
  • 网络travel notes of hills and waters
  1. 古代山水游记发展论略

    A General Survey of the Development of Ancient Landscape Travel Notes

  2. 柳宗元山水游记中的人格美

    The Beauty of Personality in Liu Zong-yuan 's Travel Notes

  3. 山水游记体与禅宗丛林改革;

    The style of travels and the reform of Chan ;

  4. 论东晋庐山佛教和山水游记的发展

    The Development of Lushan Mountain Buddhism and Landscape Essay in Eastern Jin Dynasty

  5. 两宋三百年间,我国古代散文山水游记得到了空前的发展。

    Chinese classical natural scenery prose of travels made unprecedented development during Song Dynasty .

  6. 先秦至宋代散文山水游记发展概述

    A Brief Account of Development of Natural Scenery Prose of Travel from Pre-Qin to Song Period

  7. 山水游记缘起论

    The Origin of Landscape Essay

  8. 柳宗元在寓言、诗歌、小品文、山水游记等各方面都有突出的成就。

    He has got an outstanding achievement on allegory , poetry , essays and travel notes of landscape .

  9. 索因篇考察了散文山水游记在宋代繁荣发展的几个客观原因。

    Explore the Reasons includes several objective reasons of thriving development of natural scenery prose of travels in Song Dynasty .

  10. 首先分析中道山水游记创作数量多的原因,再对其特色作一概括。

    I analyse Yuan 's travel notes created in large quantity reason , act as first to his characteristic briefly and then at first .

  11. 论文主体分为综述篇、流变篇、索因篇三部分:综述篇首先讨论了散文山水游记的基本概念及简单的发展历程,重点在于划分作品类型与评析作品。

    Overall Discussion is about the basic concepts and the course of development of natural scenery prose of travels . I put the emphasis on classifying and commenting the works .

  12. 阅读这些山水游记,欣赏他们独特的审美视角和心灵感受,从而培养我们对山水的热爱和审美情趣。

    While reading this landscape travel notes , people can appreciate their unique aesthetic visual angle and internal feelings , so as to develop the love for mountains and rivers and aesthetic temperament .

  13. 魏晋南北朝时期,山水诗与游记散文大放异彩,涌现出一大片山水作家,其中比较有名的有曹操、曹植、陶渊明、谢灵运、郦道元等。

    During the southern and Northern Dynasties , landscape poetry and prose shine , emerged a large landscape writers , of which there are relatively well-known Cao Cao , Cao Zhi , Tao Yuanming , Xie Lingyun , Li Daoyuan etc. .

  14. 佛学对东晋山水审美意识与山水游记的发展起到了推动作用。

    Buddhist philosophy has played a positive role in promoting the development of aesthetic consciousness of landscape and landscape essay in Eastern Jin dynasty .