
Mr Cui will represent China and Kurt Campbell , assistant secretary of state for the Asia-Pacific region , the US .
We are doing our best to avoid that but it will require the effort of all the G20 members , not China alone , Mr Cui said in Seoul .
Vice-Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai called the sinking " unfortunate " but refused to comment further .
Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai at the Asia Society 2013 Washington Awards Dinner June 12 , 2013
Looking into the future , Cui said that cooperation is the only right option for China and the U.S.
Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai addressed the annual New Year Gala of the China General Chamber of Commerce - USA.
S.to play a role in resolving those tensions , admonishing that Washington should'approach such issues in a very prudent way .
Cui 's remarks were echoed by business leaders from both sides , who stressed the importance of a stable China-US relationship .
Cui Tiankai says he hopes that the U.S. can use its patience to properly and objectively learn about its ties with China .
I believe that individual countries are actually playing with fire , and I hope that fire will not be drawn to the United States .
Foreign Affairs Assistant Minister Cui Tiankai termed it a memorable day in Pak-China multi-dimensional relations , saying a consulate will serve as a bridge to link the two communities .
" We believe a discussion about a current account target misses the whole point ," he added , in the first official comment by a senior Chinese official on the subject .
Cui Tiankai made the remarks immediately after a U.S. mayor claimed that he had contracted the novel coronavirus back in November , a month before the first infection was reported in Wuhan .
" As we say in China , spiritual things can be turned into material ones ," said Cui Tiankai , vice minister of foreign affairs , describing the value of improved relations .
Mr Cui said it should be possible to come up with a " practical formula " that would allow the two countries to share gas reserves without ceding ground on territorial or legal questions .
In a joint interview with Washington-based Chinese-language media , Cui Tiankai says the international community should not allow Abe to disrupt the post-war order and lead Japan back to the catastrophic path of militarism .
Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai says it is more important than ever for the U.S. and China to strengthen sub-national ties , reiterating that cooperation is the only right option for the two countries .
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai says Japan 's attempt to deny China 's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands by ignoring historical fact is a one-sided wish , urging Tokyo to start serious talks with Beijing .
As to what role the United States can play in helping resolve the China-Japan dispute , Cui Tiankai said that " the most helpful thing the U.S. could do is to remain truly neutral , to take no side . "
Commenting on Washington 's expression of disappointment with Abe 's shrine visit and reiteration of its alliance with Japan , Cui Tiankai says , as a responsible power , Washington should take a responsible stand on major issues of principle .
He 's told reporters in Moscow that Japan 's denial of the consensus reached by the leaders of older generations of the two countries to " put aside the disputes " over the islands is an act of disregarding historical fact .
Cui Tiankai said that in today 's world where there are growing uncertainties and pressing need for economic restructuring , China and the United States should work together and make all the right choices and show the way forward to the world .
The event has included Committee President Stephen Orlins , former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger , China 's Ambassador to the United States , Cui Tiankai , and the Chair of National Committee on U.S. - China Relations , Carla Hills , among others .
Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says China-U.S. relations are at " a very critical moment . " Cui also says the choices the two countries make today will not only shape their bilateral relations , but also the future of the world .
" If you look at the global economy , there are many issues that merit more attention for example , the question of quantitative easing , " said Cui Tiankai , deputy foreign minister , when asked about US proposals to limit current account surpluses .
The Chinese official warned Japan 's current move of making provocations and denying the existence of the disputes will not only harm bilateral relations , but also hurt Tokyo 's long-term interests , adding Japan 's attempt is a one-sided wish and destined to failure .
In an interview published by the U.S. magazine Foreign Affairs on its website , Cui Tiankai blamed Japan for creating the dispute and tensions over the Diaoyu Islands by taking the move to " nationalize " the islands last year , breaking a previous agreement to put the dispute aside .