
  • 网络upper cave
  1. 这是山顶洞人。

    They are known as Upper Cave Men .

  2. 这就是山顶洞人的遗址。

    This is the site of Upper Cave Man .

  3. 除非你是山顶洞人,否则这则资讯真的称不上“新闻”。罗伯特·帕丁森(RobertPattinson)与克里斯汀·斯图尔特(KristenStewart)凭借《暮光之城》系列为顶峰娱乐公司捞金无数。

    Unless you 've been living under a rock for the past few years , it shouldn 't be any surprise that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have made a ton of money for Summit Entertainment with their " Twilight Saga " films .

  4. 别把火踩灭了,我们是山顶洞人。

    Don 't step in the fire . we 're cavemen .

  5. 那么为什么史前人类被频频称作山顶洞人呢?

    Then why are prehistoric people so often referred to as cavemen ?

  6. 这句是否可以翻译成“其他的山顶洞人不想像史丹利的行为这样”?

    The other cavemen dod not want stanley to act this way .

  7. 例如,山顶洞人将家安在洞穴中,对吗?

    For instance , cavemen made their homes in caves , right ?

  8. 山顶洞人头骨化石在周口店发现。

    The fossils of " Shandingdong Man "( UPP ) discovered in Zhoukoudian .

  9. 我才该进山顶洞里躲一下

    I think I should be in a cave .

  10. 而北京周口店的山顶洞人遗址,距今约三万年。

    The Caveman site discovered in the Beijing Zhoukoudian area dates back about 30000 years .

  11. 颜面扁平度的变异和山顶洞人类化石的颜面扁平度

    Variation of upper facial flatness , referring to the human crania from upper cave in Zhoukoudian

  12. 该地点主体堆积的地质时代可能与周口店山顶洞动物群同期。

    The geologic age of the new site can be correlated with that of the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian .

  13. 它可以避免你像个远古山顶洞人一样地跑到电视跟前去开机。

    Wake up your console without trudging all the way to the TV like some kind of primitive cave-person .

  14. 每当山顶洞人身体上遇到威胁,恐惧就引发警报,而导致强烈的生理变化。

    When the caveman was threatened by physical danger , his fear triggered an alarm that prompted an intense physical change ;

  15. 根据考古学的证据,史前的人类祖先,例如能人,智人和山顶洞人都是居无定所的游民。

    According to archeological evidence , prehistoric human ancestors such as Homo habilis , Homo erectus , and Homo ergaster were nomadic .

  16. 山顶洞人与现代华北人头骨非测量性特征比较及中国更新世晚期人类演化的一些问题

    The Comparisons of Cranial Non-metric Features between Upper Cave Skulls and Modern North Chinese Populations , and Late Pleistocene Human Evolution in China

  17. 山顶洞人化石是迄今在东亚地区发现的数量最为丰富、保存状态最为完好的更新世晚期人类化石。

    The human remains recovered from Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian are the richest and best preserved late Pleistocene human fossils ever found in east Asia .

  18. 罗斯:玛莎,他们是山顶洞人,知道吗?他们关心的只是“哦,冰河就要到了。”明白吗?

    Ross : marsha , these are cave people . okay ? They have issues like'gee , that glacier 's getting kinda close . 'see ?

  19. 水利翻译看他现在的造型更像是山顶洞人,很难想象这就是21世纪因绅士风度而得名的那个前英格兰队队长。

    Sporting his unkempt look , the former England skipper appeared more caveman than the21st Century gent famed for his dalliances with waxing and sarongs .

  20. 在我们共处的那一整个下午和傍晚,他都在开玩笑地说,古代饮食没什么问题,只要你想要的只是和山顶洞人活得一样长。

    During our afternoon and evening together , he joked that the paleo diet is fine if all you want is the life expectancy of a cave man .

  21. 蓝田人、北京人、丁村人和山顶洞人的化石残余构成了中国远古文化发展的完整历程。

    The fossil remains of Sinanthropus Lantianensis , Sinanthropus , Pekinensis , Dingcun Man and Upper Cave Man constitute the complete developing sequences of China 's ancient culture .

  22. 曾经的山顶洞人从畅销小说“洞熊家族”到1981年的电影“山顶洞人”,流行文化倾向于将史前人类曲解为住山洞的野兽。

    Sometime Cavemen From the bestselling novel " Clan of the Cave Bear " to the 1981 movie " Caveman , " pop-culture tends to misrepresent prehistoric people as cave dwelling brutes .

  23. 多年来,山顶洞人作为东亚地区更新世晚期人类的代表,在研究东亚地区现代蒙古人种及美洲印第安人起源方面发挥着重要作用。

    For decades , as the representative of the late Pleistocene human in east Asia , the Upper Cave skulls have played an important role in research on the origins of modern Mongoloids and American Indians .

  24. 早在旧石器时代,从南方的元谋人,到北方的蓝田人、北京人、山顶洞人,就出现了所谓的“装饰品”且大部分相当精致。

    Date back to Stone Age , from Yuanmouman who live in south to Lantianman , Pekingman and Shandingdongman those who live in north , ornament was appeared and most of them are quite exquisite and fine .