
  • 网络shunji iwai;love letter
  1. 从而对岩井俊二及其电影艺术风格做出较为全面的与全新的总结。

    Ultimately make a comprehensive new summary of Shunji Iwai films .

  2. 岩井俊二作为新一代的导演,他受到西方美学的影响是不言而喻的。

    As a new generation of director , it is self-evident that Shunji Iwai was impacted by western aesthetics .

  3. 岩井俊二虽然继承了这一观点,但在他的电影当中还表达了对生命的重视。

    Although Shunji Iwai inherited the above point of view , but in his movie it is also expressed the importance of life .

  4. 第二章对岩井俊二影片表现出来的悲观特征进行了探讨,包括生与死、孤独和人的异化等三个问题;

    The second chapter is to discuss the pessimistic feature of his films , including life and death , loneliness and alienation among people .

  5. 其一,大学时期选择了绘画专业对岩井俊二拍摄电影起了十分重要的作用。

    Firstly , during his college , the major of painting which is chosen by Shunji Iwai play a very important role in his film .

  6. 岩井俊二的电影强调对大自然之美地欣赏和对人的天性地尊重,都是受到了这种美学传统的影响。

    Shunji Iwai movie emphasize to appreciate beauty of nature and to respect the human nature , which are subject to the influence of traditional aesthetics .

  7. 这一点岩井俊二自然也未能幸免,同时日本的资本主义高度发达本身所固有的后工业社会的种种特征也在岩井俊二身上打下了烙印。

    Naturally Shunji Iwai can not escape through the panic and uncertainty , while Japan highly developed capitalist inherent characteristics of the post-industrial society is also laid a mark on Shunji Iwai .

  8. 因此本文主要是从由于受社会环境的影响而带有的激进与悲观的特征这方面对岩井俊二影片的艺术特征进行了分析,同时也论及其影片在形式上的唯美。

    So this thesis mainly analyse the radical and pessimistic features of Shunji Iwai 's films , which is effected by the social environment , and this theses will discuss the glamour feature about the form of his films .