scheduling is better .

  17. 嵌入式操作系统ReWorks中USB接口软件的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of USB Host Software in Embedded Operating System ReWorks

  18. 介绍采用NUCLEUSPLUS和WinCE嵌入式操作系统的新型一体化故障录波器的原理、总体结构、软硬件设计及其特点。

    The principles , structure and characteristics of a fault recorder based on Nucleus Plus and WinCE embedded operation systems is described .

  19. WinCE是当今的三大嵌入式操作系统之一。

    WinCE is one of three embedded operation system .

  20. 基于RS-232协议构建嵌入式操作系统移植中的人机交互环境

    Build the man-machine interaction environment based on RS-232 protocol for the transplant of a embedded OS

  21. 论文采用嵌入式操作系统,在ARM7平台上实现多媒体的监控。

    This paper uses embedded system that realizes the multimedia monitoring in the ARM7 platform .

  22. 而采用ARM微处理器作为硬件基础和μC/OS-Ⅱ作为嵌入式操作系统被广泛的应在各种嵌入式应用系统中。

    The ARM microprocessor used as hardware foundation and μ C / OS - ⅱ used as Embedded operating system is been widespread in a lot kinds of Embedded application system .

  23. 其中网络模块里面主要包含三部分内容:PPP协议在嵌入式操作系统uClinux中的配置,PPP拨号脚本的编写和Socket通讯编程。

    The network module design includes three parts : PPP configuration in uClinux , ppp chat script and socket communication program ;

  24. 利用Linux作为底层操作系统,在其上进行定制、裁剪,建立一个能够满足具体应用需求的嵌入式操作系统时会涉及很多方面的问题。

    Using Linux as an understructure operation system , to customize and Tailor , then form an embedded operation system which can satisfy idiographic application requirement would be involved in many problems .

  25. 介绍了如何在嵌入式操作系统uCLinux上进行嵌入设备通信程序的编写。

    This article mainly introduces how to compile commu-nications program of embedded equipment in Embedded Operat-ing System uCLinux .

  26. 详细阐述了ARM微控制器通过串口接收GPS数据的采集过程,采用样条插值算法的GIS地图生成过程和运用占先式多任务实时嵌入式操作系统UCOS-Ⅱ实现控制的多任务处理过程。

    Using the embedded operating system UCOS ⅱ to implement multitask control , the GIS map creating process using interpolating spline arithmetic and the ARM MCU data collecting process by RS 232 interface are expatiated .

  27. 第三章对嵌入式操作系统和嵌入式GUI进行了分析,选择了嵌入式Linux作为操作系统以及Qt/Embedded作为嵌入式GUI开发工具。

    In chapter 3 , Embedded operating system and Embedded GUI are discussed . Embedded Linux and Qt / Embedded are selected as the Embedded operating system and Embedded GUI respectively .

  28. 根据以上设计思路,主要进行了灭菌控制系统通用平台的开发,重点阐述了以ARM微处理器和嵌入式操作系统为核心的开发平台的软硬件设计。

    Following the design presented above , a general development platform for sterilizer controlling system has been developed , with emphasis on software and hardware design on the basis of ARM microprocessor and embedded OS .

  29. WINDOWSCE是微软公司推出的一个功能强大的实时嵌入式操作系统,已经成为工控和手持设备等嵌入式系统首选的操作系统之一。

    Windows CE is a powerful real-time embedded operating system released by Microsoft , it has became one of the main operating systems used in the embedded system such as industrial and handheld devices .

  30. 而凭着ARM公司和微软公司的影响力,基于ARM硬件平台和WINDOWSCE嵌入式操作系统的嵌入式产品应用开发已成为业界主流。

    With the great influence of ARM Company and Microsoft , it is a mainstream to develop embedded products based on hardware platform with ARM core and the operating system Windows CE in embedded field .