
shān shuǐ huà jiā
  • landscape painter
  1. 现代山水画家积累基础知识多写生实践,解决画面矛盾提高艺术修养和技巧。

    Modern landscape painter accumulate knowledge and solve many sketches practice to improve picture contradiction artistic accomplishment and skills .

  2. 出生于四川内江,后来旅居海外,晚年又定居台湾的张大千,也是一位著名的山水画家。

    The Sichuan-born painter Zhang Daqian , who lived overseas for many years and finally settled down in Taiwan , was also a great Chinese landscape painter .

  3. 山水画家都是用自己独特的方式进行他们的山水画创作。

    Landscape painters with their own unique way of Landscape Painting .

  4. 中国古代山水画家的人格特质

    Analysis of the personality Traits of Ancient Chinese Landscape Painters

  5. 50年代以后,一批批的山水画家纷纷崛起。

    Since the 1950s , a large number of landscape painters have emerged in China .

  6. 山水画家的创作构思是进行创作创新的重要环节。

    The landscape painters of the creative idea is an important part of creative innovation .

  7. 对近代山水画家对光的认识与实践两方面进行了重点研究。

    Light on the modern landscape painters understanding and practice of key aspects of the study .

  8. 他不仅仅是一位山水画家也是一位花鸟画家。

    He was not only a painter of landscape painting but also a painter of flower-and-bird painting .

  9. 再次是将北宋山水画家的自然审美特征提取出来,加以剖析。

    Thirdly , the natural aesthetics among landscape artists in Northern Song Dynasty is extracted and dissected .

  10. 中国山水画家必须创造新的价值,山水画才能引领中国绘画继续前进。

    Chinese landscape painters must create in order to lead the Chinese painting art to develop further .

  11. 新疆山水画家在学习它的艺术思想和表现技法不是一成不变、形成定式的。

    Xinjiang landscape painters in learning its artistic ideas and expressional ability is not unchangeable , formation of formula .

  12. 地域自然环境为山水画家创作提供了鲜活的素材,孕育出了山水画诸多画派和山水画家个性彰显的艺术风格。

    Regional natural environment supplies painter with fresh and vivid materials , generating many different genre and distinguished style .

  13. 所以,研究山水画家构思,细究山水画构思要素甚是必要。

    So , the idea of landscape painters , landscape painting conceived elements of careful study , even necessary .

  14. 创新,乃山水画家发展的生命力&兼谈画家的自我修养与艺术创作

    Innovation & the Vitality of the Development of the Landscape Painting , Talking about Self-Cultivation and Artistic Creation as well

  15. 元以后的山水画家都以他的画法为规矩,凡有山水画的地方就有他的影响存在。

    Landscape painters after Yuan Dynasty followed Huang 's painting techniques , which had deep influence in landscape painting area .

  16. 并进一步探讨了近现代山水画家对光的成功实践对当代山水画家以新的启示。

    And to further explore the light of modern landscape painters successful practice of contemporary landscape painters of the new enlightenment .

  17. 一位优秀的山水画家,必须在懂得古人之理法的同时,还应懂得自然之理法。

    An excellent artist of mountains and water painting should understand the theories and methods of both the ancients and nature .

  18. 在这五位山水画家中,廖维章和刘杨都善于用浓重的水墨表现山水。

    Among these five landscapists , Liao Weizhang and Liu Yang are good at painting mountains and rivers with thick ink .

  19. 对传统的继承与时代的创新,一直是摆在当代工笔山水画家们案前的一个重大问题。

    With traditional inheritance and time innovation , it always has been a major issue for contemporary elaborate style of landscape painters .

  20. 几乎所有的山水画家都在现实生活中通过写生向生活取材寻找艺术的灵感。

    The nearly all sceneries painters all select material in the real life through the sketch to the life seek artistic the inspiration .

  21. 在这方面,新疆山水画家们大都做的很成功,完成了从最初的学习到自己风格的形成这样一个过程。

    In this respect , xinjiang landscape painters have mostly do very successful , and finished the first study to your style formed such a process .

  22. 中国近现代山水画家通过山水写生这一途径发现自然,感悟自然,对山水画创作进行探索和创新。

    The Chinese modern artists of landscape find nature , feel nature , through the sketch of landscape , they explore and innovate the creation of landscape .

  23. 五代宋末及元代山水画家都是文人,文人受到的都是传统儒家文化教育。

    Landscape painters in Five Dynasties , late Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty were all men of letters and were influenced by the traditional Confucian culture and education .

  24. 最后,通过对几位当代青绿山水画家作品的解读,剖析青绿山水画在当代的延续与嬗变。

    Finally , this thesis analyzes the continuance and change of the blue-and-green landscape paintings in the modern time through the analysis of several modern painters ' blue-and-green landscape paintings .

  25. 绘画风格极强烈。与传统山水画家“集大成”的方法比照,属于强化个人风格、一线突破的创新思路,但也往往导致不易归于“平淡”之境界。

    Compared with the traditional landscape painting theory that favors the " synthetic method ", Pan 's theory stresses more on personal style and the breakthrough in a particular aspect .

  26. 中国历代山水画家在充分应用装饰性语言的基础上,创造了大量不朽的艺术珍品,具有极高的审美价值。

    Ancient Chinese landscape painting in the full application of decorative language , based on the creation of a large number of immortal art , has a very high aesthetic value .

  27. 在面对自然界的真切感受中,对物象进行艺术的摄取,借用和消化传统语言,用来表现大自然及其画者的感受,是山水画家们创新的必由之路。

    Absorbed in the nature , painters can intake the physical images for the art , borrow and digest the traditional language , which also puts the painters on the way to innovation .

  28. 通过对山水画家创作构思因素和名家创作构思要素的研究分析,有助于为山水画家创作走上正确道路作理论性指导。

    Elements of research and analysis of the factors and famous creative ideas on the concept of landscape painters creation , contribute to the theoretical guidance for landscape painters to create the right path .

  29. 当代的山水画家应该不断提高自身文化修养和素质,走进生活,时刻要为身边的人或景所感,所思,所动。

    The contemporary scenery painter should unceasingly enhance own cultural education and the quality , enters the life , the time must feels for the side person or the scenery , thinks , moves .

  30. 由此可以看出,面对大自然而激起强烈的审美感兴,也或称为艺术灵感的闪光,才是山水画家进入创作的起点。

    Therefore , as a Chinese landscape painting artist , the beginning of creation is the strong aesthetic point of view facing nature . In other words , it maybe the shinning of art inspiration .