
  1. 辉县山西会馆中木雕的艺术魅力

    Charm of the wood sculpture in the Shanxi hall , Hui County

  2. 天津山西会馆撷录

    Some Extracts from Shanxi Guild Hall in Tianjin

  3. 与大佛寺毗邻的山西会馆是河西地区清代会馆建筑的典型代表,富有晚期河西建筑的特点。

    The Shanxi Guildhall locates near GBT and it is a delegate of the guildhalls in the Gansu corridor with a typical characteristic of the late Qing Dynasty .

  4. 既有大佛寺、西来寺、土塔、镇远楼、山西会馆、明粮仓等古代建筑,又有黑水国遗址、汉墓群、古城墙、长城烽燧等历史遗迹;

    It not only has many ancient architectures , such as Big Buddhist temple , Hsi Lai Temple , wooden tower temple , Zhen Yuan Buildings , Shanxi Hall and the granary built in Ming Dynasty , etc.