
é méi shān
  • Mount Emei
峨眉山 [é méi shān]
  • [Mount Emei(Mount Omei)] 中国四川省中南部,乐山市西方48公里的一座山,是佛教圣地和风景区,有三个山峰,主峰3099米,山崖陡峭,山顶和山腰上有许多神庙和宝塔

  1. 那人是峨眉山上下来的和尚。

    The man was a monk from Emei mountain .

  2. 泰山、峨眉山、华山等许多山都很有名。

    Many mountains , such as Mount Tai , Mount Emei , Mount Hua are very famous .

  3. 峨眉山常绿阔叶林常绿和落叶物种叶片C、N、P研究

    Study on C , N , P Content in Leaf of Evergreen and Deciduous Trees in Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest at E'mei Mountain

  4. MBR法在峨眉山垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理工程中的应用

    Application of MBR in the management of leachate in sanitary refuse landfill site in Emei Mountain

  5. 贵州西部峨眉山玄武岩无论是在航天影像(TM)上,还是全色航空相片上,均有较高的可识别性。

    Lied in the west of Guizhou , the Emeishan basalts do appear to the high distinguishability both on the TM images and panchromatic aerophotos .

  6. 本文对在峨眉山玄武岩省中新发现的苦橄质岩石及其共生玄武岩的地球化学特征进行了研究,结果表明,除苦橄质岩石外,与其共生的玄武质岩石均属高Ti玄武岩。

    The geochemical characteristics of the picritic rocks that we discovered recently and their associated basalts show that except the picrites , all the associated basaltic rocks belong to the high-Ti type .

  7. 你对这次峨眉山之行有什么感受?

    What is your experience with the trip to mount emei ?

  8. 汶川地震峨眉山市房屋排查及震害研究

    Investigation and Damage Research on Buildings in Emei after Wenchuan Earthquake

  9. 吴欣欣和五位同学从成都一路骑行到峨眉山。

    Wu rode from Chengdu to Mount Emei with five classmates .

  10. 本文就贵州二叠系锰矿与峨眉山玄武岩之关系进行探讨。

    Correlation between Permian manganese ores and Emeishan basalt is introduced .

  11. 第四章:峨眉山旅游资源可持续发展法律保护现状。

    Chapter ⅳ: Emei Shan Tourism Legal Protection of sustainable development .

  12. 峨眉山疗养因子对老年慢性失眠症的疗效观察

    Observation of effect of Emei Mountain convalescence factors on aged chronic insomnia

  13. 峨眉山特有种子植物的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the endemic seed plants in Emei Mountain

  14. 峨眉山旅游商品市场开发的思考

    Thinking on the Development of the Tourist Merchandise Market of E-mei Mountain

  15. 以后你可以告诉我更多有关峨眉山的事情。

    You can tell me more about Mount Emei later .

  16. 峨眉山是中国四大佛教名山之一。

    Emei Shan is one of china 's four great Buddhist mountains .

  17. 峨眉山的水文化

    A Brief Research on Water Culture in Mount . Emei

  18. 我们晚上才从峨眉山回来。

    We came back from Mount Emei in the evening .

  19. 峨眉山生态旅游潜在客源市场研究

    Study on Ecotourism Potential Visitor Market of Mount . E'mei

  20. 峨眉山景区价值特征分析

    Analysis of value characteristics of Mount Emei scenic spot

  21. 匆匆忙忙吃完早饭之后,我们乘汽车去了峨眉山。

    After a quick breakfast , we took a bus to Mount Emei .

  22. 峨眉山的淘气的猴子和温泉非常有名。

    E Mei mountain is famous for its naughty monkeys and hot spring .

  23. 他问我们是不是去四川的峨眉山。

    He asked whether we should go to Mount Emei of Sichuan Province .

  24. 峨眉山野生观赏蕨类资源及其开发利用

    Wild Ornamental Fern Plant Resources in Emei Mountain , Its Exploitation and Utilization

  25. 峨眉山野生黄连个体生物量与生物碱含量研究

    Studies on Individual Biomass and Alkaloid Content of Wild Coptis on Mt. Emei

  26. 峨眉山雨水所含硫酸根的硫同位素组成

    Sulfur isotope ratio of sulfate in the rain collected in November and December

  27. 龙山垂直自然带及其保护利用峨眉山东坡垂直自然带

    The natural vertical zones of the Longshan mountain and their protection and utilization

  28. 四川峨眉山地区二叠系与三叠系界线微量元素地球化学研究

    Study of trace element geochemistry of Permian-Triassic Boundary in Emei Mountain , Sichuan

  29. 峨眉山旅游气候研究

    Study of tour climate of E'mei Mountain area

  30. 峨眉山玄武岩浆与贵州高砷煤成因研究

    A research on origin between Emei Mountain Basalt Magma and high-As coal in Guizhou