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  1. 39岁的纪子妃在医院接受剖腹产手术后,成功生下了这个男婴。

    The birth came minutes after Kiko , 39 , underwent a Caesarean section .

  2. 现年28岁的纪晨在银行工作,他在比利时留学的时候喜欢上了精酿啤酒。

    Ji Chen , a banker , developed a taste for fine beer as a student in Belgium .

  3. 明仁天皇惟一的小女儿、现年36岁的纪宫公主今天将下嫁给一位平民,从此离开这个世界上最古老的皇室家族,成千上万祝福者前来向她表示问候和祝愿。

    Japanese Princess Sayako , the emperor 's only daughter , was greeted by thousands of well-wishers as she prepared to marry a commoner at age36 and leave the world 's oldest monarchy .