
  1. 岳麓山风景名胜区植物群落数量分类

    The Quantitative Classification of Plant Communities in Yuelu Mountain

  2. 岳麓山风景名胜区景观资源综合评价研究

    A Study on Integrated Evaluation of Landscape Source Quality in Yuelu Mountain Scenic Region

  3. 重新认识、思考如何发展岳麓山风景名胜区成为人们关注的热点。

    It becomes the hotspot to recognize and think how to develop this place .

  4. 应用景观空间格局指数对岳麓山风景名胜区的景观空间格局进行了分析。

    The landscape space pattern of Yuelu mountain scenic area was analyzed by the landscape index .

  5. 保护好风景区的植被景观,限制人为活动对景区的影响,合理调整景观空间结构是岳麓山风景名胜区当前的主要任务。

    The major assignment of Yuelu mountain scenic area at present is to protect the vegetation landscape , restrict human activities in the scenic area , and adjust the landscape spatial structure properly .

  6. 本文对岳麓山风景名胜区天马山景区进行调查研究,分别对其原历史风貌、改造前景观资源以及改造后的景观现状进行调查。

    The Tianma Mountain scenic spot of Yuelu Mountain scenic resort was researched in this paper , including the study on it original historical landscape situation and landscape resources before and after the remodification .