
  • 网络diagenesis;Lithification;migmatization
  1. 结晶岩系中都有高压变质岩,且在10Ma以来均发生过深熔与混合岩化作用;

    Similar high-pressure metamorphic rocks which overprinted by the re-melting of crust and migmatization younger than 10 Ma ;

  2. 变质作用、混合岩化作用促使金发生第2次富集;

    The metamorphism and migmatization made gold occur second enrichment .

  3. 与灰岩相比,白云岩化作用将有较高的Na和较低的Sr、Mn。

    The dolomite rocks , in comparison with the limestones , have high Na and low Sr , Mn .

  4. 锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,在大别杂岩内存在燕山期的混合岩化作用,其时代为(129.3.8)Ma。

    The zircon U-Pb age suggests that there was a migmatization during the Yanshan Period , which may represent an important anatexis at the age ,( 129.3 ± 0.8 ) Ma .

  5. 因此,通过选择适当的样品和采用薄板技术,Rb-Sr全岩等时线方法可以测定剪切带发生糜棱岩化作用的时间。

    Therefore , by selecting proper samples and using " thin-slab " technique , whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron method can be used to date the timing of mylonitization in the shear zone .

  6. 地洼块断热构造模型及断裂混合岩化作用的动力学

    DIWA orogenic dynamics and the block faulting heat & structure model

  7. 变质-混合岩化作用和(5)热液流体作用。

    Differentiations of metamorphism and migmatism , and ( 5 ) hydrothermalism .

  8. 其成因前人认为是大别群经强烈混合岩化作用的结果。

    And they were considered to be from migmatization of the Dabie Group .

  9. 陕北石油秩序岩化作用对储层孔隙的影响及其机理探讨

    Effect of Oil Emplacement on Reservoir and Its Mechanism

  10. 研究认为,本矿床应属深熔型混合岩化作用成因,即混合岩型刚玉矿床。

    It is considered that the deposit is an anatectic migmatite corundum deposit .

  11. 混合岩化作用中交代岩和铁矿形成的实验研究

    Experimental study on the formation of metasomatic rocks and iron deposits in the process of migmatization

  12. 三叠系储层主要受控于发育在膏盐层下的潮间带中粒屑滩微相的粒屑云岩的溶蚀作用和白云岩化作用。

    Triassic reservoirs are controlled by solution and dolomitization of the grain dolostone under the salt-bed .

  13. 论《洪水》地质记录中的海水白云岩化作用

    Seawater dolomitization in geologic records

  14. 第三期为弱糜棱岩化作用,最后一期是岩片产生由北向南的逆冲作用。

    The third deformation is weak mylonitization and the last deformation is thrusting from north to south .

  15. 含金建造中金含量明显受混合岩化作用和韧性剪切作用的影响。

    The gold contents of the five formations are strongly influenced by migmatization and ductile shearing process .

  16. 海水白云岩化作用的发育主要受海平面变化、沉积作用类型以及古气候等条件的限制。

    The sea water dolomitization is mainly controlled by eustatic sea level , depositional patterns and palaeoclimates .

  17. 混合岩化作用的地质成因分类

    Geological classification of migmatization

  18. 研究认为,混合岩化作用及混合岩就是在这种圈闭隐爆过程中产生并形成的。

    The research holds the idea that the mixed rocks are formed in the course of trap and cryptoexplosion .

  19. 在区域变质或混合岩化作用下,矿源层中的金可能发生活化、转移并在局部富集。

    Regional metamorphism or migmatization could play role in gold remobilization from the source bed and concentration at some localities .

  20. 据此,特混合岩化作用分为两类不同的地质成因类型:一种是区域性混合岩化作用;

    Since migmatization is a geological process and related to geological setting , it is subdivided into regional and local migmatizations .

  21. 摘要:在岩浆侵入体热作用下,塔里木盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩局部发生了大理岩化作用。

    Abstract : The Lower Paleozoic carbonates of Tarim Basin were marbleized locally due to the thermal effects of magma intrusions .

  22. 有关混合岩及混合岩化作用形成机理的不同认识,至今在地质学和岩石学中仍是一个争论问题。

    Migmatite and mechanism of migmatization have been controversial issues in the study of geology and petrology for the past so years .

  23. 白云岩化作用与沉积环境密切相关,白云岩的分布对沉积微相展布具有一定的指示意义。

    Dolomitization is closely related to the sedimentary environment , and to some degree , the distribution of dolomite may be regarded as an indicator for microfacies .

  24. 白云岩化作用可分为混合水和浅埋藏白云岩化作用两期,对储层的形成起一定的改善作用;

    Dolomitization can be orderly divided into blend water dolomitization and shallow burial dolomitization , to some extent it can be used to improve the formation of reservoir .

  25. 塔里木盆地西北缘巴楚县的塘王城剖面是大理岩化作用较为典型的野外剖面,塔中地区的中16井是揭示大理岩化作用较为典型的钻井。

    Marmorization is typical on the Tangwangcheng outcrop section in Bachu county at the northwestern margin of Tarim Basin and in cores from Well Zhong-16 in the Tazhong area .

  26. 断裂长期活动所引起的变质作用,混合岩化作用以及成矿作用等地质特征已成为我国东部中生代活动大陆边缘的重要特征之一。

    Longterm activity of the deep fault generated metamorphism , migmatization and mineralization , which have become one of the most important features of the Mesozoic active continental margin in East China .

  27. 白云岩成因的研究目前还处于假说阶段,主要包括蒸发、渗透回流、海水、混合水以及埋藏白云岩化作用五种模式。

    The research on dolomite genesis is in postulation stage at present , which includes five models of vaporization , infiltration and circumfluence , sea water , mixing water and buried dolomitization .

  28. 这块石头包含石髓的水泥之前,它经历了岩化作用,一个过程,那里的低温和低的压力,改变的内容,沉积物之前,他们终于岩化,或变成岩石。

    This rock contained chalcedonic cement before it underwent diagenesis , a process where low temperatures and low pressures alter the content of sediments before they finally lithify , or turn into rock .

  29. 矿物组合和替代关系表明,这些岩石经历了早期的榴辉岩相变质作用和晚期的角闪岩相退变质作用,以及碰撞后期的部分熔融和混合岩化作用。

    Mineral assemblages and substitute relations show that both the Neoproterozoic granitic gneisses and Precambrian metamorphic rock series suffered early eclogite-facies metamorphism and late amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism , and then suffered the post-collision partial melting and migmatization .

  30. 统计表明,微量元素、成矿元素局部明显偏高或偏低,与混合岩化作用或后期热液叠加改造有关。

    The statistic data have it that the contents of microelements and metallogenic elements are on the high side or on the low side in some local area , which has a relation with the migmatization and late-stage hydrothermal superposition and reconstruction .